Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
200 Meter Run
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
20 Banded Face Pulls
100-Foot Farmer Carry
100-Foot Double Kettlebell Overhead Carry
Bench Press
Set 1: 12 Reps @ 60%
Set 2: 10-12 Reps @ 65%
Set 3: MAX Reps @ 70%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
For time:
12 Deficit Strict Handstand Push-Ups (2/0″)
15 Back Squats (225/165lbs)
20 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Deficit Strict Handstand Push-Ups (4/2″)
18 Front Squats (205/145lbs)
20 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Deficit Strict Handstand Push-Ups (6/4″)
21 Overhead Squats (185/125lbs)
20 Bar Facing Burpees
*All squats come from the floor.
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (4 sets of):
Station 1 – 12-15 Ring Rows
Station 2 – 12-15 Toes to Rings
Station 3 – 5-8 Bar Muscle Ups OR 6-8 Jumping Bar Muscle Ups
Accumulate 100 Banded Biceps Curls AND 100 Banded Triceps Extensions in as few sets as possible, partition, however.
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is a spinoff of a CrossFit games workout that we saw back in the day with some ring handstand push-ups. Rather than forcing most of you to struggle and end up customizing anyways, we’re just going to up the reps a little and hit some deficit strict handstand push-ups instead. The handstand push-ups should be at a deficit and rep number that you can achieve in no more than 1-2 attempts. For the squat weight, everything will come from the floor and should be at a weight that you could achieve all of the squats in: unbroken for the back squats, 1-2 sets for the front squats, and 1-3 sets for the overhead squats. That leaves us with the burpees.. pace these properly for the first two rounds, you won’t win the work out there but you can be sure to lose it. Once you get done with the overhead squats it’s time to shut your brain off and get to work!
That was gross ????
Warmup done
A. 60/70/80Kg x 7
B. 13:18
Modified and did no deficit SHSPU and took weight from the rack; bicep tendon is still an issue so going from the ground is out. Burpees over the ERG instead of bar.
SHSPU – all UB
Squats/FS/OHS – UB/UB/
C. Modified again because of bicep tendon
Station 1 – 15 ring rows
Station 2 – 15 GHDSU
Station 3 – 15 pushups
D. Done
I hope that starts feeling better for you soon!
Thank you, I do to. Right now any heavy pulling or hanging from rings or the bar aggregates it. Somehow I have also developed some nerve issues in that arm too and it is affecting my wrist and hand. I had some acupuncture done last week and I think one of the needles hit the radial nerve in the arm. It’s a mess right now. It will get better. Until then I will need to work around the issues to prevent anymore injuries.
Warm up ✅
A. 175×12, 190×12, 205×7
B. 11:56 Rx
Back squat 8/7
Front 8/10
OHS 12/9
C. Done
D. Done
A. Bench Press (off 185#): 115×12, 125×10, 135#x8
B. CAP + 47. I did 12 Deficit SHSPUs to 0″, 15 Back Squats @ 165#, 20 Bar Facing Burpees, 9 Deficit SHSPUs to 2″, 18 Front Squats @ 145#, and 20 Bar Facing Burpees. I was not moving like I wanted to this morning.
C. Skipped.
D. Done. Accumulated 100 Banded Bicep Curls + 100 Banded Tri Extensions.
Home gym today
A. 205×12/225×12/245×6
B. Every 2 minutes for 32 (4 sets)
1: 500 meter row
2: 25 double db curls (25lb)
3: 35 burpees over rower
4: 60 second farmer hold (40s with fat grips/90s x 2/ 40s with FG
Rows: 1:42/1:49/1:47/1:45
Burpees: 1:38/1:38/1:35/1:28
D. Done