Mobility & Activation
Chest-Opener x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Followed by …
CrossOver Symmetry Rows x 10 reps (medium to heavy band)
CrossOver Symmetry Reverse Flys x 10 reps (light band)
CrossOver Symmetry Pull Downs x 10 reps (medium to heavy band)
CrossOver Symmetry Victory
x 10 reps (light band)
CrossOver Symmetry 90/90 Drill x 10 reps (medium to heavy band)
Warm-Up Flow
Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets):
25/20 Calories of Assualt Bike
500/400 Meter Row
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Strict Press
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Strict Press
3 reps @ 75% of 1-RM
2 reps @ 80% of 1-RM
1 reps @ 85% of 1-RM
1 rep @ 90% of 1-RM
1 rep @ 95% of 1-RM
and then . . .
Every 90 seconds, for 7:30 minutes:
Strict Press
Sets 1-3: 3 reps @ 83-85% of 1-RM
Sets 4-5: 5 reps @ 73-75% of 1-RM
Clean + Jerk
Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy:
(Clean x 2 reps + Jerk)
We suggest starting at 65% and build from there
8 Minute AMRAP
As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes:
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
15 Toes-to-Bar
20 Calorie Row
As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes:
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 5″” riser
15 Toes-to-Bar
20 Calorie Row
If you don’t have Strict Handstand Push-Ups then complete the above doing one of the following progressions:
Elevated Foot Handstand Push-Ups
Elevated Knee Handstand Push-Ups
Hamstring Curl Handstand Push-Ups
Upper Body Accessory Work
Three sets of:
15 Dumbbell Reverse Flies
30 Second Bat Wing Hold
Rest as needed
Additional Optional Strongman Accessory Session
Three sets of:
Posted Single-Leg Deadlifts x 8-10 reps each @ 3011
Rest 60 seconds
Banded Glute Bridges x 25 reps (fast)
Rest 60 seconds
1 Mile Sled Drag
Choose what weight to use that will allow you to march for the entire mile (you should not be taking lots of breaks)
SP = 155-185, 195f then 165×3,145×5
Cln+ Cln+ J = 165/185/205/225/235
2 rds plus 5
A day behind
AM session:
Snatch balance + OHS: up to 45 kg
Pause Snatches: up to 45 kg, felt sooo slow and wobbly today.
Back squats: up to 78 kg, felt surprisingly good!
Conditioning: for completion only, didn’t feel 100% today
Optional strength completed
Took some naps, relaxed etc.
PM session:
5 k Row in 21:28 min, PR with 10 sec.
M&A) done
W-U flow) done every 4 min
Strict press) 60kg, 64, 68, 71, 73 — 3’s@66, 5’2@60
2xC+J) 60kg – 100, 105 fail jerk
Condo) skipped
Strength/accessory) strict HSPU 10,7,6 mixed with reverse flies + batwing hold
A. 100/110/115/120/130
A1. 115/115/115/95/95
B. 115/135/155/175/195
C. 3 rds + 11 HSPU U; T2B; 9,6; 8,4,2,1; 8, singles
A. 120/130/140/150/155
A1. 140/140/140/120/120
B. 120/135/155/165/175/185 just had fun with that one
C. 2 rds HSPU were the slowest 1:15-1:20 first set 3:40 first Rd 3/3/2/2 and 3/2/1/1/1/1/1 2nd
T2b UB and 12/3 hauled ass 2nd AB to make it under cap
D. Done double dipping again.
Good day