One set of:
Deep Squat Progression x 6-8 reps
Psoas Pulse x 10-12 pulses per side
Butterfly Pulse x 15 reps
Squat Rocks x 30 seconds
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Band Assisted Lateral Walks x 10 each direction
Band Assisted Monster Walks x 10 forward/backward
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Legless Rope Climb x 1 ascent*
*If you are profecient with legless rope climbs then make this 2 ascents
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Rope Climb x 1-2 ascents
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 3-4 reps @ 4111
(MUST move up in weight from last week by 4-6%)
Rest 3 minutes
Three rounds for time of:
21 Calories of Assault Bike
15 Deadlifts
9 Bar Muscle-Ups
225/155 lbs
185/135 lbs
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Session One
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 1 rep
Rest as needed
In five sets or fewer, build by feel to a “heavy” front squat. Once the load feels heavy and your barbell speed is noticeably slower, move on.
For time:
40/30 Calories of Assault Bike
When the clock reaches 3:00…
Three rounds for time:
30-Ft. Handstand Walk
20 Toes to Bar
20 Alternating Pistols
For time:
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
When the clock reaches 3:00…
Three rounds for time:
Push Press x 20 reps (95/65 lbs)
15 Toes to Bar
20 Front Rack Walking Lunges (95/65 lbs)
Two sets of:
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by …
Two sets of:
100-Foot Reverse Sled Drag
(as heavy as possible – no more than one stop per 100-feet)
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by …
Two sets of:
100-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
(as heavy as possible, no stopping during 100-feet)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Session Two
3-Minute Time Cap
1 Clean & Jerk
1 Clean & Jerk
1 Clean & Jerk
1 Clean & Jerk
1 Clean & Jerk
40-44: 245/155 lbs; 255/160 lbs; 265/165 lbs; 270/170 lbs; 275/175 lbs
45-49: 235/145 lbs; 245/155 lbs; 255/160 lbs; 265/165 lbs; 270/170 lbs
50-54: 225/135 lbs; 235/145 lbs; 245/155 lbs; 255/160 lbs; 265/165 lbs
55+: 215/125 lbs; 225/135 lbs; 235/145 lbs; 245/155 lbs; 255/160 lbs
Rest 8 minutes
4-Minute Time Cap
1 Clean & Jerk
1 Clean & Jerk
1 Clean & Jerk
1 Clean & Jerk
1 Clean & Jerk
40-44: 280/180 lbs; 290/185 lbs; 300/190 lbs; 305/195 lbs; 310/200 lbs
45-49: 275/175 lbs; 280/180 lbs; 290/185 lbs; 300/190 lbs; 305/195 lbs
50-54: 270/170 lbs; 275/175 lbs; 280/180 lbs; 290/185 lbs; 300/190 lbs
55+: 265/165 lbs; 270/170 lbs; 275/175 lbs; 280/180 lbs; 290/185 lbs
For time:
Run 800 Meters
20-Meter Low Handle Sled Push (heavy grind – no stopping, but not easy)
20 Alternating DB Squat Snatches
20-Meter Low Handle Sled Push
Row 500 Meters
55/35 lbs
35/25 lbs
For time:
30 GHD Sit-Ups
30 Double-Unders
20 GHD Sit-Ups
20 Double-Unders
10 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Double-Unders
Done yesterday afternoon
Off Season
A. Mob Done
B. Completed
C. FS @ 4111
(+10-15# each set over last week)
D. Out of time so did
30 Cals
20 DL (225)
10 Bar MU
(Bar my UB. DL 10/10)
Have a great weekend!
Games: 1 session
A FS: 345#
B: AD for 2:20 seconds – Metcon: 6:43 hsw/ttb/pistols
C: Skip
A C&J: 235/245/255/265/275: Took me 30 sec to just change weight so turned this into an EMOM. 275# was solid.
Ran 800 with vest + sled + DBSn + sled + C
Feeling sluggish, need to keep cardio high this final week.
A. Done.
B. 10 legless in 6 mins.
C. 13:23. Scaled to 55+ but w/row. Broke up 185 DL’s into sets 5 rounds 1/2. Round 3 sets of 3, then 2. C2B UB 1st round and then deteriorated from there.
Mobility done
No rope climbs
Squats–very conservative with knee, and still felt a twinge 1251230/130
Bike/DL/MU–all slow moving today 18:10, but at least got sets of 3/2/1 throughout. Round 2 the slowest, 3 fails on MU.
A, 275/285/295/305 skipped 5th set- feeling light headed
then jumped to C and J
185/195/205/215/225 in 3:05
Session 2
A.230/235/240/245 missed jerk -still working this out
back to session 1
B. pedaled on bike for 2:15 then at 3 min 7:20 on 2nd part 3rft hsw/ttb/pistols- I supported myself on the right side
C. did and EMOM of legless and rope climbs for 2 min- then 2 rope climbs per min for 3 more mins.
tried the run wod but calf cramped
C. 3:33
Not my best day
You’ll be ok! Just too many long hours for you lately! Rest up!
Games Prep done in one long session: 1A. 165-185-205-215-220# 2A. Clean & Jerk ladder #1: 1:51 Clean & Jerk ladder #2: 3:48 (missed 1 jerk at 190#, but got it and then got the 195#) 1B. AirDyne Bike 50 cals (2:15) and then at 3 mins on clock, 3 rounds for time: 30′ HS walk, 20 t2b, 20 alt pistols…. 4:30 for 3 rounds. 1C. Subbed out hand over hand pulls with rope climbs since have not done those in a long time. 8 min EMOM: 1 legless + 1 rope climb for 1st 4 mins, 2 rope climbs for… Read more »
Off Season Mobility Done
B. Tried 2 legless higher than last time
EMOM regular climbs-Getting faster
C. 100/110/120/130/135 Up from last week-Front Squats felt better than last week
D. 16:42-Did Jumping bar MU-Bike is definitely not my friend.
Felt good this week.
A. Done
B. 6×1 EMOM these really felt good. The sled rope pulls are making a difference.
C. 245×4 all sets. Going down 4 challenging. Coming up felt smooth. Enjoyed this set.
D. No AB so subbed a prowler sled push sprint x 200′. Not sure how that translates but my legs felt it. 12:09. BMU went 5/4, 4/3/3, 5/2/2
Fun session.
A. 185- 305
B. Abt. 10 minutes
C1. 5 sets 2 rope climbs
C2. 100′ 380 sled drag
C3. 100′ 480 sled pull
Sesh 2 right after
A. 175-200 and 205-215 missed jerks
B. 10:02. Would have done better but hit mud slick on push.
C. 4:36. GHDs ugh
Off Season
A. Done
B. Done-1 climb per minute
C. 175/195/215/225/230 all x4
D. This turned into bmu practice
A. Done
B. Tomorrow
D. 15:48 rx paced too much all singles for the bar mu’s
C. 155,175,195,195×3,195×3
A. 125/155/175/205/225
B 8:37
C. Done
#2 A. 95/105/115/125/135 then 135/145/155. First time I got 155 in a while felt good but still off from where I need to be.
B. Done but no time. stopwatch said 9 sec. My bad!
C. 3:59
OFF SEASON A) Done B) got pass two solid mins with one rope climb, quickly fell apart .. on the third min got half way started losing my grip and kip so I had to wrap my legs or I wouldve fell off the rope. LOL I tried to finish after a few sec hanging up there but I was done.. Need more work on these. C) 165×3/175×3/180×3/185×3/190×3 tough! D) No assault bike in our gym so I rowed instead , otherwise RXd time 22:15 Bar muscle up all singles (had both shoulders repaired, I tried to do two in… Read more »
A. Mobility – done
B. EMOM – 2 rope climbs for each minute – glad there was only 6 minutes of these!
C. Front Squats – all rounds at 140 lb. and 4 reps (up 5 lb. from last week) felt good on these today!
D. WOD – rowing in place of assault bike – 10:05 (DL’s 15/10+5/10+5) (pull-ups were unbroken) DL’s felt tougher than they normally do at this weight!
Romwod done
M and a done
Started with hatch squats
Back squats. 80×8, 100×6,110×4,116×3
Front squats 70×5,80×4,90×3,94×3
Squats are feeling good. Making cleans feel that much easier.
Did legless after squats and only got 4 on the minute
Wod took 14:50
First time doing bar muscle up in 3 months. Did singles first round to see how it felt
2nd round did 3,2,2,2
3rd round did 5&4, kept pretty tight all way through swing so was t uncontrolled.
Pretty happy with those
GP- combined S1 & S2
picked up my new puppy (Bella) yesterday so totally sleep deprived – workout a bit off…
A. FS – worked up to 145# and started getting slow so backed off for a few more
B. – realized missed the AB – 3RFT – 11:13 – Subbed 10 Pistols + 10 Lunges @ 65# – HS walks took a while but got thru them!
C. Done – Rope pull, sled drags
A. – skipped, not in my ball park
B. 8:31(25# db)
C. 3:31
A mix of stuff I missed this week. Still no energy or motivation to do metcons. M&A – Done B: only did five. Worked on scissor kicks and grip gave out last minute. Need to learn a more efficient way. C: 205; 215; 225; 240;250- 3 reps for all- Ended up at about 82% of 1 RM Then did the jerks from the other day Jerk Balance 3 reps EMOM for 5 95; 115; 135; 155; 170 Then Ever 2 for 20 Split Jerk with pauses 185; 205; 205; 215; 215; 220; 220; 225; 230 Then had to leave to… Read more »
Games Prep A.M.
A. FS up to 305
Clean and Jerks from session 2: modified because programed weights were to heavy
Set 1 5 reps at 80% (205) 1:10
Set 2 5 reps at 90% (225) 2:20
B. 40 cal. row 2:12
3 RFT 6:45 (pistols were pretty sloppy)
C. sled drags and pulls done
Had to go back for more – did 3rft 21 cal on the bike, 15 deads at 225#, 9 pull-ups (still no bar available to do MU – unless I want to bang my head on the concrete roof). Kept a steady pace – back and hammies were a little tight. 8:48.
ROMWOD B Done. I’m not good at legless rope climbs, too fat lol, my fingers cramp! C. FS upto 75% D. So I didn’t want to do this I’ve trained every day this week because of GG4 video request so I just wasn’t feeling it. I shut clock off and went by feel, testing out pushing on bike or pushing on deads. Knowing I would have to do MU in 3s. Pushing on deads made up more time then bike but beliving you can jump right up on bar for MU was the biggest challenge. Did GHD workout as finisher… Read more »
Nice job pushing through – sometimes you just gotta say “f” it and go to work…
some days we just gotta “move the dirt”
good work Pete!