Band-Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener
(click movement to watch video and understand the movement)
10 Rocking Box Bridges (slow and controlled)
Prone Pectoral Stretch x 2 minutes each arm
Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each arm
and then …
Three sets of:
Speed Swings
x 5 reps
Rest as needed, and then…
Three sets of:
Peek-a-boo swings x 5-6 reps
Three rounds for time of:
7/5 Muscle-Ups
25 Foot Handstand Walk
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Three rounds for time of:
5/3 Muscle-Ups
25 Foot Handstand Walk
8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Three rounds for time of:
7/5 Ring-Dips
10 Push Press (95/65 lbs)
8 Stationary Dips
5 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
8 Front Squats (225/145 lbs)
5 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
8 Front Squats (185/115 lbs)
5 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
8 Front Squats (135/95 lbs)
Three sets of:
Run x 8 Minutes
Jog x 2 Minutes
Cover as much distance as possible.
Warm-up EXACTLY as you would if you were entering into this event at the 2016 CrossFit Games.
Two rounds for time of:
9 Thrusters (115/80 lb.)
4 Bar Muscle-Ups
2 D-Ball Cleans (150/100 lb.)
Two rounds for time of:
8 Thrusters (115/80 lb.)
2 Bar Muscle-Ups
1 D-Ball Cleans (150/100 lb.)
Two rounds for time of:
8 Thrusters (105/75 lb.)
3 Bar Muscle-Ups/Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
1 D-Ball Cleans (150/80 lb.)
Partner Class WOD
500m row x2
Bear complex 7 did this x2 @ #85
200m sandbag run x2
So fun!
50 GHD
400m run after
Bench Press 135/155/175/195/215/225#.
A. Skipped. Did DMA instead.
B. I can’t do MU’s, so I made up the following combination: 3 rounds NFT, but moved quickly and purpose.
8 C2B/8 Ring Dips/8 HSPU/8 Push Press. I actually butterflied the 1st 8 C2B which is a first for me. And butterflied strings of others. 🙂
C. Rounds 1-2 115#/round 3 125#/rounds 4-5 135#. NFT but moved quickly.
No session 2. Basketball tomorrow morning.
Best of luck at the games! I’ll be streaming and watching you on TV.
Good Luck to all the Invictus Athletes!!!?
AM Off-Season
A. Done
B. 18:32 – anyone else feel like MU’s in the morning is not their favorite movement. 🙂
C. 15:43- FS felt good. Thought they would drag some after FSing yesterday. Took it from the floor and got right on it after run. Had fun with this one.
Post- OH yoke carries and DB Rows
Lactate Threshold session
Mike Repeats 70/80/90% of Max
7:08 – 6:44 – 6:23
Time to rest and eat
Best of luck to all the games athletes. Have fun.
Yes! It takes time to warm up those shoulders!
A. Did this workout yesterday. Was able to get 2 rounds plus 5 thruster in time cap. Most bar muscle- ups I’ve done but shoulder is pretty sore.
Hope to rest it and do the best I can.
Thank so much for this great programming! So much appreciated!!!
Awesome to hear Litsa!
Off season
A) done
speed swings x3 res
Peek A boo only could do 2 rds ( gym was too busy)
B) took me abot 30 mins. I did seven muscle ups (I overlooked the WOD) also I only did singles
handstand walk still a stuggle for me..
handstand pushups did them in varying sets
(im not strong in these movements but I love this WOD! 🙂
C) quality of air still not good I ran 3×800 with two mins of rest but I’ll make up the run tom!
hope everyone is having a great weekend! stay strong!
session one –
One of our long standing member’s son had a successful surgery and the gym had a partner wod for their family, so I did that
3 rounds (as many reps per movement per minute)
min1 Bench 135
min2 hang power clean 135
min3 Dips
Min4 Pull ups
Min5 Push ups
Min6 DB curls 35
Min7 T2B
Min9 Front squats 135
Did crossfit games regional 12.4 workout
31:50 ouch
50 back sqt 135lbs
40 pull ups
30 shoulder to overhead 135
50 front squat 85#
40 pull ups
30 shoulder to overhead 85#
50 overhead squats 65lbs
40 pull ups died on this Rd
30 shoulder to overhead 65lbs did these UB but too late in the game at this point
Mentally challenging but pushing forward!
Good luck to all invictus masters athletes next week and good luck all other invictus Athletes competing in the games next week!!!!
30 shoulder to overhead 65lbs did these UB but too late in the game at this point
A. Done
B. Wasn’t really keeping track of time on this, ~15:00 HSW came in small chunks and SHSPU right after were in sets of 2 to 3.
C. Skipped. Lower back is tight from dead lifts so the front squats don’t feel comfortable. I’m really happy at making those 4 dead lift reps at 95% UB, I’ve been making some nice progress here but paying for it now.
Good luck at the games everyone, can’t wait to watch you all kick butt!
Good call to skip!
A .- Done
B .- 10:21 Bar MU, strict hspu 2 rounds UB.
C .- 21:56 FS Unbroken, run was bad for me…
Regards from México
Rompwod done M and a done Started with snatch practise light weight and getting under the bar Hhs+hs snatch worked up to 55kg Snatch pull and hsp at 70kgx 5sets Did fast swings only today 7mu, 25’walk and 10shspu 3rounds ft. 8:47 Missed couple mu so took. It longer than i wanted to. But feel ok. Mu werent as fluid today as have been. Skipped c as i did a lot of squatting yesterday with hatch squat program and then petes wod he posted, which i did everything as full clean etc.mso was thrusters,mclean and jerk, front squat. Ohs squat… Read more »
4:07 – slow on the d-ball
Fun team workouts today: 21min amrap of 6 MU/12 hang squat cleans (105)/24 box jumps. Then joined in on run club homage to suicide sprints–21 min amrap of hill run light post to light post, return to beginning each time with walk down.
A) done: I love this warm-up
B) done: I didn’t time anything today, just moved with purpose. Had a bit of pre-birthday celebration last night, a bit too much wine, bad food, etc – thing is I felt really solid. Maybe the calories helped 😉
C) same, done: not for time, but with purpose. I took FS’s from rack, just because.
Good day!
I did last Saturday’s workout since I didn’t get to do it last week and it looked like fun. Wanted to see if I could move the weights prescribed (225 PC, 135, PS and Thruster), and was very happy with it. Major improvements in these lifts at these weights!
A: Done and then some. It took a lot today to get going. Rope climbs also crushed my right inner elbow yesterday so warmed up for an hour.
B: Crushed me!!! Totally opposite of last weeks. 9:45. Walks were the easiest thing.
C: Did Crush Games Prelim 1 instead: Row 2 K- 7:17
A. Done
B. Done
C. 19:21 Did 135# on FS. Just wasn’t feeling it today.
Maybe Session 2 later today