Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Two sets of:
Banded Tricep Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Prone PVC Pass Thrus x 10 reps
Banded Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then …
Shoulder Circuit
Bicep Openers x 10 reps
x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Bicep Curl + Push
x 10 reps
Plank Walk x 20 meters
and then …
One set of:
Max Static Chin-over-the-Bar Hold
Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (three sets):
Depth Drops x 6 reps
*Increase box height from previous week
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes, complete (4 sets):
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat @ 60-65% of 1-rm snatch
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes, complete:
Mid-Thigh Snatch from blocks x 2 reps
*Sets 1-2 @ 70%
*Sets 3-4 @ 75%
*Sets 5-6 @ 80%
*Sets 7-8 @ 80-85%
Twenty sets of:
Assault Bike 30 seconds @ 10 minute RPM Pace
Easy Assault Bike 30 seconds
Optional Session
Two sets:
Supinated Grip Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up x 5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Two sets of:
Yolk Carry x 100′
Rest as needed
followed by…
Two rounds of:
200 meter Farmers Carry
200 meter Sandbag Carry (Bearhug)
*Load based on what you can complete with no more than one drop per round per movement.
A) 24″
B) 125/130/135/140#
C) 145/150/155/160/165 x 2/ 170/175#
D) 190cal held 60+/40+ RPM
A. 42″
B. 135#. Had to elevate heels.
C. All sets power. 115-140#.
D. 205. Must have been a misprint in the programming because this wasn’t too bad.
Some optional stuff: Barbell yoke carry (barbell + 45# plate + 53# banded KB on each side). Farmers carry with suitcase bars (110# each). Did 3 sets of 100′ for both movements.
DMA) done
Max Static Chin-over-the-Bar Hold 35 sec
A) 30″ Box
B) 44 Kg each set
C) 49,52, 56,58 Kg
D) No Bike no WOD. Hit the gym for short head biceps curls and upper chest workout.
Later on Karate Class. Cheers…
– Legs are dead from yesterday…i programmed death by thrusters for class with a 15 min/round time cap. I got 14+10…so 115 total thrusters. Then this morning for my run i decided to run hills. 10x’s on a nice steep and long hill (its .2 miles up) 3.45 miles total. So legs are really hating me now! A: The death drops don’t feel great on my calf…so i don’t do. B: did with 55# C: max is 100# so finding % is pretty easy 🙂 D: done Optional: Pullups done Yoke walk with slosh pipe instead 50# kbs for farmers… Read more »
A day behind in training because I did the last granite games yesterday
very sore today.. 🙂
Dyn/Mob: done
A) F/S: 155 lbs,165,170
B1) TC: 63 lbs,75, 85 lbs
B2) 85lbs x2, 95 x1, 100 x1, 108, 116 x sets
C). 4:24 Rxd – unbroken
D). 20 lbs -DB, 95 lbs for press
DMA) done
A). Skipped
B) 155 each set
Had some 2misses at 175. Was lazy with locking out my arms
70-73rpms first30
50-55rpms second30
Physical therapy session: 3rd pt session since shoulder surgery. Flexion is already at 142 degrees and external rotation at 60 degrees. Making great progress everyday!
Banded walks and 3 min warmup on bike done
D. 185.2 cals (1 arm bandit assault bike)….held 60-58 and 50-48 rpm.
DMA – done
B. 85 – 85 – 95 – 95
C. 95 – 95 – 100 – 100 – 105 – 105 – 110 – 115 These felt better as they got a little heavier.
D. done (205 calories)
Supinated C2B Pull-ups – done
Deficit Push-ups (4 1/2″) – done
Farmers’s Carry – 240 – 270 lb. – 30′ segments – Wanted to try at this weight for an upcoming competition. Same with the Deficit Push-ups
Sandbag Carry – 75 lb. Only weight we have at the moment. UB
A. Done
B. Done but stayed light trying to fix technique. Lats not engagesd. Not keeping bar close.
C. Will complete this afternoon (my son woke up from nap before I completed )
DMA done (hold :48)
A. 30in
B. 42kg
C. Worked up to 60kg
D. Didn’t do, work PT again 🙁
Track workout this morning: 1 mile warm-up followed by running drills 3 rounds of 800m @ 5K pace, 1 min rest, 400m (faster), 3 min rest 1. 3:53 / 1:45 2. 3:45 / 1:38 3. 3:38 / 1:18 (someone challenged me to go fast on that last one…) 1/2 mile cool-down jog. I guess my “5K pace” got progressively faster. Running a 5-mile 4th of July race tomorrow (lots of hills), so I’ll see what my sustainable pace for a longer run actually is! Will do some type of gym workout tonight – remains to be seen what I can… Read more »
A. 30″
B. 115#
C. 125/125/130/130/140/140/150/150
D. 281 cal @69-71rpm
A : skipped
B : up to 42 kg
C : 42-52 kg fun
D : 201 — hard Today
Strict c2b done
Barbell (Yoke) – with kb /w rubberband on ( 2 x 16 kg )
No sandbag
C)97.5#(2)/105(2)/107.5(2) 3% below/110(2) 2% below. These felt very heavy today
A. 20”/24”/24”
B. 75/75/80/80
C. 90/95/100/105
D. 57-58 rpm/33 active rest
143 cal
A. Done (30/33/36)
B. 125/125/130/130
C. 140(2)/150(2)/160(2)/165/170 – no misses, but rocked forward on my toes a little on the last set. Overall, felt fast under the bar today.
D. Done – used my Airdyne today.
B. & C. Done at %. Felt good
D. 172 cal Definitely not as difficult as the past workouts.
Optional later.
A. done: 24″ box
B. did 2 sets @60# and 2 sets @65#
C. set 1-2 70#
set 3-4 75#
set 5-6 80#
set 7-8 85# This felt great today! We don’t have blocks but I stacked up the big heavy plates and it worked well.
D. done: 137 cal. THIS WAS THE BEST AB SET EVER, LOL!!!!
Got a little bit of the optional in:
2 sets: supinated grip c2b: done
farmers carry 50# kb’s: done
sandbag bearhug carry 60#: done
A. Done.
B. 2 sets 60kg. 2 sets 65kg.
C. Hit all %’s.
D. 69 RPM. 40-44RPM.
No Yoke. Barbell at 150kg + 2x16kg.
Farmers carry 2 x 60kg.
D-ball carry 50kg.
Top of my hips got pretty well lit up!!
A. Done with 24″ box
B. 4 sets at 75 lb
C. 2 at 80, 2 at 85, 2 at 95, 2 at 100 (missed both reps in set 7; lost them forward)
D. 177 cals. 60-64 rpm work; 35-40 rpm recover.