Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Anterior Band-Distracted Pec Stretch x 60 secconds per side
Followed by …
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Followed by …
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Two sets of:
Air Chair Swings x 5 reps
Followed by …
Two sets of:
Banded Bar Muscle-Up Stomps x 5 reps
Followed by …
Every 60 seconds, for 6 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Bar Muscle-Up x 1-3 reps
Followed by …
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Ring-Dips x 5-8 reps
60+: 1-3 reps
(If you need assistance, then try this alternative)
Three sets for max reps of:
Shoulder-to-Overhead x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
40-49: 135/95 lbs
50-59: 115/75 lbs
60+: 95/65 lbs
Six rounds for time of:
Assault Bike x 20 calories
Rope Climb Variation
40-49: Legless Rope Climb x 2 ascents
Legless Rope Climb x 1 ascent
Six rounds for time of:
Assault Bike x 15 calories
Rope Climb x 2 reps
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Five sets for max meters:
Row x 3 minutes
Rest 3 minutes
A) Done
B) 30/25/23
C) sub’d w/ 20 cal AD and 6 strict ring pullups/6 toes to ring each round.
MOB done
A. First time doing chair swings, went ok, probably the best drill for me so far, then 1 BMU a minute, could not string them together and still had chicken wing pull, feet not staying together. Dips 5 every 30 sec, trying to work on kip instead of always strict, still a work in progress
B. 95# 15/11/11, first time I have not had to do split jerk, but I probably could have gotten 1-2 more if I went to that at the end
C. Did rowing section instead, since I am not a great rower: 677/662/650/678/682
Hey Laura – can you post a video of you doing bar muscle ups to our FB group?
A. Done BMU 6 sets 3 reps each set, Ring dips 6,6,6,3,6,4
B. 20, 12, 9 @ 115 went into this super confident after doing 25 reps UB the other day. Guess the work above made a difference!
C. 6 sets 15 Cals 2 rope climbs done
Optional session done
Set 1 747
Set 2 804
Set 3 806
Set 4 765
Set 5 803
3925 total
A. Done
B. WZA #1
C. FS 5×6 4111 175-205
D. 15 Amrap 60wb, 30cal row, 10 mu (2+30)
DMA Done
A. Bar MU drills done
Emom at 2s, 3s the last 2 minutes. The Air chair concept really clicked for me
B. S2O at 115# 25/20/18 (push jerk with focus on “punch”)
C. Had to do class WOD. A solid 20 min emom 16.1rep scheme with front rack lunges. The box is packed right now from 4pm to 9pm, no room for other WODs (even the team athletes are doing the class WODss if they can’t make open gym)
Mobility done.
A. Swings done. Sub Jumping BMU from a box for stomps. 3 BMU each min, these went real well after progressions, no chicken wings. 5 dips each 30sec.
B. 20UB/13/12
C. 15:30
Mobility -done
Split up the workout and did the BMU work in the afternoon after rowing.
B. S2O – 22 – 22 – 17
C. A.B. & R. C. – 2:15 / 2:17 / 2:05 / 2:07 / 1:57 / 1:55 (Used a 1:1 ratio for work & rest.)
Rowing – 8 X 5 min intervals working on stroke rate (8500 m)
A. BMU – drills – done
BMU – EMOM – 1 every minute (made 5/6 attempts)
Ring dips – 3 reps each set (alternative)
Nice work today Barry and AWESOME job on your BMU!!
BMU 3/3/3/3/3/3
Ring dips 8/8/8/5/5/5
B.- 27/23/17(10-6-1) @135#
C.- No bike, no row so did the wod of the house
Cap time 20 min
800 m run
50 TTB
Than 3 round of
Squat clean x 5 @185#
100 DU
20 KTTB swing @60#
Did 230 reps
A – Done. BMU x3, Ring Dips x8; video posted to FB for feedback.
B – 20(14/6), 14(8/3/3), 13(7/3/3) @135. Fried out fast. First round better than I thought.
C – 15:13 total time. 2 legless. Bike still wears me out. Tried to pick an RPM that I could comfortably sustain without getting gassed. First two rounds 58-63 RPM. Last four rounds all around 54-55 RPM. Not great but I need to find a base speed that I can sustain and try and build from there.
Off to St. Louis for a work trip tomorrow. Back training Wednesday.
Totally and glad you are making note of your RPMs.
Most of the Mob
A. felt good w these – it is when I am tired that my MUs get sloppy
B. 31/22/21 @115 Went with the 50 + group on this
C. Back to 40s on this- Did 20 cals schwinn bike and 2 legless 19:33- no misses but had to let my shoulders recover
did 3 rounds of optional session about 5-10min after part C. -so it was more of a recovery row than max meters 735m/740m/760m it was getting easier the farther I got away from that WOD
In regard to BMU, Just don’t get tired then!
And you must be going through some mid life crisis, not knowing if you’re in the 40’s or 50’s age group!
I most certainly am.
A: done
B: 27/20/18
C: 9:52 – AB/Legless. Just got an AB in gym. Ripping it, you can match an AD. Slower you have to work a little harder on it. Either way. You lose.
Hahaha yep, that is an apt description of the AB. Great work on the conditioning, you crushed those legless climbs!
I think the AB bike is a faux fitness device- I consider it the most expensive, inefficient, non-transportable, self-propelled personal fan on the market- nothing else. We have all been duped into thinking it has any other value.
Pretty much the devil!
Mob & Activation-done
A. Bar MU-6×1- (chair position needs work)
Ring Dips-6×5
B. (135#)
8 (UB-slow & controlled breathing-didn’t work well-to slow)
10 (max UB-didn’t work-unable to recover quick enough to go again)
13 (5-5-3-practiced short quick jerk reps-worked best-fatigued less quickly)
AB- 58, 52, 59, 1:09, 1:00, 59
RC- Did 1 legless +1 w/legs each round. (rested between sets, not done for time, was it supposed to be?)
Session 2
Good notes on the s2o Ian!!
Can you post a video of your air chair swings?
And it was for time but be happy you got the work in today.
All drills and mobility
A-BMU-sets of 3, 7 dips each 30 sec.
That was it today. I did some work this morning with a group from our gym. We did a couple of team wods together. Had lots of people in class today so tough to get my stuff done.
How FUN!
A. BMU sets of 1
B. 15/15/15
C. I did a similar workout with the class at my gym–5rds 20 cal bike, 20 kb swing, 10 c2b, rest 3 min. 30:01
A. BMU 6×3, strict ring dips 5×8, last round 5 reps, air chair swings were helpful
B. 20/17/16 @115
C. 15:08 w/2 regular rc per round
Bar MU work 8min OTM 2-3 then worked for another 12min finally last 4min I was consistently 3-4 a min
Barbell Cycle Slowed Down this week big time.
Did 4 sets 20/25/24/26
Set of 20 UB
set of 25 15/10
Set 24 12/12
Set 26 26 UB
That’s all I had time for, did row in morning
First day on the program after about 4 month hiatus from working out… read assignment and thought “that’s easy”, meanwhile I gassed out real quick. Got ALOT of work ahead of me. Man, what a few months of slacking and bad eating can do :/
Dynamic Mob/Act – done
A. Done. Only got 3 muscle ups out of the 6 tries. Ring dips 8/8/8/6/5/4
B. STOH. 13/10/9. Dropped all reps
C. AA/ rope climbs 19:21. Quad and grip gone. Used legs on rope climbs. Was really gased out.
Welcome Omar!! You have joined a FANTASTIC group, happy to have you on your fitness journey! Let me know if you have any questions about anything!
Thanks! Looking forward to getting back on track. But fist things first, I gotta read the work out correctly!! STOH, I did GTOH ? I was wondering g how people were getting 25+ reps! ?
Hey crew! I’ve been in the wintery wonderland in Bend/Redmond since Thursday night for a family wedding…took several days of rest with family and wedding activities going on. A girlfriend came to pick me up today to go to her CF gym but with the combination of crazy weather and her getting completely lost to pick me up, it just wasn’t meant to be! So, I ended up doing the “Hotel 100” workout at my sisters this afternoon…just needed to breathe hard which I did! Had plans of flying out from Bend Wednesday morning to Ft Lauderdale for Wodapalooza but… Read more »
Trains ? & Automobiles ?
That’s what I’ve been saying!
Good Luck Cheryl… I’m sure body didn’t mind a little recovery before your big weekend coming up. Safe travels my friend.
Thanks Jean! Great job this weekend Champ!
That is crazy!!! Is that b/c of the weather?! Bend has been dumped on! We had an ice storm the other day and that made the roads crazy!!
But the pictures of the wedding looked BEAUTIFUL!
Yes all due to the crazy weather! 3 or 4 straight days of cancelled flights for all morning flights out of Bend/Redmond!
A) 3 BMU 6 kipped dips.
B) 20-20-18
C) 20:45
Optional: ~760m for 4 Intervals then did the 5th as a recovery.