Two sets of:
PVC Pipe T-Spine Stretch x 30 seconds
Band Assisted Anterior Pec Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Softball Hamstring Floss x 30 seconds per side
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Bench Assisted T-Spine Stretch x 45 seconds
Reach Thrus x 8 reps
Foam Roller Hamstring Curls x 10 reps
Take 5 minutes to draw out your jerk foot work
, then…
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
and then …
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
Split Jerk @ 75+%
Hold the bottom of the dip for 2 seconds, then hold the receiving position for 2 seconds. Focus on proper mechanics.
*Set 1 – 10 reps @ 55% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 10 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 6 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 8 reps @ 80%
*Set 5 – 6 reps @ 85%
*Set 6 – 4 reps @ 90%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Five rounds:
400 meter run
15 Overhead Squats
40-54: 95/65 lbs
55+: 65/45 lbs
At the 18:00 mark, complete:
For time:
40-54: 30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
55+: 20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups OR 30 Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Session One
Take 3 minutes to draw out your foot work, then…
Jump & Lands x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
Tall Jerks x 2 reps
and then . . .
In 15-20 minutes build to 95% of 1-RM Jerk.
For time:
Row 2000 Meters
60 Russian Kettlebell Swings
30 Wall Ball Shots
Row 1000 Meters
40 Russian Kettlebell Swings
20 Wall Ball Shots
Row 500 Meters
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
10 Wall Ball Shots
40-54: 32/24 kg; 20/14 lbs to 10′ taraget
55+: 24/16 kg; 20/10 lbs to 9′ target
Goal is to go unbroken on your wall ball shots.
Two Sets of:
Landmine Rows x 6 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Viking Sloth Press x 8-10 alternating reps
Rest as needed
Session Two
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 Rope Climb (with legs)
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
2 Rope Climbs
Eight sets of:
200 Meters Run
Rest 3 minutes after each set
Compare this to May 4th, 2016
One set of:
10 Tuck to V-Up Complexes
followed by…
One set of:
100 Hollow Body Bounces
followed by…
Three sets of:
L-Sit Flutter Kicks on Kettlebells x 15-30 seconds
Rest as needed
A. 145 155f x 3.
B. 24:25
C LM row done. VSP skipped, too hard on shoulders
A. 1 RC each round
B 45/43/41/43/44/44/46 missed one
C. Done
A.- Done
B 1.- jerk balance 135#
B 2.- jerk with pause 195#
C.- DL 225/270/315/335
D.- Nancy 20:41
A. Done.
B1. 65-95#.
B2. 95-115#. 120 didn’t feel good technique-wise.
C. 155/185/215/235/245/255#.
D. 1st time for Nancy due to chronic rt. shoulder mobility. But it’s getting a bit better.
17:15 Bar only. Running isn’t the issue. 🙂
30 C2B @ 2:22. 1st 10 UB, but deteriorated after that. 4th day in a row. Yeah Thursday!
Nice work Rodney!
Off Season-
Mobility done
B. Split Jerks up to #140- up from last week
C Deadlifts-150/175/200/215/230/245
Didn’t have time for Nancy-Should have just couldn’t get it together
C2B 2:47 last 3 were singles.
Glad it Is rest day tomorrow.
Feeling blah because I didn’t get Nancy in.
Have a pan to do it on a Saturday soon.
Off Season
A. Mobility – done
B. Split Jerk @75%+ 130/135/140/145/150/155/160/165 (94%)/175(f)/180(f)
C. Deadlifts – 175/210/240/260 (singles) stopped here!
D. Nancy – 15:25 (not sure I’ve done before – can’t find a time for it)
20 C2B’s :54
Solid work Barry!!!
Thanks Nicole.
Off season
A. Done
B. jerk balance–85, then SJ at 125×4, 130×6, no hold in dip
C. DL: 150/178/205/220/235/247-2 sets of 2, instead of unbroken
D.will do at later date, did a bunch of rowing instead
A. 255#
B. 21:09 same sub as Cheryl went unbroken on wall balls but broke up swings on first 2 rounds
C. skipped
2nd session
B. ran 8 x 200m Cheryl whoooooped me in these
Ur welcome!
Games Prep:
A. 210#
B. 20:42. (Subbed AirDyne for rowing, less pulling with arm…biked 8:00, 4:00, 2:00 instead of Meters, unbroken on swings and wallball shots)
C. Skipped
2A. Skipped (resting bicep)
2B. 8x200m sprints:
40, 36, 34.5, 33.5, 33.9, 33.6, 33.6, 33.5 secs
2C. Will do at home
You and Albert are making me feel slow on the row/job/wb workout. Shame on you guys for not rowing with one leg and one arm. 🙂
Good work! I’m guessing my row on the 2nd and 3rd round would have taken me a few seconds longer than the 4:00 and 2:00 I biked. Wasn’t sure what a comparable distance would be to sub the bike with….although we have done one leg rowing before but don’t think I’ve ever tried one leg and one arm…I’d still be there rowing! ?
A. Done
B JB @ 95 then 205×5, 225×5
C. 235-405
D. 14:12(left my shoes behind so ran in my lifters and that was different 🙂
Then 1:32 on C2B
Great job with your training Art!
Off Season
A. Done
B. Jerk balance@135, jerk was 195-245
C. DL@230/275/315/335/355/375
D. Nancy@14:48-30c2b@21:12
A: 275# – a little under 95% but geeing weak today.
B: 23:53 – in sun
C: Skip
A: Done as RX. leg less for rough last 2
B: Later
C: Done
Good work, that was a grinder workout
Off season
A. Mostly done
B. Balances at 105×3/110/115#;
Jerks: 130/135/140/145/150/165/165/160/160/160#
C. Deadlifts: 135/165/1985/200/210/220#
D. Nancy: 12:42; C2B 1:53
super fast! 🙂
Thanks Tracy, it hurt!
Great work! That’s an awesome training session.
GP -S1
A. Jerks to 130#
B. 25:41 (20 kg Kb)
C. DB rows 40#, shoulder presses 25#
D. S2 part c done
Session 2 – 8 X 200m
Games Prep: Only time for one session today.
Rope climbs from Session 2: 16 climbs took 9 min.
Session 1
A. Jerks up to 255 lb. which is 95% but multiple misses.
B. 26:00
C. DB rows and presses done
15 min. run after gym work
Did Nancy in 95degree outside weather today 14:35. Previous wod in Nov. 2014 16:15. Then did the CTB like an EMOM to practice butterfly technique 2:20 each Rd was 14-20sec concentrated on hip drive and relaxingon the down.
Thanks invictus for the huge change in my mindset and being able to push past some mental barriers.
Will do the strengthportion later today.
What I love to hear!
Off Season
Session 1
A. Done
B1. Done
B2. 135, 140, 145, 150, 135
B3. 157.5 x10=went well
C. 179, 211, 244, 260(8 singles), 276(4-1-1), 292.5(1-3) Tough
Session 2
D1. Nancy-4 rds w/ 2:40 left (my 400 is 3+min so I stopped here)
D2. 3:17 Hard time linking them today.
Why is your 400 m 3+ min?
In general, I run a 9-10+min mile if I have to (running is my GOAT). I have ran off & on my whole life, but I consider anything over a 200 “distance running”. Clearly I must do better, but not sure how. I enjoy & will suffer through swimming, rowing & the devils tricycle (A.B.), just not not running (unless it’s on a treadmill). Suggestions?
I honestly think you would benefit from the supplemental endurance program. I think learning how to pace and getting comfortable with holding a pace for longer distances would help a ton.
Thank you for your help Nichole, I will definitely consider it. I am looking at a couple of other running programs too.
A) done
B1) JB used 98 lbs for 5 mins
2) used 98 lbs (75%)
C) D/L
last two sets were pretty tough for me, I stuggled and did them in singles : )
D) Nancy 18 mins even- Rxd
30 C2B for time 3:24
A. Completed
B1. 75/85/95/105/115
B2. 145#x5/155#x3/165#x2
C. 145/270/200/215/225/240×3 dropped bar and then failed 4th. Deadlifts and I don’t get along.
D. Nancy: 13:44 – 30 C2B: 1:48 (5/5/5/3/2/3/2/2/3)
It was a mental battle to get started, but once the barbell started moving the energy was found. Ready for a rest day.
Great work Jean!!!
wasn’t feeling anything today: started to train, later in the afternoon, but then I just called it – Figured I’d be more productive starting fresh tomorrow than wearing myself down today and possibly also having a bad day tomorrow.
I felt the need to rest anyhow.
good job to everyone on the GG qualifier.
We all have those kinds of days.
A. Done
B1. Jerk Balance – all sets at 75#
B2. Split Jerks : 155/165/175/185/195/200/205/210/215/220(f)
C. 245(10)/290(10)/335(6)/355(8)/365(6) – the last few sets wiped me, so did not hit the set of 4
D. Nancy at 14:58 (runs were very slow today), C2B at 2:16.