Primary Strength Session
Three sets of:
Pause Deadlifts x 8 reps @ 62.5%
Rest 3 minutes
Pause for 2-3 seconds at the knee then continue to pull to lockout.
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Floor Press x 8 reps
Rest as needed
Four sets of:
Dumbbell Skull Crushers x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Back Squat x 8 reps @ 72.5%
Rest 3 minutes
Primary Conditioning Session
Three rounds for time of:
15 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lbs)
12 Toes-to-Bar
9 Burpees Over the Dumbbells
When the running clock reaches 8:00…
For time:
100 Double-Unders
500 Meter Row
25 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 4″”/2″ Deficit
500 Meter Row
100 Double-Unders
Compare results to June 6, 2018.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Double Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift x 12 reps @3011
Rest as needed
Single-Leg Barbell Glute Bridge x 10 reps each leg
Rest as needed
Strict Gymnastics Volume Accumulation Option
Six sets of:
Ring Support Hold x 20 seconds
Rest 15 seconds
Strict Toes to Bar x 10 reps
Rest 15 seconds
Ring Dip Hold x 20 Seconds
Rest 15 seconds
Strict Pull-Ups x Max Reps
Rest as needed
Mixed-Modal Conditioning Option
Six sets for times of:
60 seconds max Calorie Ski-Erg
60 seconds max Calorie Row
60 seconds max Calorie Assault Bike
60 seconds Sand Bag Bear Hug Hold (HEAVY)
Rest 2 minutes
*Make sure you record your results this week. You will want to compare them to next week’s fun.
Primary Strength Session
A. 345#
B. No heavy dumbbells available today so did 185# barbell
C. 35#
D. 350#
Gymnastics Accessory Option
4 rounds
Primary Strength: Done Thursday.
A. 181# for deadlift.
B. 45# DBs
C. 20# DBs.
D. 185# for squats
A: 300 (off last weeks percentage since I missed it)
B. w/ 75# DBs
C. w/ 30# DBs
D. 300 (off last weeks percentage since I missed it)
Primary Conditioning
A. 4:54 (5:34)
B. 11:43 (14:13)
A. Skipped pause & did 3 heavy working sets 295/335/365
B. 70# db’s
C. 35# db’s
D. 295/295/295
Primary condo
A. 6:40 previous was 7:43
B. 9:20 previous was 9:22
A. 300
B. Done
D. 330
A. 4:36. Last time 4:45
B. 10:14. Last time 13:10
Crushed your previous time on B! Great work!
A) 190
B) 30
C) 10
D) 180
A) 4:43 (5:37 last time)
B) 10:54 (11:13 last time)
Awesome job Lara! Good to see you taking some time off your previous scores!
Primary strength:
A. Pause deads @135
B. Db floor presses @35/40/45
C. Db skull crushers @20
D. Backsquats @115
Primary strength session
A. 280 lb
B. 50 lb dumbell + double medium band across my back
C. 30 lb dumbells
D. 265 lb
Strength accessory option
24 kg kettlebells and 95 lb barbell
Primary conditioning session
Felt my knee on the back squats, probably from yesterday’s ugly power cleans. So decided to save my knee and did yesterday’s rowing endurance option instead.
Strict Gymnastics volume accumulation
Did 4 rounds right after rowing. No arms left haha 10/10/9/10 reps on pullups, resting 1 min between sets
Glad you were smart with your knee. Hopefully you’ll be good to go come Friday!
A. Work up to 405 pretty easy
B. 75
C. 25
D. 325
5:44 – 9:11 w strict ring dips
Sotts Press: 65/75/85/95
Power clean + Power Jerk: built to 265 than shoulder started acting up
Aerobics/Gymnastics option
-hspu at 2” deficit
-bike sub 2 min each
-MU unbroken
PCS- 530am
400m treAdmill run instead of row. All the rowers were taken.
Going to try and fit in a run tonight taking the holiday trailer out to the lake tonight for the wife.
Hope you guys have fun at the lake!
Thanks man. It’s supposed to be +30’C. And up here in northern Canada we don’t get many warm days so you got to enjoy them while we can.
Mixed Modal
Ski – 20-19-18-19-19-19
Row – 21-21-21-20-19-21
Bike – 20-18-19-20-18-20
Sandbag @ 200 lbs
Gymnastic Volume done
Pause Deadlifts @ 345
Floor Press @ 75 lbs
Skull Crushers @ 35 lbs
Back Squats @ 345
4:28 from 4:51
7:52 from 8:53
*no deficit on the hspu like last time
Solid improvements! Gymnast!
A. 325lbs
B. 100# DB’s. Tried adding 10lb db’s on top of them but I almost killed myself. haha
C. 35# Db’s
D. 325Lbs.
*Bunch of members did a comptrain workout so I jumped in with them.
2 rounds for time
10 Bar muscle ups
20 Bar facing burpees
30 Deadlifts 225
40 Wallballs 30#
Time: 14:14
A. 70lb KB’s & 225lb gluten bridge
Gluten free bro!
Bahaha dude thats hilarious. Nothing like some 225 gluten bridges.
That explains the 18s 25 calorie bike. Need to find me some gluten bridges!
Did you beat them?
I got beat by one but got the rest. Haha im a little pissed I got beat but I guess its a good problem to have as a gym owner. ?
a. 195 pause
b. 35-45-50
c. 15-15-20
d. 220 Squats
PC 5:07/ 17:50 total time
beat my times 5;34 and 19:31 even though i felt like i didn’t have much in the tank
4 rounds (short on time) of strict gymnastics.
76/6/7/7 strict pullups an subbed strict toes to rings
Great work Kisha! Some really good improvements this week. Keep it up!
A)#205 Pause DL
B)#35s DB floor press
Primary conditioning
(Last time was 6:23 and 11:49 but I didn’t do deficit at all. Today I did 1 inch deficit)
Awesome improvement Abby! Great to see your hard work paying off!
A) 320
B) Subbed Bench @ 225
C) Barbell
D) 280
*Used the garage this morning and no db’s
Primary Conditioning
Part I: 7:13
Part II: 11:52
DB thrusters destroyed my life today. Felt super sluggish after a full day of Arabic ?
20min of handstand walk practice. Getting ready for the GG!
Brain must be fried!
Everyday till mid-November ?
A. 275 x 3
B. 50 x 3
C. 30 x 3
D. 265 x 3
Old Time- 6:30
New Time- 5:24
All UB again just faster and less rest.
Old Time- 11:54
New Time- 10:56
Forearms hurt just as bad as last time. 50/50 on Dubs then 100. 5/5/4/3/3/2/2/1 on hspu
Great work taking off over 60 seconds!
Primary strength
A) done at 270
B) done with 75/75/90lbs
C) done with 40lb dbs
D) done at 265 these get harder and harder each week haha good stuff!
Strength accessory
A) done with 70lb kbs single leg bridges done with 65lbs
Fun day today!
A. 130kg
B. 2 x 32kg (heaviest i have)
C. 2 x 12.5kg
D. 125kg
A. 5:59 (6:55 last time)
B. 10:15 (12:17 last time)
Pm session
Gymnastic option
B.95 each
A.4:40 min
B.11.02 min not good enough
Optional gymnastics :done
It’s always good enough if you can walk away knowing that you have 100%. Keep the positive self talk!