Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – 1-2 Rope Climbs (15′)
Minute 2 –
40-54: 10 Meters of Handstand Walk
55+: Nose to Wall Handstand Hold x 30 seconds
Minute 3 – 10-15 Push-Ups
Minute 4 – 30-40 seconds of Hollow Rocks or Holds
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
Minute 1 – 20 Kettlebell Swings
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24/16 kg – full vertical bell
55+: 16/12 kg – full vertical bell
Minute 2 – 10 Walking Lunges with Kettlebells or Dumbbells (heavy!)
Minute 3 – 10 Pull-Ups
One set of:
400 Meter Sled Drag (you choose the loading)
Vacation gym.
Bench press 135-225#.
Event 9 Separator NFT BS@155/FS@135 (no OHS, subbed additional FS). Continued with extra rounds since HSPU’s felt great today.
4 sets of 20 KB swings/ 10 decline situps w/35#/10 PU’s.
A. Done 2 legless climbs, HSW only first round was UB, 10 Push-Ups, 30′ Holds
Was pretty hot in the gym, this zaps my energy so was a grind to get thru this.
B. Done 10 KBS, 8 WL with 24kg KBs, 10 Pull-ups
A – Done. Need to keep working on J-hook instead of wrapping.
B – Done. 2x 53# KBs for lunges. Pullups were better than burpees 3 weeks ago. But it was 15 degrees cooler 3 wks ago.
C – 135# added to sled. Alternated 100m forward drag and 100m backward drag twice.
Mobility done.
A. Did the 6,4,2, 6,4,2 deadlifts again. 275-395. Felt good at 395 so went for PR at 415, then 435 and finally 455. Got em all!!
B. Did California Club. Started off with great pace to finish but took a fall on 2nd set of rope climbs. Heel felt messed up so my DU took forever favoring one foot. Then GHDs were pathetic… times out with 5 GHD left. I could do better…
Hope the foot is ok!
Thanks, unfortunately can’t put pressure on the heal. Gonna be limping for awhile….
Congrats on your DL PR!!
Thanks Nicole. The hips out cue from Kim at Invictus made a big difference.
Hip out for DL? tell me more. DL’s and I do not get along. Would love to hear more about Kim’s advice.
A. 2 RC / 30Ft HS Walk / 15 PU / :30sec Hollow Rocks.
B. 35# for Swings and lunges. 10 UB Butterfly each round.
C. 200m drag 200#, 200m drag 110# (calves were ready to blow up after 200m so dumped some weight)
Extra: 30 min Run (3 sets of 8 min run 2 min jog) Did our 5k route and got back at 28 min so walked for 2 min to cool down. It’s hot up here in Oregon. 🙂
Yes it is!! This is the same weather we had at Games – except we have shade. 🙂
AM Endurance Aerobic work – 30 min run-4 miles.
A. 2 RC – 15m HSW- 15 PU- 40 Sec hollow rock
B. Done. Used 70# DB’s on lunges
C. Done. Used a tire with some 45’s on it. Not sure what the weight equals. Felt it though. 🙂
A. Done, HS walk 8-10 feet not meters, although improvement from last attempts
B. Done, lunges with 15# DB, first time able to use weight for a long time, so knee is improving I think.
C. No sled
A. Done-Didn’t do hollow rocks first set-Did 2 rope climbs the last set
B. Lunges used higher weight than last time 🙂
Ripped on Set 7 Ugh-Di the last 3 with ring rows-Kept up until I went slow to avoid ripping. YAY!
Did 100M Barbell walk #155
! mile cool down run
The censorship filter doesn’t like me, keeps blocking my posts..
A) Subbed 4 skin the cats as my elbow is still sparking a bit. Done HSW were rough today, Did 15 push ups and 35 sec hollow rocks
B) KB swings around 40-45 Unbroken on all
Walking lunges with 53’s around 35 sec all unbroken
Subbed push ups for pull ups due to elbow, 10 reps 15 sec per round unbroken on all but two rounds.
C) No idea on time, but completed with 90 lbs on the sled
Nooo Dave! So sorry, we don’t have control of the censorship filter or else I would vouch for you every time 🙂
Haha, thank you for the vote of confidence on the blogging, I will keep it clean for a while as I think I am being red flagged!
This is so sad Dave!
A. 12 min. EMOM – 2 rope climbs/5m HS walk/15 Push-ups each round – didn’t notice the 4th minute till now. Did 4 rounds of each.
B. 30 min. EMOM – KBS :41/round Walking Lunges :22/round Pull-ups :15/round (able to do them UB for majority of rounds)
C. didn’t have time to complete – have a track workout with friends later today
A. Done
B. Everything UB
KBS 37-40 sec
Lunge 20 Sec 50# DBs
Pull Up 9-12 sec
C. 135 including sled This sucked took breaks in shade
Got to workout with Corey today which made the 30min much easier, thanks Corey
Had the privilege of working out with Pete today! Good thing because it was hot and humid and I would of struggled doing alone.
A: Done
B: Done with lots of sweat loss!!. Only did 8 pull ups on RD 7 I think. Might of been the fact I was light headed!
C: Did with lots of breaks and son (82 lbs) sitting on 45lb sled.
Did a alternative wod at the gym with a partner.
1. 10 min OTM – 1 Snatch (145)
2. 20 min OTM –
Min 1: 200 m run
Min 2: 20 KB swing
Min 3: 50 DU
Min 4: 10 OHS (105)
A) DONE (2 rope climbs per time/ 10 meters UB HSW/ :30s hollow rocks)
B) DONE (only variation was the walking lunges – did “no weight” reverse lunges/ PU UB all rounds)
C) DONE w/ 90# plus the sled.
Feel wiped today.. must be the humidity.. 🙁
Bamboo walk 35s
Emom 2rc, ubhsw,15 push-ups ,30 secs flutter kicks in air
Emom 30 ouch!!!! 53lb kb , 50lb dbs , 10 UB pull-ups did all kip in hollow working on strength dropped to 10/10 53/44 for the last 2 rounds of kbs, and lunges
My legs are gonna be sore for sure?
Romwod done M and a done Now where do i start Clean pull+clean worked up to 80kg today. 9sets last two were 80kg 12 emom 2rc, 25″hsw, 15push ups and 30sec hollow rock/hold. Good start and thats where the good ended. 30min emom This wasnt difficult it was just long. The hardest part was definitely the swings. Think it was that muffin the size of texas that i had last night that pushed me through this emom. After that chucked on 40kg to the sled and proceeded to walk 400m . The calves and hammies were on fire. Took 9:39.… Read more »
See you in Sept Quinn – you will be missed!
A. Failed first hs walk…
B. That was a mental beat down, must have quit in my mind 2-3 times, needed that..
C. 400m. Did first 100m and said, MF sheeet!!! 225# load..
225 f me. Take it easy James. Haha
Roger that sir…
probably didn’t do it right and I was on Astroturf..
Did mine on astroturf as well 50m so 8 trips. Hot as all get out out there today
A: did handstand holds and walk attempts. I still can’t walk
B: did it all. Mental
C: later
A .- Done 2 rope climb, HSW, 15 PU, 40 sec hold.
B .- Kettlebell Swings 5×20 and 5×15, Walking lunges with 40# DB each hand, 10×10 pul up
C .- no sled so run 1 mille.
only 97° in the morning, it was better than the last days.
A- I will do that tonight after I do my gym’s METCON
B- Done. It is hot outside. I went to our prison yard gym
C- Done- Did I mention it is hot outside?