Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Partner T-Spine Stretch on Pull-Up Bar
Overhead Barbell Underarm Stretch x 30 seconds regular grip/30 seconds narrow grip
Butterfly Stretch x 30 seconds
Two sets of:
Banded Air Squats x 10 reps
Plank with Lateral Reach x 10 reps per side
Plank with Forward Reach x 10 reps per side
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes, complete:
Large Ring Swings x 3 reps
and then …
Every 60 seconds, for 3 minutes, complete:
Peekaboo Swings x 3 reps
and then …
Five sets of:
Muscle-Ups x 2-4 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
Those who do not have muscle-ups, please complete the following:
Box Jump to Full Support x 2-4 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
Ten sets of:
Box Squat x 2 reps @ 80% of Current 1-RM Box Squat
Rest 45 seconds
As many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes:
135/95 lbs Power Snatch x 5 reps
Overhead Squat x 10 reps
24/20″ Box Jumps x 15 reps
Rest 3 minutes; Repeat for 3 sets
As many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes:
115/75 lbs Power Snatch x 5 reps
Overhead Squat x 10 reps
24/20″” Box Jumps x 15 reps
Rest 3 minutes; Repeat for 3 sets
As many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes:
95/65 lbs Power Snatch x 4 reps
Overhead Squat x 8
24/20″” Box Jump/Step-Overs x 12 reps
Rest 3 minutes; Repeat for 3 sets
Pick up where you left off for each interval. Adjust the weight if needed but you should have a weight that you can easily, when fresh, overhead squat 15+ reps.
Two-Three sets of:
DB External Rotation x 8 reps per side @ 3011
Rest 45 seconds
Bat Wings x 5 reps @ 1515
Rest 45 seconds
A) Was finally able to string two together, did 5 doubles, first one is loosening up, second one pretty stiff still
B) 265#
C) 5 rounds + 4 snatches, 115# 5,10,15 rep scheme
D) 10#/40#s
A: Warm-up done. And then RMU. Started at 2 then thought I would try 3 and got 3’s for the last four sets. Stoked.
B. 195.
C. Skipped. My hands are tearing a bit.
A. 13 srmu/1 every 60-90 sec
B. 320 x 2 x 10 sets
C. 2 rds/ 1 rd + 22/ 2 rds at 115
I know it was only light, but I didn’t think that my shoulder was ready for snatch and OHS in a WOD.
Took an extra recovery day. Especially with driving 7 hours for work meeting 🙁
30 mins at 50 rpm on assault bike.
Good call!! How is it feeling today?
7 hours?! That is so far for a work meeting!
DMA: done
B. done: 156#
C. I scaled the weight to 70#, I did all the oh squats unbroken. I thought the box jumps were the hardest part because my legs were so heavy each time I started. They were consistant, but slow.
rd 1: 63 reps
rd 2: 68 reps
rd 3: 70 reps
D. db ext. rot: 8#
batwings: 25#
A. (did this last) did box jumps to support
DMA: done
B. done: 156#
C. I scaled the weight to 70#
rd 1: 63 reps
rd 2: 68 reps
rd 3: 70 reps
D. db ext. rot: 8#
batwings: 25#
A. (did this last) done
B: done with 220#
C: i changed this to a 6rds for time. With 65#…i just really suck at snatch and ohs! And 65# was challenging. It took me 13:23
I learned that if i loosen up my grip a bit in the snatch. Its much smoother. I always use hook grip, but i stopped death gripping it today. Felt good 🙂
Great to have learned that – knowing what feels best for gripping a bar for barbell cycling is so important!
Had a huge moving sale today (my mountain cabin decor won’t exactly go in Florida). Will make up today this weekend. May just stay one day behind and train Sunday instead
A. Skipped. Limited time tonight.
B. 10×2 @265. Felt good.
C. 115# PS fast singles. Did front squats instead of OHS. 2+4, 2+1, 2. Paced the whole way. Squats were the tough part (quads).
D. Done
Class WOD! 15 c&j 10575 cal bike15 c&j 125 Time: 17:01.TBH I was a little lessconcerned with my timethan with actually makingall 15 c&j at 125 – but Idid it!!! Mike, you often know I’m capableof doing somethingbefore I know that I am,so THANK YOU for tellingme to do this RX+. You knowI love a challenge, and especially love to be challenged ina way where I don’t know if I cando it or not. But I’m always willingto try. 🙂 AFterwards I really just goofedaround, and did the last 2 sets ofWednesday’s accessory work.I also did some sHSPU and somekipping,… Read more »
Thank you!
DMA) done
A) MU 4,3,3,3,3
B) 1st 100kg/2nd 110kg/3rd 120kg/4th 130kg/5th to 10th 136 kg (80% 1 RM).
C) 135 lb/ Box 24” Felling chest congestion, yet…..so sad my scores……
1st 1 rd + 8 reps
2nd 1 rd +10 reps
3rd 1 td +12 reps
In Oceanside for the week, enjoyed my first run since surgery (5 weeks post op)…beautiful views running along the beach! Ran 1.5 miles, every .25 mile perform 50 air squats (300 Total).
That sounds lovely. 🙂
Have fun in O-Side!
DMA) done
A) skill work done
MU- 4,4,4,3,3 rested about 70src each set
B) 315 @ 10 sets: set up was different than last week. It felt better. Will post video
C)8 rounds+ 2 reps @135/24”
1st 5min-2rds+28reps
2nd 5min-5rds+21reps
3rd 5min- 8tds +2 reps
Did singles on power snatch and unbroken on all OHS
Liked this wod
D) done
A. Practiced in afternoon. Trying a more neutral grip and not starting on boxes- jumping to rings.
B. Did sandbag squats again. 100lb. 10 sets of 3 reps 45sec rest. That thing kills me.
C. 95lbs. 2+6, 2+4, 2+3
Stayed consistent but this was tough! Legs were feeling it. UB on all OHS sets, singles on snatches. I liked the start where you left off format. ??
D. Done
Great work on the conditioning workout!!
DMA Done
A. @ 3 MUs
B. 100kg
C. @ 50kg: shut it down halfway into second set, Left VMO was getting very tight. Weird 🙁
D. Done
How is it feeling today Ben?
A. Done (2’s and 3’s on MU’s)
B. 310#
C. Done at 135# – 2+2/2 even/1+23
D. Done
A Skipped shoulder is a bit tender these days
B 280 seemed light not sure how to gauge this yet
C used 95lb 2+2, 2+17 2+2 starting on the box jumps in the last round was no picnic for speed.
D done
pretty good week added creatine and fish oil this week seemed to be less sore than usually beside shoulder. down 1.8 lbs from my month long eating vacation lol
DMA – done
A. done
B. done – all sets @ 205 lb.
C. 1st – 2R’s + 4 + 8 + 4
2nd – 5R’s + 2
3rd – 7R’s + 4 + 1
Singles for the snatches, UB on the OHS.
D. done using 7lb. for ER and 20lb. for the BW (3 sets)
59/5’9″/160 Warm-up and mobility – done. A1. Done A2. Done A3. Box jump to full support B. 10 x 2 at 205 (slightly above percentage) C. 2+1 in the first set. Hit a wall in the 2nd set. Had an early meeting this morning, so went home after coaching 6am. Back to the gym at noon. Not sure if it was the heat/humidity or that I hadn’t eaten since 8am (or both), but I was getting light headed on the power snatches. Did 1 + 3 in the 5 minutes and called it a day. D. Skipped – see above… Read more »
A. Will do tomorrow…
B. 128/2/8 (think I am learning that movement)
C. 2+3/4+2/-
D1. 3/4/5 kg and
D2. 10/15/20 kg.