Empty Barbell Movement Primer
Three sets of:
Overhead Squat x 5 reps
(use a progressively narrower grip for every set)
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Front squat x 5 reps @ 2210
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
1+1/4 Front Squat x 5 reps
Rest as needed
In 20 minutes…
Establish a 1-RM Clean
*Set 1 – 55% x 8 reps
*Set 2 – 65-70% x 6 reps
*Set 3 – 75-80% x 4 reps
*Set 4 – 85-90% x 2 reps
*Set 5 – 90-95% x 1 rep
*Set 6 – 95+% x 1 rep
Rest as needed
Every minute, on the minute, for 35 minutes (7 sets):
Minute 1: 20-22/15-17 Calorie Row or Bike Erg
Minute 2: 15-18 Burpee Over the Erg
Minute 3: 20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
Minute 4: 20 Double Unders + 10-12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Minute 5: Rest
Please adjust rep ranges accordingly. This should be challenging and take 50-55 seconds toward the end.
Hi tino i ‘d like to know something:
Is it possibile to substitute the ski erg exesercise with row exersice? In that case how many cal do i have to cont ? Thx a lot
Yup you can substitute row for Ski. I would drop the calories by two in your rowing equivalent
Warm-up done.
A: up to 65kg
B: 65, 75, 85, 90, 95, 95kg
C: Done.
15 cal row, 13 burpees.
B. Up to 330# (10#PR)!
C. 3rds rx then redlined hard due to bike. Did 10 cal bike the last 4 rds, rest rx
A. 215# (15 Lb PR)
B. 215/255/295/335/355/375
C. Rounds 1-4:
20 cal ROW
15 burpees
20 cal RUN
20 DU + 10 CTB strict
15/12/15/20+MaX strict
A) 285 (15# under all time best)
B) worked up to 455 (485 is PR)
C) All rx except went 15/15/15/15/12/12/12 on bike (Bike was a crusher!)
A: Up to 330# for a 5# pr
B: Up to 445#, felt ok
C: First 4 rounds rx: 20/15/20/20+10. Last 3 rounds: 15/12/15/20+10
Congrats on the PR Sam!! Thats a damn solid session!!
A. 115Kg(83%), 120Kg(f); very disappointing. Felt slow and heavy off the ground. Pull is lacking and the weight is crashing down on me in the catch. B. 110/130/150/170/180(f)/180Kg(90%)(f). Disappointed here too. C. Had to sub row 20 cal on minute 3; need to invest in a bike. Overall this felt good until last set, I pulled something in my right oblique on last row. 22 cal row throughout/15 burpees throughout/20 cal row throughout/Rx DU and 10 strict C2B throughout Starting to think that the effects of age and a lifetime of injuries are catching up with me and my heavy… Read more »
For sure, your not a your buck anymore. Its important to know where you are at so that you put less pressure yo yourself. It will also help prevent injury from trying to overextend yourself based on what you could previously do. Its a tough pill to swallow at first but in the long run you’ll reap the benefits of smarter decisions in training and feel better about your performances based on where you are at.
A. Up to 335.
B. Up to 475
C. Did 20 cal row, 15 burpee, 20 cal bike for first 3 rounds then down to 16, and 10 c2b/all dus.
Nice job holding 20 cals on the bike for the first 3!
475? That’s cute. I remember my first deadlift
That was a typo I meant to put 745…double underhand.
A) late
B) up to 495 double overhand hook grip (about 97%)
C) first 4 rounds: 20 cals on both, 15 burpees all du and c2b
5-7: 15 cals on both, 10 burpees, all dubs and c2b
Thats a damn solid push dude!
Definitely up way too late last night preparing for a meeting I had to lead this am before school…. and then fell asleep for 2.5 hrs after work. Haha I’ll be making this up tomorrow- guess I needed some sleep!
Hope your day was great Tino!
I hope you crushed that meeting Jess! Get some rest!
Thanks so much Tino!! It went well! Got some really positive feedback from everyone! ?
A. Just up to 165lbs today (89%) — did it at globo gym and wasn’t really comfortable going up
B. Came back and deadlifted with the class so got to squeak in an extra set 200 / 240 / 275 / 310 / 335 / 350 / 370 (sumo— all previous weeks have been conventional)
C. Min 1: 15 cal row every interval
Min 2: 13-17 burpees
Min 3: 6-7 cal assault bike :/
Min 4: No rope, so did 10 heavy rope DU + 6 c2b
Kind of all over the place today but I got it done
Great job Caitlin!
Body felt like a pile of wet garbage today
A: up to 295, missed 305
No legs, disappointed in that number
B: 235/275/315/365/385/405
First time above 400 since I hurt my back
C: had to skip to run some errands, in retrospect I shoulda done this and skipped the lifting
Getting up to 300 while being a pile of wet garbage is still some good lifting
Good day, mentally and physically trashed but still moved weight
A) up to 316 1 pound PR
B) 305/355/425/470/495/525/557f (could not pull 475 last week…?)
C) EMOM for 28 minutes
20-18 cal row
15 BoR
15-10 cals Bike ?
20/12 RX
Now to look after your hips and knees to make sure you’re moving smooth and efficiently.
Knees money hips ??
Warm up done.
A. Up to 285, missed 305.
B. Up to 455
C. This was a sweaty grind, but glad to have completed. Did solo, major gut check. 20 cal row for all. 12 burpee over erg for 6 rounds, 15 on 7th. :45-:50 second AAB (picked the bike that didn’t work of course). 20 DUs + 7 strict c2b.
Today was definitely a challenge! Great test of your mental strength and ability to grind!
A. 320 PR
B. 445 PR
1. 20/20/20/15/15/15/15
2. 15 burpees Everytime
3. 20/20/20/20/20/20/20 worked on sprinting and keeping a high stimulus. Got them all under 40 seconds.
4. 15KB Swings+10c2B
The main goal for today was to try and sprint on bike and focus on breathing through every movement. Want to get better at high intensity Bike tried to push at 100 RPM for the first 13 cals. Had to modify the DU. Ball of foot is swollen from landing wrong on MU.
You and Max are on ?
Great to see you really pushing the pace on the bike.
Keep up the awesome work!!
A- up to 275; failed at 285 and 290. Think just tired from traveling early today. Just felt a little off catching the bar today.
B – percentages off 525 – up to 505 today, felt good
C- done at 20 cal row, 13 burpees, 20×3, then 15 cal bike and 20/10 DU and c2b.
A. 310# Five pound PR!
B. 230/275/320/365/405/415 Very happy with that.
C. Done. 15 cal row, 15 then fell to 12 burpees over the erg, 15 to 12 to 10 cals on the bike oof, 20 DU and 8 C2B.
Great day of lifting! congrats on the PR!
Empty barbell: done
A. 265 PR 10 lb
B. 275/350/400/450/475/500
C. I did the birthday Wod of my partner
33 burpees
9 Hang power clean 135#
7 box jump 30”
8 shoulder to overhead 135#
6 bar MU
My time: 16:25
Happy Birthday to your partner!
Thanks Tino
A. Up to 160-squat clean PR, but my power clean is 165..I’m getting braver under the bar.
B. Up to 275
C. This was a little intimidating, but in reality wasn’t that bad. I scaled the AB to 12 cals but everything else RX.
Row: 42-44 sec
Burpees: 41-43 sec
AB: 45-51 sec
DU/C2B (10): 35-52 sec. Did 15 C2B on the last round cuz I had time.
Congrats on the clean PR! Now to get it above your power clean!
If you don’t workout at 6pm with Comp class, did you even work out?
Probably not, but I didn’t want you to feel intimidated by all my heavy lifting. 🙂 Next time I’ll be there, but you’ll have to do all the burpees. Missed you guys tonight!
A. 330 – Not sure what happened I was acting afraid of the heavy bars and not finishing my pull, causing me to catch forward.
B. 295/350/405/450/505
1. 20/20/20/15/15/15/15
2. 15
3. 20/20/20/15/15/15/20
4. 20DU + 8C2B
Notes: Lungs actually felt okay, legs just seemed dead today. I knew I needed work on burpees so I scaled in other places and kept the burpees at 15.
No PRs today?!