Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets, not for time, of:
Rack Assisted Squats
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x 8-10 reps
Hip Flexor Stretch
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x 45 seconds per side
Hip Circles x 10-12 reps per side
Take 15 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Back Squat
Every two minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets), complete:
Snatch x 1 rep
Build over the course of the 10 sets to a heavy 1-RM for today.
Three sets, not for time, of:
GHD Barbell Hip Extensions with Snatch Grip x 8 reps @ 20X1
Rest as needed
Hip Bridge Hamstring Curls with Feet in Rings x 20 reps
Rest as needed
Elevated Hip Bridges x 15 reps
Rest as needed
Fun 1rm (and PR) day: Backsquat: 140kg (+5kg), Snatch 77.5kg (+2.5kg)
B. 55/60/65/70/75/75/80f/80*p/85*p/90*p…really need to work on my mobility. I would catch it in the squat but my shoulders or upper torso is leaning forward but not so much in catching in the power position. My journey continues!
Still sore from Granite Games and Saturday.
A. 165, 20 less than 1RM
B. 100 lbs A new PR by 14#s. Ran around and screamed after this one!
C. Done
Yay Tracy!!!! That is HUGE!! So proud of you!!!!!!!!!
Started the workout but my back is still on fire from the Granite Games on Friday and the Barbell Lunges on Saturday, so I decided to shut it down and come back tomorrow.
A. 340 (10 LB PR)
B. HIT 175 SOLID which is my existing PR. MISSED 180 2X. 175 has been the number for-e-v-e-r! Lol…its like a mental block.
c. Done
M and A done
A. 265 x 3, 305 x 2, 345, 385. 15 lb PR
B. Up to 165. Missed 175 x 2
C. Done
Saturday I did granite games: 107
Sunday 2000m row x 3, 839, 834, 835.
Solid Matt – great improvement!
A-worked up to 345, a bit short from PR a month or so ago. Back a bit tender from Granite games wod on Friday.
B-back to tender for snatch would have just been frustrated. Did Class wod: worked up to 225 emom 10 min pc and jerk.
Wod: 21-15-9
165 pc
On vacation next week.
A) 360
B) still recovering from shoulder surgery to repair a torn labrum so kept it light and as a power snatch.
C) completed
A. Only got to 200# on my back squat. I know it’s probably because of my back and not squatting much lately but it is frustrating! I got 225# a year ago.
B. 105#, 115, 115, 120, 125, 125, 130, 130, 130, 135; Happy with this; 137# is my PR from the MQ.
C. had to leave. Will try to get in later this week.
I totally understand your frustrations. Please know that it will get better and your back just needs time to heal and regain some strength. It sucks in the moment but with some extra focus on posterior strength, you’ll be feeling even stronger in no time!
A. 410 5lb pr
B. 195
C. done
A. 260. 5# pr
B. Worked up to 125 failed at 130
C. Done
Nice work Jeff!
A. 280# (PR by 5#)
B. 130# (failed twice at 135#).
C. Done. GHD hip extensions with 15# training bar.
Awesome job Doug!
Coaches, if possible a quick video of how to perform the GHD hip extension with barbell in snatch grip…I think many of us aren’t sure the proper way to do these. Thanks
I will have Hunter take a video tomorrow and will upload!
Thank-you Nicole!
A) 175#, then a good attempt @ 185# which would have been a 5# pr but failed. Most recent 1 RM was 180#.
B) Finally got 83# again…failed 88# several times…frustrating
C) Done…glutes still super sore from Saturday 🙂
Mob and Act done
A. 215 pr
B. 110 – f 115 x 2. Left shoulder hurt in elbows high position; I was pulling early to avoid this pain. Will try and work some Crossover Symmetry and a massage in over the next few days.
C. done
Great PR!!!!
LB is really sore from Granite Games workout Saturday with 60 DL’s! Mobility done. A. As mentioned regarding LB just worked up to 230# for a single which is 55# below my PR but playing it safe since I am the chiropractor and can’t treat patients with LBP! B. worked up to 125 successfully and failed 135 on last two sets. This is the most I have snatched this cycle as I have been nursing a shoulder issue. Felt good today; I think a combination of lower back soreness and mentally not wanting to re-injure the shoulder I was overly… Read more »
Good call!
M&A Done
A: 175kg
B: 70kg
C: Done
A) 1×8@67.5kg, 1×5@80kg, 1×3@95, 1×2@110, 1×1@122.5, 1@135.5 (2.5kg pr), missed 137.5. Still 30kg under my all time PR. Slow progress after tearing my quad last year, nagging hip bursitis and chronic issues with my hip for awhile now. But a PRs a PR so I’m happy.
B) 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80(m), 80, 82.5(m)x2. Another frustrating lifting day. Still feeling awkward and not finishing my pull.
C) done. No GHD so made up this contraption. I’m assuming in doing this right so any comments are appreciated
I would love to know the proper way to do this exercise as I hold a 15# trainer bar in the OH position and perform the movement. Which way is the proper way?
Agree – I tried to hold it overhead in snatch grip position. Can only do with a PVC.
Don’t hold it overhead!!! You are just holding the bar with a snatch grip, then doing a hip extension. Corey is doing this correctly with his contraption!
Ok, well that explains why I could only use a pvc. I’m a dork 😉 Thank you! I’ll try again tomorrow.
Great contraption Corey, I would just like to see your hips further forward off the box!
A. Made the 300# club on back squat!! But at the expense of popping a rib
B. Only got to 115 with rib
C. No time
Did MU work and finally stringing!!
Coongrats on the back squat but no bueno on the rib!
Thank you, chiropractor getting ready to fix me
As a fellow DC – don’t delay to get the treatment! And congrats on the lift!
Congrats on the PR and multiple MU’s!
Thank you!! I was pretty excited
A. 177 A new PR by 2#s yay!
B. 62 A new PR by 6#s yay!
C. Done
Great work Kendall!!