Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Skill-Based Movement Primer
Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for times:
300 Meters on Assault Runner or 400 meter Run @ 1-Mile PR pace
12 Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs)
2-4 Rope Climbs
Four sets of:
Pause Front Squat @ 24X1 + 1 Front Squats
Rest 2 minutes
Goal is to match or improve on the four heaviest loads used July 16
Build to today’s heavy…
Snatch x 1.1.1
(reset for 2-3 seconds between singles)
Drop back down to 65%, and then…
Build to today’s heavy…
Snatch x 1.1
(reset for 2-3 seconds between singles)
Drop back down to 65%, and then…
Build to today’s heavy…
Snatch x 1 rep
Make jumps of 5-10 lbs as you build loads. The goal should be to accumulate volume of PERFECT repetitions from the various positions as you build to your heaviest loads. Please understand that “”today’s 1-RM”” may not mean your lifetime PR. The purpose is productive training, so keep the focus on good mechanics, and push only when it feels good to do so. If your mechanics start to breakdown, you have achieved “heavy” for the day.
Every 2 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets) of:
Station 1 – 25 Band Resisted Romanian Deadlifts
Station 2 – Double Kettlebell Push Press x 10 reps + ISO Overhead Hold for remainder of 60 seconds
Station 3 – Strict Toes to Bar or Hanging Leg Raises x 10-12 reps @ 3110
Station 4 – Band-Resisted Straight-Arm Lat Pulldown x 15 reps @ 2020
Station 5 – L-Sit or L-Sit Progression x 60 seconds
Athlete Notes:
One of the best parts of these “lifting” and “bodybuilding” centered days is that they pair up with olympic lifting. All too often in CrossFit, real dedicated olympic lifting tends to take a back seat because we’re focused on the conditioning that we have coming up. Take advantage of these days and truly focus on the task at hand. The snatch is a very technical movement, and unless you’re snatching over 300/225, there’s 100% something you can continue to fine tune. We’re placing these “bodybuilding” style workouts after some technical oly lifting because we want your focus to be dedicated to improving your technique and getting stronger. That’s the part of the season we’re in! When you get to the accessory style work, focus on any reps, tempos, and positional work prescribed. Try to perfect your movement patterns and help eliminate any imbalances so that it transfers over later on!
A) up to 185
B) stayed really light here to work on my shoulder positioning. 105/115/125
C) done
Thanks so much!! Hope you have a great night!
Back on track?
YESSIR! ????
Skill-based Done 2 rope climbs
A: 295 todays heavy
B: 165, 175, 185 for each set
C: Done
Golfing first this morning ⛳️
A. Pause FS @ 24X1 + FS: 225, 230, 240, 245#, 250 (failed the second FS). Previously was 210, 220, 230, 240#.
B1. Snatch x 1.1.1: 95, 105, 115, 120#
B2. Snatch x 1.1: 100, 110, 120, 130#
B3. Snatch x 1: 115, 125, 145, 140#
C. 2 sets done. Woot!
Double session!! Hope you had fun golfing!
A. Up to 315
B. Kept it lighter 185/225/245
C. Done
Good work!
Feels good to be getting back to it!
A) Back squat/Hip rehab
B) 165 for 3
175 for 2
195 for 1
No misses, stopped when technique broke down
C) Done
Sounds like a solid day!
Primer done about 4 min
A: 185
B: 115, 120, 125
C: 85 & 12 kg
Good day, ready for the weekend
Have a great weekend!!
Primer 2:40/2:32/2:31 with 6 strict pull ups.
A. 255/275/295/305
B. 215/215/220
C. Done. Loves the banded Romanian dealidt ????
Glad to hear it!
Same, Banded RDL was great
A) Done up to 299#
B) Built up to 179#
C) Done
Skillprimer done subd run to 600m echo, 3rc, 45kg barbell. 3.10/2.55/3.05 ????
A. 115/125/135/145kg, failed last rep.
B. Up to 80kg, then up to 80kg and then up to 85kg. ???? Was wakeboarding yesterday and had absolutely zero grip strength today, so couldn’t simply hold on to the bar ????????
C. Done
Great to see you getting out on the water and using your fitness!