Workout of the Day
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For time:
1,000-Meter Run
25 Sandbag Ground-to-Shoulders (100/70 lbs)
25 Box Jump-Overs (24/18″)
25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
50 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
25 Box Jump-Overs (24/18″)
25 Sandbag Ground-to-Shoulders (100/70 lbs)
For time:
1,000-Meter Run
25 Sandbag Ground-to-Shoulders (70/50 lbs)
25 Box Jump-Overs (18/12″)
25 Chin-Over-Bar Pull-Ups
50 Wall-Ball Shots (16/10 lbs)
25 Chin-over-Bar Pull-Ups
25 Box Jump-Overs (18/12″)
25 Sandbag Ground-to-Shoulders (70/50 lbs)
Optional Additional Session
Two sets of:
Run 400 meters @ 85-90%
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets for times of:
Run 1600 Meters
Rest 5-6 minutes
Compare results to June 6th, 2015.
Did Saturdays programming today.
26:48 RX
Used a 100# heavy punching bag instead of a sand bag. I so wish I had a sand bag as the heavy bag kept slipping out of my hands once I started sweating.
Pretty sure this cycle is over. If I remember correctly, it was supposed to end with the CrossFit Games
Hopefully they will tell us what is happening. I just started 2 weeks, hopefully I will get a little more for my money! Ha!
We started this program 4th of May. This program was “12-week off-season cycle” if I remember right. Hopefully new program will be released soon….
I Think this may be it , guys !!!, maybe a
New cycle Is comeing…. Just saying
Hi Nichole
Any idea when Monday’s Masters training will be posted?
I was wondering the same thing. Are we supposed to follow competitors program?
No Workout for Monday?
Completed in 21:20. Used a sandbag which was 80 lbs. C2B slowed me a bit. Great workout
Done Sunday morning. Had to push through as not motivated this morning. Felt very slow but made it though. C2b were 1/2’s.
22:17 with 115 PC.
Time 24:40 with 60kg pc instead of sandbag.
I was running about 1,2km, not 100% sure about distance. Feeling afterwards was that I was slow during whole workout.
Optional A & B – Skipped
Did optional sessions today:
A: 1:28 & 1:26
B: 6:35 & &:37 – skipped last one. I was done after two rounds
Afternoon session:
A. Bar mu training and some strongman training with atlas stones
B. Rope climb training
A. 29:59 with atlas stone to shoulder instead of sandbag
A. One 400m done – coached 3 hours, then:
B. Done – slow but done.
22:47 Had to use a #100Lb D-Ball instead of sandbag. The D-Ball made it BAD!!
Pre Workout) Did some bench press strength work and shoulder rehab work
A) 20:47, I did not have any heavy odd objects so I did Power Clean instead. The workout was still miserable so it must of been a good substitution but it went faster than if I had done it RX for sure.
Optional A) Completed in 1:25 and 1:26
Optional B) Skipped, I was pretty much smoked after everything else.
A. Did on July 22nd. with 20 min time cap
Got to 18 BJO. Used 70 lb DB.
Worked out last 6 days taking rest day today and will do runs tomorrow.
AM: partner WOD at box. 20 kb 32 kg, 15 push-ups, 10 pull-ups.
PM: runs. 1:42, 1:43; 7:07, 7:23. Much faster on 1600 m today vs June.
I took mon-fri off bc super busy at work and nagging wrist pain. Evidently due to right shoulder collapsing in overhead squat thus putting pressure on right wrist.
I will do this one tomorrow. Any alternative for a sandbag? I don’t have dynamix ball at summer cottage but have weights up to 70kg. Would it be power clean as Joe suggested?
55 lbs disc maybe?
21’37” with 25kg sandbag
I went running 1000m again after I have finished
My Chest 2 bars and box j can be better…
Have a great weekend with Invictus number 1 !!!
Unfortunately only up to 70? I will just do PC most likely better for back right now anyway.
What would be an alternate for a sandbag over shoulder?
Joe, I don’t have sand bags and will probably do 135 PC as an alternative…
They actually changed the first ground to shoulder movement to Dynamix Ball ground to shoulder. Do you have access to a Dynamix?