Three sets of:
Banded Pec Stretch x 60 seconds
T-Spine Pulses on a bench x 8-10 pulses
Band Assisted Perfect Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then . . .
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Build to today’s 1-RM Snatch
Make jumps of 5-10 lbs as you build loads. The goal should be to accumulate volume of PERFECT repetitions as you build to your heaviest loads. Please understand that “today’s 1-RM” may not mean your lifetime PR. The purpose is productive training, so keep the focus on good mechanics, and push only when it feels good to do so. If your mechanics start to breakdown, you have achieved “heavy” for the day.
Back Squat
* Set 1 – 4 reps @ 75%
* Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
* Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
* Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
* Set 5 – Max Reps @ 80%
Rest 3 minutes between sets.
Two sets of:
Heavy Sandbag Squat x 3 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by…
Two sets of:
Yoke Carry x 100′
Rest 2-3 minutes
followed by…
Two sets of:
Rope Pulls x 100′
Rest 2-3 minutes
T2B went surprisingly good, not much of a gymnastics guy. C&J went horrible, couldnt get a good rythm, felt weird cause it was so light. Just under 4min. Goal was to beat Ron Ortiz, in the Squat Cleans,hehe. Yeah, I’ve been stalking him, I got a man crush! ?He’s about as close to my size
as it gets, so its been interesting watching him! Hit 295 in Nanos, felt like I could go up but time ran out. 235/285/295
A.DONE – w/ crossover symmetry
B. (post knee surgery 1 month) – built to 155 power snatch (70%)
C. Back Squat – Did DB goblet squats in replacement of this:
10 x 35#
10 x 45#
10 x 55#
10 x 65#
10 x 75#
10 x 85#
got to full squat/range of motion.
* Heavy Sandbag Squat x 3 reps = 150#; 200#
* Yoke Carry x 100′ = 375#; 465#
* Rope Pulls x 100′ = 180#; 280#
Off Season: Broke up work out to save R sided tendonitis
Session 1
A. Done
B. 165 (1RM) Failed 175 & 170
C. up to 252 (95%) & 8 reps @ 80% on 5th set
Session 2
D1. DB’s in gym bag: 110#. I’ll use Atlas stones next time.
D2. Yoke: (no yoke-subbed w/BB) 315 & 275
D3. Rope Pulls: 144 & 164
Tendonitis? in R rhomboid-shoulder, tricep- everything hurts-taking a couple of days off.
A – Done. B – Worked speed in snatch at Oly gym. Warmed up with complexes and focused on pressing underneath (instead of pulling under) on turn. Very fast up to around 135 and then it gets tougher to maintain that same quickness. Work in progress. C – 4 @260, 3 @280, 2 @300, 1 @315, 6 @280. D – No sandbags at Oly gym. Used 40# weight vest and bearhugged two 25kg plates. Yoke carry with fat bar and 165#. Rope pulls using a short rope and standing on Woodway treadmill (using 80# of resistance). That last hack didn’t… Read more »
AM-Vo2 Max work
PM Off-season
A. Done
B. Took 15 min and worked to 185. All felt good. Missed 195 then moved to C.
C. 300/320/340/365 then 320X11
D. No heavy Sand bag so I used yoke with cross bar lowered all the way. Used 225.
OH Yoke at 285
Rope pulls at 220.
Post- rev Hyper, iron Scap and some core work.
A. Done.
B. Felt great, but could only get 105#. 110# was a fail. 🙁
C. 150/160/170/185/160 (6 reps).
D1. No sandbag.
D2. OHBB carry. 8 sets of 25ft ea. 2@100# and 6@95#.
D3. Subbed legless rope climbs. 16 climbs (PR). Fingers very tired.
A) Done
B) this felt off today! Even forgot to bring my METCONs of all things to the gym! Although I hit all my numbers. 135;145;155;160-185 in 5 lb increments. Missed 190 twice so stopped.
Ran out of time so did the Crush Games Qual #2- 9 min AMRAP of:
9 Power snatch #95
12 Burpee Box Jumps
Had to do this in Nike Lifters which was not fun! I couldn’t get onto a real rhythm. 4 rd + 16 reps. May redo this tomorrow.
C&D ill do tomorrow also.Just not enough time today.
Off season
A) done
B) snatch wasnt hapening today for me.. LOL I really felt shot and not recovered from the muscle ups It had more to do with the fact that I didnt eat enough throughout the weekend -stress …so I didnt recover in time 🙁
78, 84,93×2 failed,93,100f,84,85,95×3, 98F called it a day I was struggling
c) 206,220,233,261,220
D1) 70lbs x1, 82 x2nd
2) 115 lbs, dropped it 3/4 into it 🙁 x1st , 115 all the way the second time
3) R/p 90 lbs
Hope everyone is doing great …stay hydrated! 🙂
A. Done
B. 65/75/85/90-failed #95 Just couldn’t get more up- Didn’t rest yesterday maybe that why.
C. 150/160/170/failed 180-
D.2 with sandbag-2 with weighted vest and sandbag
Barbell on the back #155 50 meters X2
1 mile run
Off to the Games tomorrow!
A .- Done
B .- 195#
C .- 305/325/345/385/325×8
D .- Run 2.5 km ( no yoke, sandbag and sled )
A. Mobility – done! plus 2Km Row to warm-up
B. 1RM Snatch – 75/80/85/90/95/100/105/110/115/120f/120/125/130/137PR attempt (f)/135(f)
C. Back Squat – 165/175/185/200/8 @ 175
D. Strongman – done!
Off to watch the Games tomorrow!
B. Worked up to 180 missed got 175 smooth
C. Tonight
D. Yoke carry 385lb 2 sets 150ft no stopping or dropping rest 2-3min in between
D2. Hand over hand 215lbs 2x100ft rest 2min in between
D3. Sandbag squat 16inch atlas stones 175lbs did 3×3 because felt so good and fun
Off Season (worked out with a friend at her home gym)
A. partially done
B. Did not do, because we did a Partner wod.
C. Back Squat 180/190/205/215/5@190
Partner Wod 30:00min, shared the work.
30 Sq Clean 65/95/115/65 (weights for each round)
30 Burpees of Bar
30 Pull Up
400m Run
Flying out tomorrow morning for the games… Should be there by Event 2!
Awesome Jean! We are at the Oakland airport right now on our layover – we will be arriving tonight for Games. Definitely come find me!
I’ll be the curly hair lady holding the Go Cheryl and WE <3 POLICE Signs 🙂 But will definitely keep my eyes out for you! Hoping to get my workouts in early at South Bay CF.
See you there!
Thanks for the tips everyone. Romwod done M and a done Started with some light hhs to get under bar. Snatch worked up to 65kg then I power snatched it for two reps. So stopped there. Last couple weeks has been hard to get under. Not sure why cause the weeks leading up to it were awesome. iMO Did the barbell yoke carry at 50kg plus 16kg kb on each side, Then 70kg 3rd set at 90kg plus 16kg kb Wanted to get these done before class started, Doing yoke before squats was a mistake, when i picked the weight… Read more »
Rope would be great!
B)Built up to 135#. 5# below PR. Missed 140# out in front 2x.
D1)100# x5. Needed more weight.
Bsq built to 210×8
80 % 217×8
Snatch 135
Crush wod
2k row
Rope 185lbs
Yoke using hanging kbs
Surf sesh
Surf Sesh?
A. Done
B. 185 (5# PR), tried 190 twice and couldn’t quite get it. Felt good though, so soon enough.
C. 215/230/245/270/230(6)
D. Like some others, my strongman equipment is limited. So, I did weighted strict pull-ups, strict HSPU work (which I need bad) and some Airdyne/GHD situps.
Thanks man!
Nice job on the PR!
Thanks Tom!
Congrats Joe!
Thanks Nichole!
Today was a great training day! Caps and I recruited another athlete to join us. Our Strongman Coach! It was great to have him help us with strongman and Caps helped him with his snatch. We are working on getting him to give our training a try. 🙂 A Done B. 110 (PR today by 5) Slowly getting there. 🙂 C. 155/165/175/190 then 11 @ 165 D. Yoke walk with (yoke is 195 and added 100#) Sandbag Squats- 1 set at 120# and 1 set at 150# Rope pulls- sled plus 150# Session 2 Dark Horse Rowing and then… Bikram… Read more »
Woohoo! Congrats on the PR!
little by little 🙂 Thanks Leticia! Can’t wait to watch the Games! I am so excited.
Awesome job Tracy!!!!!
Congrats on your PR!
A. Done
B. Up to 130# (haven’t snatched in a while, felt a little off)
C. 170/185/195/215# then 7 at 185#
D. Yoke walk with 165# yoke; sand bag squats done; not time for rope pulls (maybe at home later)
Yesterday evening when we got back in town I went to the box:
A. worked on MUs for 30 minutes (got some help from a coach who was there)
B. Friday’s Metcon of 50 cal row/40 thrusters/30 burpees: 9:09 Rx
C. Some missed accessory work from last week
Snatch 180 then things started going south
Back Squat 266/290/305/335 285x 11
Sandbag squats done as a bear hug 110 bag plus 25# vest
Hand over hand inside on rubber mats 135 ouch
Feeling a little burnt out not sure if I will put in a full week this week or not. Feeling stale
Rest is important Pete. You know your body best. Take it when you need it. You work super hard. 🙂
True, took weekend just think I need a change of pace or something different. Who knows ..
Ha I hear you I’ve been feeling run down over the last couple of weeks but next week will be on vacationso want to get last week of training in so I can recover next week. Also thought that since I am turning45 in a couple of months this may be the cause lol!!
A vacation sounds amazing, my gym is so short staffed I can’t even think that way. I honestly think it’s the combination of heat and coaching all day long every day that has me a little numb. I feel myself getting through workouts rather then attacking them lately
Sometimes just have to tone down for a couple of days and then hit it again. I guess we can’t go beast mode all year around. Rest up!
Take a day off if you need Pete, sometimes we feel a little burnt out at the gym and just taking an extra session off can reinvigorate the fire. 🙂