Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
CrossOver Symmetry
Rows x 10 reps
Reverse Flies x 10 reps
Pull-Downs x 10 reps
Victory x 10 reps
90/90 Drill x 10 reps
Cross Body Pull x 10 reps per side
(Stand to the side of the rig. With the arm furthest from the rig, pull the band across the body while keeping the elbow close to the rib cage.)
and then …
30-60 seconds of Elbow Iso Drill by coach Fritz
and finish with …
Two sets of:
200 Meter Row (nasal breathing only)
10 Press in Split Behind the Neck (empty barbell)
Perfect Stretch with reach to ceiling x 30 second per leg
Take some time to draw out your landing position for your jerks and then complete 10 jump and lands on your footwork
Four sets of:
Jerk in Split x 3 reps @ 55-60%
followed by…
Every 60 seconds, for 12 minutes (12 sets) of:
Split Jerk @ 70% of 1-RM with a 2 second pause
Three sets for quality of…
8-10 Tempo Front Foot Elevated Split Squats @2211 (each leg)
Followed by…
15 GHD Hip Extensions (unweighted)
Rest as needed
Complete for time:
1000 Meter Row
Rest exactly 2 minutes, then…
100 Foot Farmer Carry
15 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts
100 Foot Farmer Carry
12 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts
100 Foot Farmer Carry
9 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts
Rest exactly 2 minutes, and then…
1000 Meter Row
35-54: 50/35 lbs
55+: 35/20 lbs
Compare to May 13, 2022
Four sets of:
Alternating See-Saw Dumbbell Bench x 20-24 reps (10-12 each arm)
Rest 90 seconds between sets
Athlete Notes:
We are getting some good practice with your jerk technique. Today we are asking you to do split jerk (last week you had the option to do push jerk or split jerk). Then you are retesting a workout you did back at the beginning of this cycle! But now you have 8 weeks of Zone 2 training so you should feel much more comfortable maintaining a strong pace without spiking your heartrate. Your goal today is to push on the conditioning piece and note these three things: 1) your time 2) your average heartrate and 3) how you felt in the conditioning today versus 8 weeks ago. The goal is to feel better during this conditioning piece, move quicker throughout the training but still maintain a similar heartrate! Post your notes!
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Skill Development Option
Strict Ring Muscle-Up Progressions –
*Make sure you are familiar with the false grip. If you aren’t then please check out this video
One set of:
Extensor Stretch for False Grip x 30 seconds
Followed by. . .
One set of:
False Grip Static Hang x 10-20 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Full Support Hold x 20 seconds + Catch Position Hold x 10 seconds
*Lower from full support to the catch position hold via ring dip negative.
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Strict Chest to Ring Pull-Up OR Band Assisted Strict Ring Muscle Up OR Strict Ring Muscle-Up x 1-2 reps