Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Followed by. . .
Skill Development
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
2-4 PERFECT Ring Muscle-Ups
Skill-Based Movement Primer
Every 4 minutes, for 12 minutes (3 sets) for times:
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
1 Legless Rope Climb (ascent and descent performed legless)
3-4 Strict Handstand Push-Up to 0-6″ Deficit
4 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (36″/30″)
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Tempo Front Squat x 2 reps @ 32X1
All six sets must exceed load used last week. A good goal would be to increase the load of all sets by 4-5%.
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Sotts Press x 3 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Power Clean + Jerk + Clean & Jerk
Start at 60% and build to today’s heavy.
For time:
50 Toes-to-Bar
150 Double-Unders
500 Meter Row
15 Bar Muscle-Ups
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is going to be a great test of your gymnastics endurance as well as your grip strength! Every movement involves you gripping something, from the pull-up bar, to the rower handle, and even your jump rope handle. At the end of it, it will come down to volume accumulation throughout the workout, so why not try to move through it quickly before your forearms blow up! We would advise quick sets and quick rest on the toes to bar. Hopefully you are able to accomplish the 50 reps in 4 sets or fewer. NEVER plan to break on the double unders, but if you do trip, take a breath, gather yourself, and then get back at it. On the row, you should aim to be somewhere around your 1-2k pace. Any faster than that and you might be doing yourself a disservice on the bar muscle ups…on the flip side, don’t let yourself go too much slower than that! The strategy for bar muscle ups to finish the workout are pretty simple, just get them done however you can! Your heartrate will be elevated and your grip will be pretty smoked at this point, but hold on and see what you’re capable of under fatigue! It’s a great chance to practice finishing a workout with a complex gymnastics movement, much like the open workout this year!
A. 235
D. 13:47
Primer done
A. Built to 295
B. 45, 45, 45, 45
C. 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235
D. 11:27 RX
Fun start to the week!
I’ll be a day behind this week- I had a lot of work to do tonight, so needed to prioritize that. For my nightly walk in though!
New day tomorrow! ????
Hope you had a great day!
Warm up done
A. 225/255/285/305/325/335F made 1 missed 1
D. 5:22 Rx
T2B 38/12
Row 1:42
MU 9/6
Skipped b/c due to time
That 335!! Good job getting in what you could!
Skill based: 2:13/2:12/2:12
With 3 SHSPU 4” . Box jump 40”
A. 225/245/275/295/305/315 lbs
B. 45/55/65/75
C. 165/170/175/180/185/195/2015/210
Fail 215 lbs twice
D. 10:24
T2B: 21/11/10/8
DU’s : 80/22/48
bar MU: 5/5/5
Primer 2:17/2:18/2:13 (6 S. Pull ups. No rope)
A. 205/225/255/275/300/305×1
B. 45/75/95/115 (I Beat Max, Tino ????????)
C. 185/205/215/225/235/245/250/255/260/265
D. 9:32 Rx (T2B 15/10/10/7/5/3, DU unbroken, BMU sets of 3)
Hahaha game in Max!!!
Primer done
A. 102/111/120/125/130/134Kg(failed 2nd)
B. 20Kg bar for all
C. Up to 100Kg; failed at 102Kg. Held onto the bar for the whole complex. Was that what was intended? It smoked me but I need to work on the cycling.
D. 7:04 Rx
T2B – 36/14
DU – 89/132/150
Row – 1:37
BMU – 5×3
It is not necessary to hold on to complexes unbroken when we are just building strength, but if it is a weakness then it sounds like a good thing to do.
Definitely a different part c if I am dropping.
Primer done
A. 95-105-115-115-115-115kg
B. 20-30-40-50kg went every 1:30
C. 75-110kg
No time for metcon
Pm conditioning
Every 2:30 for 30min alt between Assault bike and row
1st 3 sets 35 cal
2nd 3 sets 40 cal
Glad you were able to get all this work in!
Skill Done 3 hspu all sets
A: Done 135, 185, 205, 225, 245, 265
B: Done 45, 55, 65, 75 lb
C: 215 for todays heavy
D: 14:27
Nice work Enrique!
Thanks Tino
Muscle Activation DONE
Skill Development
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
4 PERFECT Ring Muscle-Ups
Skill-Based Movement Primer DONE
A. 80/ 90/ 95/ 100/ 105/ 110kgs (last week I started @70kgs and finished @95kgs)
B. 30/ 35/ 40/ 40kgs
C. 60/ 65/ 70/ 75/ 80/ 85/ 90/ 92,5/ 95/ 97,5kgs
D. 7:34
Toes-to-Bar 30/ 6/ 8/ 6
Double-Unders Unbroken
500 Meter Row 2:00
Bar Muscle-Ups 8/7
Solid start to the week!
3 Rounds for Quality
8 Glute Ham Raise
15 Reverse Snow Angels
10/12/15 Spanish Squats
Skipped squatting and weight lifting got a couple more weeks until I’m gonna get back into it
D. RX 6:29
T2B: 47/3
DU: 116/34
500 row: 1:47
Bar MU: Unbroken
E. Copenhagen and roll outs
Glad you are doing what you can.
Thanks hunter, obviously not ideal but trying to get as close to 100% healthy as possible and then keep it that way!
How close are you to that?
Not as close as I’d like, but getting there. I’m hoping by August
What’s up with that 47-3 haha? Couldn’t hold onto it for that last 3 reps? 47 ub t2b, crazy man ????
lol good question should have just cried through the last 3, thanks man!
I mean I don’t think that I could do even a close ub number to that, but I’m sure if i would get until 47, i would stick my ass to the bar for last 3, like my life depends on it
AM wod with class 20’ Amrap 40 WB 20lbs 30 cal row 20 t2b 10 alt. db snatches 55lbs 4 rounds + 40 reps After yesterday’s feast it, was a great wod to start the day PM normal session Primer with minor modifications done A) 110kg (+10kg, but i remember i took it kinda easy last week) B) just with empty barbell, quality work C) Went “fast” up to 100kg in 10’, because was short on time D) the only bar where the ceiling is high enough for me was taken by class, so had to change a little 3… Read more »
At least you got a lot in today to make up for future days. I bet the shoulders were feeling those HSW and DU.
I did my best, thanks.
Haha, they were on fire indeed, but I love both of these movements, so I’m not complaining ????
A. Tempo FS @ 32X1: 225x2x3, 230#x2x3. Might have misunderstood. My heaviest last week was 220#, so I did all six sets above that. Oh well it still turned out fine ???? ????
B. Sotts Press: 70×3, 75×3, 80×3, 85#x3
C. PC + J + C&J: 110, 117, 125, 132, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160#, —
D. 8:46. 50 T2Bs, 150 DUs, 500 m row, 15 Burpee Pull-ups
“You’re fine”
A) 210/235/265/280/305/325
B) 185/195/205/215/225/235/245/255/260/265
C) 8:13
Good work today!
A. 205/225/245/275/285/295
C. 175/185/195/205/205/215/215/215/215/215 – scaled to 2 PC and jerk, did a lot of full cleans in met con
Clean barbell cycling work for class met con
What was the class workout?
E2MOM for 6:00 5 cleans, 5 hang cleans, 5 S2OH
E2MOM for 6:00 4 cleans, 4 hang cleans, 4 S2OH
E2MOM for 6:00 3 cleans, 3 hang cleans, 3 S2OH
Started at 95, finished at 185
Sounds like a fun one
Ring MU 2/2/2/3/4
E4M done
A. 85/95/100/100/105/110kg.
B. 20-30kg for movement quality
C. Up to 105kg
D. 9:33 min
Outside workout ????
Skill 4 bmu’s & primer done, 4hspu to 10cm deficit, subd rc for 4tpu.
A. Up to 135kg (+5kg each set)
B. 20/30/40/50kg
C. Up to 115kg, got the first c&j @ 120kg but failed the second ????good set overall.
D. Cumulated, not for time. Du work ????
Sun’s out guns out! ???? ????
What if i have no room for bar muscle up? I’ll hit my head on my basement ceiling!
Burpee Pull-Ups! Be safe!