Workout of the Day
Three rounds for time of:
10 Power Cleans
20 Barbell Weighted Walking Lunges
30 Pull-Ups
Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 Meters
30 Kettlebell Swings
40-49: 135/95 lbs; 32/24 kg
50-54: 115/75 lbs; 24/20 kg
55+: 95/65 lbs; 24/16 kg
Optional Additional Session
Three sets of:
Row 2000 meters @ 75% of your 500 Meter pace
Rest 5 minutes
I guess I should have scaled this one down. After finishing first round in 4 min, took me 21 min to finish the first section (~12 min for second round). Biggest challenge was my grip coming out of first round into second round of power cleans. After completing 5+5 in rapid succession in round 1, was immediately down to singles in round 2 as well as round 3 (which became a mental struggle to just finish).
Did pieces of granite game qualifiers:
8 min amrap
30 du
15 ctb
30 du
15 ttb
212 reps
6 min rest
10 min amrap
5 hang squat cleans 105
7 burpees over barbell
72 reps…then realized I was suppose to do 95#
Torn hand, decreased pull ups by 1/2 12:45
Part 2, run felt good, 15:08
Skip optional part.
Did Granite Games15.4, #113
1000m row warmup
1 high hang snatch pull
1high hang p snatch
X2 x 5 rounds 165 lbs
A :12:21
3min. Rest
Both very Hard !!!!
A. and B. done – subbed bent over rows for pull ups (hand crack).
Optional row two sets done.
Strongman workout before: 16 EMOM 5 stone to shoulder, farmer carries. Fun day, ready for a rest day 🙂
Did today’s performance partner WOD.
Subbed 1000M row for 800M run; 24:37
Did Granite Games Qualifier 15.4 – 88 reps. Got to get those muscle ups!
A. 17:25 @ 95# lower back was really tight this morning, so went light and tried not to upset it.
B. 20:55 with 24kg Russian swings. My leg cramped on the first run so rowed 1000M for rounds 2 & 3.
A) 18:25 Rx
B) 16:05 Rx (legs felt like bricks…just tried to keep moving)
*Not able to do yesterdays because of wrist…today much better…may try to make up on Sunday?
A. 11:54 Rx
B. 18:24 Rx
Feels so good to have done this. Thanks! Those runs felt so slow…told myself to just keep moving!
A: 13:43 @60
B: 22:55 Full Swing @32kg
A. 18:21
B. 28:01
A and B done with no chrono
I will row tomorrow !
Great weekend to everyone 🙂
Partner Wod at the box today. AMRAP 20. Partner 1 sets pace with 100m farmer carry (I did 2-35# kbs). Partner 2 earns the points with AMRAP 10 wbs (14# 10′), 10 GHD (I did AMSU) and 30 DU’s.