Primary Training Session
Skill Based Warm-Up
Three rounds at increasing effort of:
12/9 Calorie Bike or Row
100 Foot Sandbag Bearhug Carry
10 Sandbag Deadlifts
30-45 second Wall Sit Hold
5 Handstand Kick-Ups
30-45 second Handstand Hold
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:
Clean Lift-Off with Pause at Knees + Power Clean + Power Jerk
Build to today’s heavy over the course of the eight sets.
Individual Option:
For time:
30 Ring Muscle-Ups
15 Back Squats (275/205)*
15 Push Presses (185/135)*
30 Box Jump-Overs (42/36)**
Team of 2 and Team of 4 Option:
For time:
30 Synchro Ring Muscle-Ups
30 Back Squats (per pair)(275/205)
30 Push Presses (per pair)(185/135)
30 Box Jump-Overs (total) (42/36)
*Barbell is taken from a rack for both squats and push-press
**No hands on box jump overs, BE SAFE!!
Three sets for quality:
90 second Plank
Max distance Plate Pinch Carry (45/35lbs)
Rest as needed
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is from the 2018 CrossFit Games! We made an individual option for you, as well as the team option! Chip away at the muscle ups as best you can, but try to get through them in no more than 6-7 sets. The back squats and push presses should be coordinated with your partner to finish as fast as possible. If you’re doing the individual option, try to get through them in 2-3 sets, or less. Short sets with fast reps seems to be the ticket here, but if you’re exceptionally strong you can bang through these in bigger sets! If the barbell slows down though, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! Don’t be a hero, remember you’ve got a teammate resting. As long as the bar keeps moving fast you’re good! The box jump overs are a challenging finish after all that barbell, and they’re surprisingly gassing. Find a good rhythm alternating with your partner and just keep jumping! Have some fun, test yourself against a Games workout, and earn your weekend!
A. 155 – 195
B. 30 cj 135 / 15 squats 275 / 15 pp 165 / 30 sb cleans 100
20:14 I think
C. Front squats 5/3/1/5×3
225 255 295 275 for triples

A. Built to 255
B. 11:18 Rx
Muscle ups 9/6/5/4/3/3 finished at 3:25
Squat 9/6
Push press 9/6
Skill based: done
A. 135/155/175/185/205/215/225/232.5 lbs (PR POWER clean) ????????????????
B. 18:26
Love that Box jump
Better in my muscle up
C, done
Congrats on the PR!!!
Warmup done
A: 165 (right after 155 the bar starts crashing on me, trying to clean that up – PUN intended!)
B: 30 ring PU, 30 ring dips, only 30 inch box. Just under 20 min and I won’t lie some of the push presses were too jerky. Didn’t Want to overdue shoulder but actually surprised only less than 5 all others were clean push press. Definitely getting stronger in upper body.
C: done about 200 ft each round with 25 plates
Great day
Nice work Katheryn!
On your cleans, play with holding a hook grip throughout your turnover to the receiving position. This should help slow your turnover down and stop the bar crashing on you
Warmup done
A. Worked up to 115, shoulder is feeling wonky. I feel crooked in the overhead position again. Grrrrr…
B. 16:04, 30 chest to bar pull ups, 15 back squats 145, 15 Push press 105, 30 box jump overs, surprisingly my legs felt great on these, split into 16/14 reps.
C. Done