Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
One set of:
Twisted Cross Stretch x 60 seconds per side
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Wall Slides x 6 reps
Y’s, T’s, W’s x 6 reps each
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Med Ball Hamstring Curls x 5 reps
Hip Extensions (unweighted) x 10 reps
Band Pull-Aparts (overhead) x 15 reps (light band)
Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes, complete:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 5 reps
Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes, complete:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 2 reps OR Wall Walks x 1 ascent
Fifteen sets of:
Banded Conventional Deadlift x 1 rep @ 35% Bar Weight + 25% Band Tension
rest 30 seconds
Bar Weight = 35% of 1-RM Deadlift
Band Tension = 25% of 1-RM Deadlift at Lockout (when the band is stretched)
Example – Fifteen sets of:
Banded Conventional Deadlift x 1 rep @ 35% Bar Weight + 25% Band Tension
Rest 30 seconds
1-RM = 500 lbs
Bar Weight = 175 lbs
Band Tension = 125 lbs
*This needs to be as explosive as possible during the concentric phase
Squeeze and contract glutes as much as possible for 2 seconds at the lockout before lowering the bar to the ground.
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
Minute 1 – 5 Bar Facing Burpees + Cluster (Power Clean + Thruster) x 3 reps
Minute 2 – 5 Bar Facing Burpees + Double-Unders x 30 reps
Minute 3 – Bar Muscle-Ups x 3-6 reps
35-49: 135/95 lbs
50-54: 115/75 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs; Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 6 reps
If you aren’t having enough time to finish each minute, then bring the reps down to 3 Bar Facing Burpees. If you don’t have bar muscle-ups, then substitute with jumping bar muscle-ups.
Three sets of:
Lying Prone Hamstring Curls x 10 reps @4111
rest 30 seconds
Reverse Hypers x 20 reps
Rest 60 seconds
A. Messes up and did 2 strict not 5…
B. Done
C. Changes up
Subbed stones ground to shoulder for 2 instead of thruster
Did jumping bar mu
20 du instead of 30
Last 2 rounds went to 4 bar facing burpees
D. Reverse hypers couldn’t do, rib out from stones
C: So this was just awful i subbed 3 strict pullups + 3 strict dips for the mu’s today. But i was able to keep the reps and have about :15-:20 rest on min 1 and :05-:10 in min 2, and :25-:30 in min 3.
Joined class wod (s)
1. 12 min of 5 DL at 215, 30 DU
2. Partner wod with burp box jumps, chest to bar, shuttle runs, DB ground to overhead–too complicated to write out fully
3. Partners 4,8,12, etc of power clean at 105 and SHSPU–I had to kip because strict still hurts shoulder 12 min time cap
Forgot to post.
Got the EMOM done. Jumping RMU. These were the best double unders I’ve ever done!
A. Done RX
B. 155 plus bands (felt awesome on glutes)
C. Done RX. Pumped to hit 6 bar mus each rd.
D. Done
A) Done
B) 145# + Black Band X 15
C) Started with 3’s, 30, 135, had to drop to 2’s and 20 at round 5 when the minutes caught up to me, finished last two at 3’s/30, went over on the last min, 3’s/30/135# shouldve been doable but I didnt sleep well and had nothing in me
D) Green band, GM’s instead of RH
A. Done
B. 140# on bar with blue band
C. Done w/3x Ring MUs due to no place for Bar MUs.
D. No time
There was too much going on at the gym today for me to do our programming, so I jumped in with the class WOD:
“Hotshots 19” – in memory of 19 firefighters who lost their lives in a 2013 fire in AZ, and in honor of the firefighters who are currently fighting the Lake Christine fire in my area. This seemed fitting and had meaning for today.
30 Air Squats
19 Power Cleans (135/95)
7 strict Pull-Ups
400m Run
32:40 (scaled the PCs to 75# and used a thin purple band for the strict pull-ups)
A. 5/5/4/5/4/4/3/3
B. 185 on bar plus 120 band tension
C. done at 135 clean thrusters/ most du rounds ub/ 2 bmu per min.
all rounds with 3 bbjo
d. tomorrow
A. Done. Felt good.
B. 145# on bar plus 110# band tension.
C. Done at 115#. 5 + 3 cluster singles. 5 + 30 DU. Sets of 4 Bar MU unbroken.
D. Reverse hypers done (140# loaded)
Dyn/Mob: done
A). 8sets x 5reps -no fails, tho the last few reps were ugly
B). D/L : 110 lbs, I didnt have a scale, so I relied on bar speed.
C) 10 rds+ 5+3+3 (bar facing burpees) did 3 BMU each round
D) 1) red band -done
2) 35 lbs each side on reverse hyper
really spend – I need to improve and figure out a system of eating in between training.. I go five to 8 hours with out eating.. 🙁
Wow, Lise – I would be famished if I went 5-8 hours without eating! I love “Perfect Bars” for something on the go. If you like nut butter based bars, they usually have them in the refrigerated section at Whole Foods.
I felt lethargic. THANK YOU!!!!
I will def be picking those bars up! I cant eat and train and I worry about eating something to heavy but that sounds great! I love peanut butter!!! <3 I appreciate this info and you taking the time out!!! thanks again! godspeed!
So stoked with the 30 min EMOM today!
Min 1 3+3 @95
Min 2 3+30 DUs
Min 3 3 BMUs
All DU & BMUs UB
Nice job Ed!
Of course had to modify the movements, but man this was a tough 30 min emom:
Min 1: 1 arm ass bike x 10 cals
Min 2: 1 arm 35# DB OH lunge x 15 steps
Min 3: V sit-ups x 20 reps
It was a fun one!!!
DMA – Complete
A.) 5,5,5,3,4,5,5,5 (last 3 sets were with abmat)
B.) Complete – Purple Band + 175# (15 sets of DLs)
C.) Complete- After 20mins cut down the BFBs to 3’s. Bar MUs were all 3s. Next time Ill do sets of 4’s.
D.) Complete
A. 6 sets x5, then 3, 2 last 2 sets
B 12 DL singles at 82%
C (35-49) Rx 3 BMU per round
A. Complete
B. Worked at 205 and some bands. Not sure the strength
C. Happy to complete all RX. only did 4 BMU ON #3.
Today I had: A. 5 sets: 2 min rest 10 kbs 10 goblet squats 10 windmills B. 5 sets: rest 3 min 3 front squat 80-85% rest :30 5 broad jumps C. 21-15-9 DL 185 wall balls rest 2 min 50 ttb Whew! Great day. I did not sleep well last night, so the heat was bothering me more than usual. Sometimes I felt a bit lightheaded, but then it would clear. But I still had fun. 🙂 A. done. used 35# kb for all rounds. B. worked at 145, which is slightly above 80%. I assumed this should be… Read more »
DMA Done.
A. Couldn’t do last set
B. No bands @ 100kg
C. 24mins @ 50kg and 3 Bar MUs
D. Done
42 master
A- 5-5-5-5-3-3-3-3
B- red band + 70 kg its very light
C- Emom 30’ 1’st 5+ 3 60 kg – 2’ 3 Burpees + 30 DU UB -3’ 2-3 Bar Muscle up
DMA: done
A. Had to modify. Used 2 abmats and still couldn’t hit 5 each time.
B. 85 on the bar & I used 1 black and 2 red bands
C. Only got 5 rds in today, will do the rest tomorrow. Since I’m doing my bmu’s one at a time, I only did 3 each time. I was able to hit each the #’s but don’t know that I would have been able to keep that up on the last 5 sets?
D. Only got 2 sets in