Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Crossover or Banded Reverse Flys x 8 reps @ 2121
Minute 2 – Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups x 5 reps
Minute 3 – Wall Slides x 5-6 reps
Minute 4 – L-Sit x 30-40 seconds
Three sets of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps
Immediately followed by…
Six sets of:
Jerk with Pause x 3-4 reps
(Dip and hold for 2 seconds at the bottom of the dip, then drive.)
Rest as needed
Use Jerk Blocks if possible.
Three sets of:
Row 1000 Meters
20 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
15 Deadlifts
10 Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 4 minutes
40-54: 225/155 lbs
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185/135 lbs
Three sets of:
Glute-Ham Raises x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Rest as needed
Face-Down Chinese Planks x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
A. Done, l-sit Max 12 sec
B. Tall-45#, weak in the hold position, 85/95, then 105 for rest
C.7:47/8:05/8:08–all seemed to be moving in slow mo, back to altitude again so breathing harder than I would like.
Overall, first day back after a week long break so was a bit rusty.
Missed seeing you this past week! Hope you had fun!
A – Done.
B – Done. Jerks up to 185#. Triples. Using blocks.
C – 6:06/6:47/6:58. Wow, this got sh!tty quickly. Hammered thru round 1 no problem and then the deads on rounds 2 & 3 felt like 2000 pounds. Didn’t see that coming.
D – Done.
Vacation gym at 7,000 ft.
A. Done.
B1-2. Jerks up to 115#. Fail at 125#.
C. The 1 rower was being used so finished w/1.5m run at 10:54 on treadmill. And subbed burpees over BB due gym logistics. DL’s @ 185#. I made a mistake. I forgot about the “Rest 4 mins” and went straight thru. No rest. Paid for it later when I almost passed out after D. Not good.
D. Done.
Wow, whether it was the elevation or the no rest between sets this was one tough workout.
Those 4 minutes were built in there to help you recover so you can push to redline each round!
A. Done-L-sits its been awhile-Broke them up
B. Tall Jerk 55/65/75-Went light- non my toes was new for me
Jerks 85/95/105/115/ 2@ 120- felt good dropping under the bar
C. Done-10+ Min-Really paced slower on the row-Box Jumps were strong this time for me…Strict Pull-ups I am not strong in…Working on them 🙂
A .- Done L-sit 30 sec
B .- tall jerk 3×3@ 135#
jerk with pause 2×3 @ 155#, 2×3 @ 175#, 2×3 @ 195#
C .- 1 round 7:56, 2 round 9:02, 3 rond 10:05
D.- no GHD, chinese plank ok
this couple of days have been a little hot ( 109.5 ° F) and leave me out…
That is crazy hot – it is a heat wave everywhere!
Off Season First day back after taking most of last week off to go and watch the Games. What a great event Congrats to all of the Invictus athletes that participated in this year’s event. So many great results. Enjoyed being able to see your hard work pay dividends! A. EMOM – done (scaled the L-sits) B. Tall Jerks – 45/65/75 Not very good at these, but improving. Jerks w Pause – Mostly 3 reps on these 75/95/115/125/135/140 C. WOD – 6:54/7:19/7:14 DL’s – 10 & 5 for all sets SPU’s – singles D. Accessory – done – 6 reps… Read more »
A. Done (L-sits :26 sec max each round, working up to :30.)
B. Tall Jerks: 45/65/85
Jerks w/ Pause: All 4 reps 105/115/125/130/135/145
C. 30:36 includes rest (7:21/7:34/7:41)
Row 4:02/4:05/4:08 BJO 1:10/1:15/1:30 DL 10-5/8-7/8-7 PU 4-singles/2-2-2-singles/singles
A) done
B1) 105,110,120x1fail
2) 125,2×2 fail, 125x2x2fail, 125×3+1fail
C) 1st, 8:10
2nd, 7:43
3rd, 7:29
D) done
* just having a tough times with the lift this week, not sure if its my cranky injuries or just one of those weeks. 🙁
Hope everyone is else is doing well… 🙂
Rest up Lise and don’t worry about the numbers this week, just focus on technique.
Crush #3 just doing them bc I payed the twenty bucks too but going to Invictus instead?????
Wod 7:23,7,24,7:23 everything was hard today did core also
2 mile walk in beach with kids explore tempo ?
Rom wod
M and a done
Tall jerk at 30 kg.
Paus jerk at 50,60,70,70,60,60
Only felt ok today. Pause jerk is good.
Wod times 7:51,8:14&8:19, deads weee tough after the row and bjo.
D skipped, need to start work early today.
It prob isn’t worth it to cancel and re-subscribe because it has you paying for the full 30 days. But I would suggest you get into classes at Invictus so you get some hands on coaching! And tell everyone HIIIIII for me!
A: Done with 39 sec L sit- still a struggle
B1: 95; 115; 115lbs
B2: 6×3@ 175; 185; 205; 215; 220; 225lbs
C: Did a work out with a couple 12 Labours coaches since it had some movements I’ve never done in a WOD and looked “fun”!
30 cal ski erg
50 GHD sit-ups
150 DUs
30 T2B
50 WB 30lb/ 10 ft target
30 MUs
Off to ATL in the AM.
A. Wall slides difficult and Lsit (20-30-30) damn!!!
B. Tall jerks with bar and pause jerks with 165#.
C. 3sets, I took 4 min rest btwn sets.
1-8:06 bx jumpovers slow, pullups singles
2-7:50 picked up bxjO, pullups same
3-7:58 just sucked on row and man that screwed with my head. .
D. Doing this evening… glute ham raises will hurt, hammies weak… and chinese planks just…OMG
Happy accessory work James 🙂
A) done: 30 second L-sit holds.
B) done: tall jerks light, never done these before.
Worked up to 245 jerk.
C) done:
5:55; 6:26: 7:01
the rows really dropped off and they might have been the hardest strict pull-ups I’ve ever done 🙂
D) done
A. done
B. 95/115… Up to 210
C. 30:40 (7 min, 7:25 min, 7:55 min)
Rowing and DL was really nasty
A) DONE – only managed to get 20 seconds on L-sit – better than last week at 0! LL
B) DONE – Kept tall jerks light as anything knee stabilizing still hurts to do. 75#, 95#, 95#… Jerks with pause were also challenging on knees – 135, 155, 185, 185, 185, 185…. But managed to do both Jerks & Split Jerks without too much trouble.
C) DONE – 6:50, 7:10, 6:57 – Finished at 28:57… Stuck with Box Step Up and Over… Deadlifts were unbroken – Pull ups were not.
A. Done made 30 seconds for all rounds on the LSits
B. Tall jerks just the bar worked on technique
Jerks kept it light worked in power 85/85/95/95/95/95
C. 6:54/7:01/7:02. Finished at 28:57
D. Done
So hot could barely hold onto the rower my hands were so sweaty!
Question: Tall jerk? From the tip toes bar at about forehead level, push under into the split (or power) position? Correct/Incorrect?
Unfortunately, I won’y be getting to this until the hot middle of the day again… but looks like fun.
PS: any insight into what the next cycle is going to look like?
Hey Steven – for your tall jerk I would like you to be on your tip toes, with the bar about forehead level and then think ‘speed.’ You are punching yourself under the barbell into your split position.
And your new cycle will start on Wednesday – think lots of overhead stability, positioning work for your lifts, strongman and ENDURANCE 🙂
I am so excited!!!
And thanks for the response.
Push Jerk or Split Jerk today??
Split jerk
It’s very hard to control my desire to crush everything during this transition week. Post Games10. Lol
I want it more than ever.
Love that Jay – keep that fire!!