Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
5-10 minutes easy jog, row or bike and then …
Upper Body Warm-Up
Perform 8-10 reps with each drill
followed by …
Banded Pass Thrus in Squat x 10 reps
and finish with …
3-Position Snatch Warm-Up (empty barbell)
High Hang Power Snatch x 3 + 3 Overhead Squats
Low Hang Power Snatch x 2 + 2 Overhead Squats
Slow Pull Snatch x 1
Every 60 seconds, for 4 minutes (4 sets):
Drop Snatch x 5 reps
followed by…
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch Balance x 3 reps
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets of):
Mid Hang Squat Snatch
Sets 1-4: 2-3 reps @ 60-70%
Sets 5-8: 1-2 reps @ 70-80%
Sets 9-10: 1 rep @ 85+%
**If you miss, stay at the same weight. If you miss twice, go down. Focus is perfect reps.
Against a 2:30 clock, perform as many reps as possible of:
6 Devil’s Presses (50/35 lbs; 55-59: 35/20 lbs)
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts (50/35lbs; 35/20 lbs)
18 Toes to Bar
Max Calorie Row in the remaining time
Rest 90 seconds between sets and repeat for a total of FOUR sets.
Against a 2:30 clock, perform as many reps as possible of:
6 Devil’s Presses (35/20 lbs)
9 Dumbbell Deadlifts (35/20lbs)
12 Toes to Bar
Max Calorie Row in the remaining time
Rest 90 seconds between sets and repeat for a total of FOUR sets.
Three sets of:
30 Seconds Plank Pulls(R)
30 Seconds Plank Pulls (L)
Rest 30 seconds
5 Minutes of Easy Bike followed by 5 Minutes of Stretching
60-90 seconds – Rig Decompression
45-60 seconds each side – Rig Shoulder Stretch
60-90 seconds – Seated Hamstring Stretch
General Notes
Starting off with some snatch primers! Lets prep your body for speed today by starting with drop snatches and moving into the snatch balance. Both require you to have speed so cue yourself to move your feet fast and to have a speedy turnover. The goal is to have your feet land at the same time the barbell locks out overhead. This will prep you for the 10 sets of your mid hang snatch. You’ll need to get into a solid hang position by (1) reaching the hips back and (2) pushing the knees out. Then focus on that speed that you just worked on with your snatch primers.
A couple things I want you working on with todays conditioning. 1 – Fast transition into the Erg. This means you will make the straps loose so you can slide your feet right in and do a quick tighten of the straps. 2 – Sprint start on the erg. Always start with a sprint start for a piece like this to get that flywheel going. Check out a baby Shane Farmer coaching the sprint start at our old location in San Diego.
You should have around 30 seconds on the erg; if that isn’t the case then please reduce the reps or loading of the dumbbells to ensure you’ve got at least 30 seconds on the erg.
Toes-to-Bar Customization Options (Choose one from below)
Hanging Knees-to-Chest
Supine Leg Raises
0:00-15:00 – Warm-Up
15:00-25:00 – Snatch Primers
25:00-30:00 – Snatch Set Up
30:00-45:00 – Snatch Sets
45:00-50:00 – Conditioning Prep
50:00-66:00 – Conditioning
66:00-75:00 – Accessory Work
75:00-85:00 – Cooldown
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