Two sets of:
Band Resisted Glute Bridges x 20 reps
Prone Leg Lift x 8 reps w/a 3 second hold at top
Partner Assisted T-Spine Stretch x 3 breathes
and then . . .
One set of:
KB Ankle Mobility Drill x 10-12 pulses per side
Psoas Pulse
x 10-12 pulses per side
and then …
One set of:
Banded Squats x 10 reps @ 3211
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Legless Rope Climb x 1 ascent*
*If you are profecient with legless rope climbs then make this 2 ascents
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Rope Climb x 1-2 ascents
*Do not exceed 15 climbs
Front Squat
*Set 1. x 4 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 2. x 3 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 3. x 2 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 4. x 4 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 5. x 3 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 6. x 2 reps @ 90-95%
*Set 7. x 6 reps @ 75-80%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
No tempo prescription here. The first few sets, or even the first session, might feel a little odd when you transition back from tempo work, but it shouldn’t take you long to regain your normal squatting rhythm and enjoy the strength you developed during the tempo squat phase.
For time:
50 Calories of Rowing on Concept 2
40 Thrusters
30 Bar Facing Burpees Over the Barbell
40-54: 95/65 lbs
55+: 65/45 lbs
One set of:
Band-Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener x 45 seconds
Five sets of:
Speed Swings x 5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by …
Three sets of:
Peek-a-boo swings x 5-6 reps
followed by …
Two sets of:
Muscle Ups x 2-3 reps
Take 10-12 minutes to work up to a heavy Snatch.
12-9-6 reps for time of:
Snatches (135-155-185/95-105-125 lb.)
12-9-6 reps for time of:
Snatches (135-145-155/95-100-105 lb.)
For time:
12 Snatches (105/75 lb.)
6/3 Muscle-Ups
9 Snatches (125/85 lb.)
4/2 Muscle-Ups
6 Snatches (145/95 lb.)
2/1 Muscle-Ups
For time:
12 Snatches (95/75 lb.)
6 Muscle-Ups/6 Ring Dips
9 Snatches (115/85 lb.)
4 Muscle-Ups/4 Ring Dips
6 Snatches (135/95 lb.)
2 Muscle-Ups/2 Ring Dips
Time cap: 10 minutes
Done, but challenging. 15′ rope. First 2 felt strong (still don’t like to let go to touch the top),
A. Done
B. Not done
C. 135/145/155/145(2)/155(1)–knee stopped cooperating here
D. 11:42, slow thrusters
A. DOne
B. Almost Almost Almost up to the top for the 1st legless!-did regular for the last 7
C. 130/135/140-Failed 2 @ 145-135X2 1@ 145/6-125 3 & 3-legs were shaky today not sure why.
D. 10:55 RX-Thrusters were slow-felt heavy today.
Excited to meet everyone next week! Good Luck at the Games!
Off Season. Fourth day in a row and I felt it. Taking weekend off to coach baseball tournament. A – Done B – Done C – 225/240/255/240/255 then 225×6. Felt tired. Should have done 270 (95%) on 6th set and wasn’t feeling it. D – 8:05. Wow this was a good one. Rowed at about 80%. Thrusters 10/10/7/7/6. Burpees were just no fun. That said, I went faster than I thought I would have. Didn’t hit redline until burpees and I can burpee through my redline (it just sucks tho). Good week of training. Looking forward to a couple days… Read more »
A. Done.
B. All legless 4 rounds x2 and 4 rounds x1=12.
C. FS All between 145 to 175#.
D. 15:01. Ugh. That .01 is going to bug me. Broke up thrusters in 5’s all the way. I thought about scaling down from 95#, but “mind over matter” won this time. 🙂
A. 5 mins 1RM squat clean 205/215/225/235f
B. Event 2 9:23 (all power snatches)
Did the Berm run wod yesterday in 18:43.
Games Prep
I did event 2 on Wednesday. Today did:
A. 5 min. to 1RM Squat Clean: 235,245,250f,250
B. 2 rounds 12 thrusters @115/6 BMU/3 PC @ 175 (No D Ball): 4:25
I intended on doing 2 rounds of “Berm Run/Burpee Box Jump wod but felt some tightness in my calf so I called it a day. Have a nice evening!
Nice work Al!
Thanks Perry. Nice work for yourself today also. I’m excited for you! I think you’re going to do well next week!
Modified games with Al and Cheryl.
2 rnds 600 sprint 20 burpee box jump 9:29
2 rnds 12 thrusters, 6 C2B, 3 dball cleans. MU weren’t working, shoulder pain so subbed C2B about 5 min.
Extra- 100 calorie bike 3:57
A .- Done
B .- 5 legless and 3 regular
C.- 265×4, 285×3, 300×2, 285×4, 300×3, 320×2, 265×6
D .- time 11:26 (2:26 row, 5:30 thruster 10/10/8/6/6, 3:28 burpees, I did it slowly but kept moving until get thru)
Nice work Angel! Strong FS!
thanks Nichole.
off season
A) done
B1 only three 🙁 barely got that third one but it onyl got half way up last time so I ended up with two and a half .. s l o w l y getting there … I dont like these… LOL
C) 192,204,216,204,216,228×1 1 fail purely over stupidity. , last 192
D) time 9:17Rxd
Hope everyone is having a better day!!! air quality alert here in Ny so I struggled with breathing and very tired.. no ecuses I just didnt bring it!
Yikes, why an air quality alert?!
hello Nicole 🙂
its been like this since last week on and off something to do with the ozone being low ? and so breathing has been tough on many especially those already with issues… Yikes! 🙂
Rushed for time the afternoon so my warm up was horrible!!
Did C first, then B and D.
C: 235;255;265; 255; 265; 285(only 1 rep); 235×6- Felt heavy from get go but sets 4-7 seemed a bit easier. Well except set 6!
B: Did 8 Legless. Does anyone have transitions for Legless. I struggle getting rhythm with my legs and ends up being a big swing kip which means slot of time under tension.
D: 8:08. Thrusters in 10s, Row approx 2:15, Burpees I just kept moving.
Check out this article:
A. Done B. Done, but challenging. 15′ rope. First 2 felt strong (still don’t like to let go to touch the top), From there the ascend got shorter and shorter, finally 3 climbs was more about 12′ up rope. Still need some technique work on this . C. 4@165, 3@175, 2@190, 4@180, 3@200, 2@210, 6@170 D. 8:50 (2:57 row, 3:15 thrusters, 2:48 burpees) legs and shoulders felt this one. I did the Games Event 2 prior to doing this wod. Extra: Games Event 2 16:05 (at 10 min I was at 35 reps) So excited to watch all you Invictus… Read more »
i agree ..letting go to touch is scary … LOL I almost feel from the top bc of it and now I grab with my feet quickly but its still scary!!! Im with you! 🙂 I need work on these ..
Extra: Games Event 2 16:05 (at 10 min I was at 35 reps)
Ended up feeling much better this afternoon, and Did:
10 rounds:
3 back squats moderate weight/fast speed
max rep free standing HSPU (best I got was 5, but that’s the most I’ve ever done)
Then I did the row, thruster, burpee metcon, paced
about 9:something.
Time to relax: it’s FriYay!
off season A. Done B. Legless Rope climbs, did one every time only. I used to kip, now without the kip its easier as the transition between grabs is a lot quicker and doesn’t tax my grip/forearms as much. C. 175X4, 185X3, 195X2, 185×4, 195×3, 205X2, 175×6 D. really didn’t want to do this, as I despise thrusters…anyhow, 3:38 on the row 50 calories, did 10 thrusters, then 5 until finished. started slow on burpees, slow down, slow up and one step to the bar and jumped. Finished strong on last ten, threw myself down, threw myself up and jumped… Read more »
Ha I was hoping the front squats would last longer then they did lol
Nice work Chris!!!!!
Wod 9:55 Rx took too long on thrusters and should have sped up on the burpees
Row 2:39 50 cal/716m
Started thrusters at 3:15 finished at 6:17
Started burpees at 7min finished at 9:55
Solid Tom.
Thanks Nichole really wanted to hit a sub 9 but I took too long on the transitions.
Been gone all week with kids soccer tourneys (another one out of town this weekend) and a little vacation but I got in a few things the past couple days:
-Monday’s back squats: up to 200#
-Wednesday’s row/c2b/snatch Metcon (ouch!): 22:33 Rx
– today’s front squats: up to 170#
-2.5 mile run and an hour bike ride
I won’t be able to get the box again until Monday. Happy weekend everyone!
Enjoy Vacation!!! Great job on that metcon!
Hope you are enjoying vaca!
A. 8 Rope climbs. These are feeling good
B. 265/285/305/285/305/315 then 265 X 6
C. 8:04- first few reps of the next movement feel the worst I think. Just need to get thru the transition.
Great work Art!!! All that endurance work is paying off 🙂
A. Done
B. 8 rope climbs( couldn’t get legless today)
C. 162,172,182,172,182,192,162
D. 9:07 (did 75# on Thrusters)
A. Done
B. Did Crush Games (Miami) prelim 2, which is 9 min Amrap of 9 power snatches at 95# and 12 box facing burpee box jumps at 24″. Got 4 rounds plus 12. Not sure if that is any good since the leaderboard isn’t live yet, but it felt solid.
C. Front squats: 190/205/215/200/215/225/190. Took like 15 mins after the wod to rest before starting these.
Have a great weekend!
B)Completed with x2 legless for first 7 minutes and x1 legless on last minute.