Primary Training Session
Snatch Technique Warm-Up
Three sets of:
Snatch-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Snatch High Pull from Below Knee x 3 reps
Muscle-Snatch x 3 reps
Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3211
Snatch Push Press x 3 reps
Snatch Balance x 3 reps
Hang Power Snatch x 3 reps
Snatch from Below Knee x 3 reps
*Set 1 – Empty Barbell
*Set 2 – 95/65 lbs
*Set 3 – 95/65 lbs
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
*Sets 1-2 – 65-75%
*Sets 3-4 – 80-85%
*Sets 5-6 – 85-90%
*Sets 7-8 – 90-95%
*Sets 9-10 – 95+%
Three sets of:
Pause Deadlifts x 8 reps @ 65%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Pause for 2-3 seconds at the mid-patella, then continue to pull to full knee and hip extension.
Three sets of:
Back Squat x 8 reps @ 77.5%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Against a 6-minute running clock…
500 Meter Row
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
Max Reps of Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of FIVE sets.
Four sets of:
Half Kneeling Rotating MB Slam (Right) x 10 reps
Immediately followed by…
Half Kneeling Pallof Press (Right) x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Half Kneeling Rotating MB Slam (Left) x 10 reps
Immediately followed by…
Half Kneeling Pallof Press
(Left) x 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
DB Hammer Curls x 8 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Accessory Option
For time:
1 Mile Run
Immediately followed by…
Rounds of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 reps of:
Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Immediately followed by…
1 Mile Run
Rowing Endurance Option
Every 90 seconds, for 30 minutes (20 sets) for times:
20/15 Calories of Rowing or Bike Erg
Please note Calories for each of the 20 sets. The goal of this session is to understand pacing. You need to keep this session aerobic; if you go lactic early in this session, you’ll have a very hard time keeping your paces. Push hard, but feather the redline so that you can maintain consistency across the 20 sets.
Fist Session in the morning Warm up done A. 55/58/60/65/68/70/73/75/78/80Kg B. 115Kg C. 110Kg D. I had to performed with echo Bike, I am use to the assault and it´s a little bit different to know the pace them at the beginning I pushed a little harder and I almost didn´t survive to the last sets XD. Row pace: around 1:52 all rounds Bike pace: around 2:10 (The 2-3 first was faster the 2 final round was slow, I was not able to keep a stable pace, I have to work a little bit with the echo to know how… Read more »
The echo bike is a different beast. Much more suited to aerobic pieces as you don’t get rewarded for power output. For this piece it looked like it worked well but for sprint intervals I would consider reducing the calories by around 5.
Looks like a dan good start to the week!
Nice work!
Thx for the info. I will apply it for the today´s s2oh conditioning instead of 20 cals I will do 15 cals with echo, and I wait that they fix the assault for using it in this sprints
A. 105- to 150. B. Deadlifts at 210#… what are your thoughts on using straps? It kills my thumbs to hook grip and I learned that using opposite grip was bad for your hips? C. Squats at 220. Woooof! D. So I did 4 sets before I had to wrap up for my class. My intensity just wasn’t there for this piece. The bike was the worst… 55-60rpm. Just tired to push for sustained effort. I had about 1 min for wall balls I went 25-19-20-20-20. E. Used 95 for landmine and 16 wallball Gymnastics piece minus the runs ?… Read more »
Straps are completely cool. We’re not testing your grip and definitely encouraging you to keep double overhand.
Good to see you’ve still been getting your sessions in and the gym seems to be busy and doing well! I hope you’re looking after yourself and not burning the candle at both ends!
What if i did not work an entire set on D, so i rested 10’. My score still count?
Post where you got to on each set however in future please adjust so you get to those wall balls!
A. 135/145/150/155/160/165(f)/165/170/170/175(f)/
B. 285# for all sets
C. Scaled the weight down to 215#
D. Had to teach a class so I only had time for 4 rounds. 26/20/22/20 reps
For the majority of your session in! Hope you had a fun night coaching!
Back squats.
3 x 10 @ 275
class Wod
10 rounds:
25 dubs
9 Cal bike
5 DB Burpee deadlifts (50)
Looked fun so I joined in. Pretty sure those bike sprints fried my legs for all the biking later though..
High hang Snatch
165-185-205-215-220-225-235-245-255 Pr!
WBs: 34-41-22-32-35 (164 total)
Legs had nothing in them..
Did you win? That’s all that really matters right?! ?
Haha oh for sure!
Got to keep them in check lol
AM Session: A. Snatches were very off today.. sometimes my body just doesn’t want to do it at 5am…. but really, I need to figure out how not to jump my feet in on my catch because that’s my real problem! 105,110,115,120,125,125,130x (missed it behind and rolled off my low back, called it there) B. Deadlifts feeling good! 165 across C. Back squats also feeling good today! Decided to wear my metcons instead of lifters which was a great choice. 175, 175, 178 D. Accidentally did 6 rounds… WOOF Wall balls: 12, 12, 7, 6, 3, 7 PM Session: Gymnastics… Read more »
Are you not able to lift in your PM session after your body is a little more awake?
That’s definitely an option on the days I’m able to fit in a second session ??
AM Session: Three sets of: Back Squat x 8-10 reps @ 75% – 275 Rest 2-3 minutes Three sets of: 3″ Deficit Deadlift x 10 reps @ 70% – 315 Rest 2-3 minutes Every minute, on the minute, for 40 minutes: Minute 1: 20-25/15-18 Calorie Row or 20/15 Calorie Assault Runner Minute 2: 10-12 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″) Minute 3: 15-18 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs) Minute 4: 60-second recovery run/row/or bike Scaled the cals on the runner to 12 each round 10 BBJO 15 WBs PM Session: Every minute, on the minute, for 18 minutes (6 sets of each)… Read more »
In cases like today I would have flip flopped your sessions. I think you would have got more out of your snatches and gymnastics work first. Your CNS would have been pretty smashed from the loading and volume from the first session making snatching and high skilled gymnastics work pretty tough!
A. Worked to 180! Lifetime pr
B. Done @265
C. Done @260
D. Done. 31/31/27/8/25, round 4 was horrid it’s humid and about puked alone by myself at the gym lol. Held 1:42-1:44 on tower so 2k paceish and about 2:45 on bike
E. Done
Did 5 rounds of row and 5 rounds of bike 20 cal every 90 seconds.
Damn! Good job coming back on that 5th round after your little incident in the 4th 🙂
Congrats on your PR!
Aerobic/Gymnastics Option
Did 2 rounds of 10-1 instead of 1.
1st run 8 mins.
2nd run my arms and shoulders turned into T-Rex arms 😛
Primary Training
Snatch warm up done
A. 155-170-180-195-205-215-225-235 (most recent best)-245 (fail.)-245lbs (received it, failed). Would have been a +5 PR, but I’ll get it in two weeks!!
B. 295lbs (not 65% but feeling good)
C. 285lbs (+10 from last week, more than 77.5% but feeling good)
D. 21-22-23-15 (mentally checked out. Not happy with myself for it)-26.
Total: 107 WB
Lots of volume today, feeling exhausted
Pretty good start to the week, hoping to see that 245 fly up soon! Make sure that volume is quality rather than quantity. We don’t want you losing that intensity and stimulus.
Morning session A. Snatched up to 260 with only a miss at my 1st attempt of 255. Missed then immediately hit it. 260 is 94.5%. Felt good. B. Deads at 275/305/310 miss read and did 3 position deads. Metcon Only did 2 rounds before I had to leave for my internship. Used the bike Erg for these two. 50 cal bike Erg. Wall balls 40/36 Afternoon session Back squats at 390. Last 3 rounds of the Metcon. Used assault bike at 40 Cals. 36/37/31. 1:45-1:47 for all the rows and 2:10-2:25 for the bike. Last sets of wall balls got… Read more »
Damn! Looks like someone’s schedule freed up a little! Hit a big session to start your week! Nice job!
If I want the results then I need to make the time.
Second part was:
Handstand walk obstacle
-All my pegboards started with a double except for the last one of course.
-Only had 3 failed attempts on the stairs throughout them all.
Just make sure it’s qualify rather than quantity . Need to stay healthy to you can train hard.
You got it coach!
A. 135/160/170/180/190/200 Stuck with power again this week and tried to work on some of the things I made notes about last week, went better, lower weights were smoother and quicker at the top and hit one rep at 200 which is my pr. Since I didn’t do the squat work, dropped the weight down and spent some more time focusing on my positions. B. 370, only got two sets in, think I’m going to cap these at 335(last weeks weight), today was borderline for what I could safely support for the full pause and not tear my back up.… Read more »
You powered your full snatch PR?!?!
Make sur your drinking plenty of water with electrolytes and adding some extra salt to your food!
Haha well I can only power right now, so it’s the same number, working on that ohs though!
A. Set1-2@ 55kg
Set 3-4@ 65kg
Set 5-6@ 70kg
Set 7-8@ 72kg
Set 9-10@ 75kg
B. Done @ 120kg
C. Done @ 110kg
D. Adjusted to 500m ski erg 40 cal echo bike 30lbs wb.
14-12-8-14-10 wallballs.
Pushed the pace on the machines to get it done in 5 mins. Tough mentally to pick up the wallball.
On the third round i got several no reps (ball not touching the wall) and stopped.
E. Out of time.
Great to see you pushing todays conditioning!
Warm up done
A. Up to 100kg (95%)
B. 130kg
C. 130kg
E. 3 rounds
Pm session
5 miles run
Always a great day hitting 95%! Nice work
– warm up done
– deadlift @160k
– squat @140k
– accessory
– snatch 60k to 95k
– did aero gym option : 22min32. 1600m run (a little bit more), 10 9 8…1 c2b shspu, 1600m row. 22min32.
Snatch warmup-45/65/95
A. 185#, had 3 misses @ 196#. Okay day on snatching.
B. 317#
C. 300# dropped this to 60%
All I had time for today. Hopefully get today’s metccon in tomorrow for some conditioning.
Another day with no issues, good to see even if you’re short on time. Nice work!
Snatches built to 190lbs. First time snatching since the last event of the French Throwdown so worried less about %s and just built to solid heavy.
Deadlifts at 215lbs
Back Squats at 260lbs
Aerobic Gymnastics: 24:48 9ish min miles, 5 or so min for C2B/SHSPU all UB but a little rusty! It is very very humid here so sweaty hands were the hardest part. The second run was warm.
First full session in two weeks since competing.
Back at it!!
Warmup done A) 185×2/195×2/205×2/215×2/225×2 – did this as an emom, I think I start to think about these too much when I have all that rest time B) 285 C) 295 D) 49/43/43/41/40 (216 total) – row was between 1:45-1:50, bike was 2:10-2:25. Opened with a set of 30 wb each set, took a quick break then just went til the end of the interval E) Just did a cool down instead Tino, should we modify the shoulder to overhead intervals at all tomorrow if we’re changing our own weights? Based on last week I think that’s gonna turn into… Read more »
Will you get more benefit out of shoulder to overhead or the bike? If you want to push the load adjust to 15 Calories. If you want to push the bike keep the load a little lighter.
175/195/205/220/225/235/240/245/255/265 (98% of all them PR and heaviest is almost 2 years ??♂️)
36/30/30/22/27 reps (145 total)
Couldn’t get going on the bike. Set 4 took my soul
Awesome day of listing now lets see 275!!!!
I feel like I would’ve got it today. Was really focusing on pulling aggressively and punching like you said but didn’t want to get ahead of myself. I’m happy with. 98% for now