Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Mash Pecs
Foam Roll T-Spine
and then …
Two sets of:
Prone PVC Pipe Pass Thrus
x 10 reps
Shoulder Circles x 10 reps in each direction
Scap Push-Ups x 10 reps
Push-Ups x 10 reps
and then …
Forward Leg Swings x 15 reps
Lateral Leg Swings x 15 reps
Upper Body Banded Warm-Up
Take 12-15 minutes to work up to a heavy 1-rm Snatch Balance
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
Set 1: 65%
Set 2: 70%
Set 3: 75%
Set 4: 80%
Set 5: 85%
Set 6: 89%
Set 7: 92%
Set 8: 95%
Set 9: 98%
Set 10: 101%
All Age Divisions
“Power Hungry”
Max Assault Bike Cals x 3 minutes
Note: This is an all out, max effort. You should be falling off the bike at the end of the 3 minutes, having given everything you’ve got. If you do not have an assault bike then please row x max calories in 3 minutes.
Three sets of:
Glute Ham Raises x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Rest 60 seconds
DB External Rotation x 8 reps per side @ 3011
Rest 60 seconds
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Two sets:
Weighted Supinated Grip Chest-to-Bar x 5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Two rounds of:
200 meter Farmers Carry
200 meter Sandbag Carry (Bearhug)
*Load based on what you can complete with no more than one drop per round per movement.
followed by…
One set of:
Yolk Carry x 100′
Rest as needed
Did warmup.
A: Went to 135 then wobbled.
B. Only to 132.5. Started power snatching again. Can’t seem to go under the bar easily. PR was 140. This will have to be a focus.
C. 61 calories. Felt pretty tired after about a minute!
D Done.
A. Worked up to 90kg
B. Got up to 98% 87.5kg @BW
C. 74 cal (not good)
D. Done
A & B 175#, worked up to a comfortable single, my shoulder didnt feel stable
C) 57 cals, held 72 RPM for 1:30, dropped to 68 and then back to 70 to finish
D) Done x8/10#
Hotel gym WOD:
10 mins bike
5 rounds for time:
15 DB Snatch 35#
15 weighted steps ups 35#
15 v situps
3 sets Accessory work:
DB bicep curls x 10 reps
DB Tricep extension x 10 reps
Weighted tempo 65# DB hip thrusts x 10 reps
This evening: Since I wasn’t going to do A and B, I took 20 minutes just to warm up for “Power Hungry.” Was super nervous when I started it as I remembered it was awful the last time I did it. And while it was hard, it turned out to not be as bad as I remembered it. Got 57 calories exactly, up from 50.8 in December. Legs felt pretty bad for about 10 minutes afterwards. About 20 minutes later, joined class WOD: A – 6×3 DL – work up to a heavy set of 3 145/175/185/195/205/215# (current 1RM is… Read more »
A. Skipped.
B. Power Snatch. 115 -170 (PR). Pulled 180 up to eye level 3 times and couldn’t get under any of them. Overall this felt good. Made a change in my setup that got me loaded better and my pull got a lot stronger.
Then did class workout: 5 rounds of:
5 Power Clean & Jerk (135)
10 Alternating Pistols
25 DUs.
7:02. Rested 15 minutes and then did…
C. Assault Bike 3 min. 63 cals. Barf.
D. GHRs and DB Ext. Rot done.
Did assault bike first to wake me up. 30s on 1min off 3rds. Then 3min max cal. 40cal, ave rpm 60.
Scotts press 15kg.
Hang squat snatch + snatch balance 38kg, missed 40kg. (Pr)
Power snatch 38kg (Pr)
Tried 40kg squat snatch, missed the catch.
Not pushing too much due to wrist injury.
Glut ham raises and Db ext rotations done.
Great work Sharon and take care of your wrist – be kind to it tomorrow since you did a lot with it today!
Will do!
Ran a 5k this morning…since testing week…i recorded my time. 31:12 with hills. I know this is slow…but 2:15 faster than 2 weeks ago!
A: Ended up maxing out my snatch balance and subsequently added 15# to my ohs!!! My ohs and snatch is my weak link so ended up with 115#
B: 110…5#pr! And i haven’t seen 100# snatch in a looooooong time, so super pumped.
C: on airdyne i know this calcs differently…51 cals. So rough to push it…feels like biking through mud!
That is an awesome improvement in such little time, great work!!
Fantastic work with your snatch balance and overhead squat!!
Thanks! Its been a good week!!!
A. 185
B. 115/125/135/140/145/155/165/165/snatches………175 attempt at pr successful as power snatch. No video so need to figure that out. Any thoughts much appreciated.
C. 53 cal, shoulda pushed harder 67-69rpm
D. Later
Nice work – we just need to get you more comfortable receiving it in a full squat!
A. 145
B. 145
C. 58 cals (31 for 1st 1:30, 27 2nd half)
D. Done
A. 95/105/115/125/135#
B. 95/105/115/125/135/145/155/failed 165 2x.
D. Done.
DMA done A. 45/55/65/75/85/95/105/115 (10 lb SB PR) B. 65/75/80/85/90/95/100/105/110/115 (5 lb full snatch PR). Still working on getting my snatch caught up to my power Snatch C. 3:00 Row – 68 cals D. Done Option Session: Supinated C2B – done with just body weight Farmers Walk @ 24KG kettlebells/Sandbag bear hug carries @ 100 lbs. 2 rounds in 8:03…no drops. My competitive Strongman background definitely comes in handy on this stuff. Unfortunately no yoke at the gym so I subbed in 100 foot OH BB carry @ 95# for the extra overhead stability work and to reinforce keeping my… Read more »
Congrats on your snatch!!
A. 140. Failed 145 and kinda tweaked my neck/trap.
B. Up to 135. Failed 140. PR is 142.
C. 46 cal. Average 64.
D. Forgot but did some extra work in the afternoon.
Oh no – how is the neck/trap doing?!
DMA) done
A) got up to 225( will post video for tips)
At 205 had trouble keeping balance and keeping arms locked out. Will post video
C) 71 cal/ rpms were 82-75. Should have pushed harder on the last minute, didn’t turn on the final burners until the last 30 sec and feel like I could have pushed a bit harder
D) done
Enjoy the Games!
Yay – hope to see you there! I will try and get to video review tomorrow night!
DMA – done A. 65 – 75 – 80 – 105 – 115 – 125 (7 min.) Stopped here. Time was tight today! Just wanted to warm-up for Part B. B. 65% – 88lb., 70% – 96lb., 75% – 101lb., 80% – 108, 85% – 115, 89% – 120, 92% – 124, 95% – 128, 98% 132lb. – fail, fail, good (PR), 136 – fail C. Assault Bike – 60 calories 71/72 rpm throughout. Pace was pretty good. Last minute was very tough but I thought it would be. Not sure which Assault bike test is worse! 10 min. or… Read more »
Congrats on the PR!! And nice job on Power Hungry!
First day. Haven’t trained in CrossFit in like 6yrs. Excited to get better. 40yrs old. Very beat up.
A. 190
B. 185
C. 76cal (row)
D. Completed
Second session.
Competed. Although no yolk .
Thanks Barry
Welcome Jason – so pumped to have you on here! Great work today!!
Thank you! Excited to improve
DMA Done
A. 60kg
B. 70kg
C. (Rower) 79 cals
D. Done
A. 5 sets: 3 min rest between3 bench pressrest :303 power cleanrest :30:20 all out bike sprint B. 4 sets:10 DB bp10 DB row:45 wtd plank C. 20-15-10power cleans 65-85-105box jump over 20-24-30200m run after each set Another great day!! 🙂 A.BP – 70/80/90/100/110. 🙂 that’s a 3 rep pr.PC – 110/120/130/140/1@150!! 🙂 That’s apc pr. Would have had all three except myforearms were sweaty. LOL. It slipped rightoff twice! As I get better at pulling 150 I’llclean that up. 🙂 TNG through 140 though. :)Bike: 8/7/7/7/7. For each 7, it hit 8 JUST after time was up LOL. 🙂… Read more »
DMA done
A & B skipped because of L shoulder injury
C. 35 calories. Ugh! Started too hard and had to drop back during minute 2 and struggled through minute 3.
D. done
A. Not ready for snatch balance yet
B. Worked on some power snatch up to 85kg, which is about 80%. Felt good.
C. 76 calories. Worst 3 mins of my life.
What about the 3 minutes after it? Lol
Yay – great job on Power Hungry!