For max reps:
30 Seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
30 Seconds of Toes to Bar
Rest 30 seconds
30 Seconds of Handstand Walk (for max distance)
Rest 30 seconds
45 Seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 15 seconds
45 Seconds of Toes to Bar
Rest 15 seconds
45 Seconds of Handstand Walk (for max distance)
Rest 15 seconds
60 Seconds of Muscle-Ups
60 Seconds of Toes to Bar
60 Seconds of Handstand Walk (for max distance)
Note results as in the following example:
30s = 12/19/40 feet
45s = 11/21/35 feet
60s = 9/24/55 feet
Compare results to June 5, 2018.
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets):
Clean Lift-Off + 2 Cleans
*Sets 1-2 = @ 65%
*Sets 3-4 = @ 70%
*Sets 5-6 = @ 75%
*Sets 7-8 = @ 80%
*Sets 9-10 = @ 85%
*Sets 11-12 = @ 90%
Four sets of:
Med Ball Rotating Side Toss (Right) x 10-15 reps
Immediately followed by…
Side Plank (Right) x 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Med Ball Side Rotating Side Toss (Left) x 10-15 reps
Immediately followed by…
Side Plank (Left) x 30 seconds
Rest as needed
Every 4 minutes for 24 minutes (6 sets):
60 seconds of Assault Bike or Row
a) MU´s 8/6/4; T2B 15/16/15; HSW 15/20/15m;
b) 70kg up to 100kg (miss first clean on set 12);
c) done;
d) row: 23/23/23/22/22/22 cal.
B. 65-85kg
C. Done
E. AAB 154 cals total (22-27 each round)
A.30s=RMU 6/20/32’(was BMU 11/20/25’)
45s=RMU 8/14/24’(was BMU 11/15/20’)
60s=RMU 5/15/32’(was BMU 7/13/25’)
A.(MU practice) 4/2/6, 6/10/10, 8/12/12
B. 95/102/110/115/122/130
C. Done
D. 20/19/20/22/23/21
A-8/12/15m ; 6/12/15m ; 3/15/15m
B – 80/85790/95/100/105
C. Done
D. 33/34/27/22/23/30 it is good?
A) 7-21-14m (7-31-15 last time)
7-22-21m (5-22-17 last time)
4-17-21m (3-20-23 last time)
B) 102,5-102,5-105-105-107,5-107,5-110-110-112,5-115-117,5-120 happy with it, 122,5 was my last 1rm
C) done with extra pallof press
D) did the today’s ((wednesday) wod
First 10’ amrap
3 rounds and 40” rowing (sg went wrong with the rower and didn’t start countig on the last rowing…?)
Second 10’
3 rounds 20” rowing
We have a lifeguard training every morning till saturday, so don’t have much time or energy to train (that’s why i did yesterday’s program today)
30s = 8/19/12m (was 8/16/10)
45s = 6/15/15m (was 5/13/12)
60s = 4/14/12m (was 5/13/10)
B) 70/75/70/85/90kg
Started failing at 95 and i didnt have too much hope of it getting better so i stopped and told myself it’s alright with a PR of 110 and sore legs from Monday.
C) done at the end
D) 27,3/23,7/24,0/21,0/20,3/21,2cal of xebex air bike
A. Done. TTB, Strict pull ups, HS walk practice. Didn’t keep track last time nor this time of reps. Just focused on skill work.
B. Up to 165. Cleans felt pretty solid tonight. Things got a bit heavy but made em all.
C. Skipped
D. 21, 21, 19, 20, 20, 20. legs are jello ??
Happy 4th of July!
A. 30 sec
– 2 MU, 21 T2B UB, 0
45 sec
– 3 MU, 20 T2B, 3 feet
60 sec
– 3 MU (missed 4th), 18 T2B, 0
B. Up to 150. Too aggressive with loading my bar and ended up doing 5 sets at 90% and 1 at 95%. Made them all though.
C. Done
D. 25/20/18/19/18/24
And then my legs wouldn’t work.
A. 8/15/50
B. 210-295 – 90% was tough but happy to be able to do doubles there.
D. AB – 28.5, 30, 30, 28.4, 27, 27
Consistent assault bikes!
A. Mu / ttb / hr pushups
B. 165 175 190 205 215 225
Felt great no misses
D. Row, short on time so went every 2 min
28 27 26 26 26 27
Fun workout thanks!
Short on time, took a preworkout nap
B- 125, 130, 140, 150, 160, 165 last sets tough, got fatigued. Took 3 tries to get that last clean. Been struggling at > 85%, so happy to hit 90% 4 times
D- 3 sets on bike, 14 cal each. 3 sets on rower after coaching class, 19 cal each
A) Done. Forgot to take note
B) 70/74/78/84/90/95 and 100kg
C) Done
D) 22/23,1/22,8/20/19/22
30s=5rmu/8t2b/50ft 45s=4rmu/8t2b/45ft 60s=3rmu/12t2b/50ft HS walks felt ok everything else super weak after yesterday. hands were ripped too b. skipped due to back pain and ripped hand from yesterday. did 3rds 15 back ext 15 reverse hyper and 100ft sandbag carry at 175lbs felt good. c. 3pm did e4m 60s ON of Set 1 – assault bike 30cals Set 2 Row 33 cals Set 3 Assault Runner 19 cals Set 4 Assault Bike 31 cals Set 5 Row 31 cals Set 6 Assault Runner 21 cals Tried to be consistent on each set and not drop off. No sprint starts on… Read more »
A. 30s – 7/15/25 ft
45s – 4/17/40 ft
60s – 3/13/40 ft
B. 205/225/240/255/275/285 – missed the 2nd clean at 285, sweat and barbell problems. Otherwise felt strong.
C. Done
D. 31/30/31/30/31/30 – happy with this.
A) 30s – 8/17/45ft – June 5 – 7/13/45
45s – 7/16/50ft – June 5 – 6/13/55
60s – 5/14/44ft – June 5 – 4/14/45
HS walk would have been better but cluttered gym today. Felt much stronger on rings too.
B) 205/225/240/255/270/285 – super happy to hit all these
C) Done
D) 28/29/28/28/25/24 – so close to holding the pace!
Great day of work! Looking strong and also hitting the conditioning hard!
3/3/0 (these got hard)
B. Up to 190
C. Went ABx3, Row x3: (21/21/17/20/19/19)
D. Skipped
a. modified to pull-up, t2b, assisted handstand hold no wall
4/6/15s 6/10/20s 8/12/30s
b. 180,190,205,220# missed on the last 4 sets
c. done
d. rower 24, 25 cals ran out of time
A. 1/13/50
My chest and triceps are super sore from granite games qualifier workouts so I was getting the turnover on the MU but couldn’t dip.
B. Up to 175
C done
D 17/18/19/20/19/18
A. MU: 5-4-4
T2B: 15-15-15
HS walk: 20 feet-30 feet-24 feet
B. 125/130/140/150/155/160
C. Done
D. AAB 17-17-17-16-16-17
Great consistency on the bike!