Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Three rounds at increasing effort of:
10/7 Calorie Bike or Row
5 Deep Squat Progressions
30 second Supinated Hang from Pull-Up Bar
10 Ring Rows
10 PVC Pipe Pass Thrus
Followed by…
Two sets of (empty barbell)
5 Snatch Grip High Hang High Pulls
5 High Hang Muscle Snatches
5 High Hang Power Snatches
5 Mid Thigh Power Snatch
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Power Snatch with a 3 second pause at mid knee
Sets 1-2: 2 reps @ 65% of 1RM Power Snatch
Sets 3-4: 2 reps @ 70% of 1RM Power Snatch
Sets 5-6: 1 rep @ 75% of 1RM Power Snatch
Sets 7-8: 1 rep @ 78+% of 1RM Power Snatch
Set 1: 5 reps @ 60%
Set 2: 3 reps @ 70-75%
Set 3: 1 rep @ 80-85%
Sets 4/5/6: 6 reps @ 70-75%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Three rounds for time of:
800 Meter Run
30 Thrusters (95/65lbs)
30 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
*Partition the thrusters and pull-ups however.
Three rounds for time of:
800 Meter Run
30 Thrusters (65/45lbs)
30 Chin over the Bar Pull-Ups
*Partition the thrusters and pull-ups however.
400 Meters BACKWARDS Walk with a friend or by yourself 😉
General Notes
Snatches & Deadlifts
Remember how I mentioned adding a pause earlier in the week? Well now you are being forced to! 😉 You’ll set up like normal, pull to about mid knee and hold for 3 seconds. Keep those knees out and bar close; if you do that you should feel tension in your hamstrings and engagement in your lats. After the hold continue to pull the bar back as you lift up your chest and bring your hips to the bar. Please film for review!
Then onto your deadlift sets. Building up that back!
To finish the week off we’ve got a fun classic CrossFit style workout that can be done on your own or with a partner. If doing with a partner then double the reps (60) and partition as you’d like. A you go-I go piece. The runs you’ll perform together if doing with a partner and your goal should be to run at about your 5k pace. When you get back in it’s 60 thrusters split however, and 60 chest to bar pull-ups split however if doing with a partner or 30 / 30 and you can partition between the two movements however you want each round. Come up with a plan of attack before starting the workout and then see how well you (and your partner) can stick to it!
Customization Options for Chest-to-Bar/Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Up (choose one of the following):
Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Jumping Chest-to-Bar / Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Band Assisted Pull-Ups
0:00-15:00 – Warm-Up
15:00-20:00 – Snatch Prep
20:00-36:00 – Snatch Sets
36:00-41:00 – Deadlift Prep
41:00-55:00 – Deadlift Sets
55:00-60:00 – Conditioning Set-Up
60:00-80:00 – Conditioning
80:00-90:00 – Cooldown
University of Georgia Tbilisi, Study In a Georgian University with us.