Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Spend 5-10 minutes rolling out your traps and pecs.
and then …
CrossOver Symmetry
Rows x 10 reps
Reverse Flies x 10 reps
Pull-Downs x 10 reps
Victory x 10 reps
90/90 Drill x 10 reps
Cross Body Pull x 10 reps per side
(Stand to the side of the rig. With the arm furthest from the rig, pull the band across the body while keeping the elbow close to the rib cage. Finish with the elbow at your side and wrist in line with the elbow)
Warm-Up Flow
Accumulate 20 Turkish Get-Ups (10 per side)
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion including the rest period. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Four sets of:
3-Position Snatch
(high hang, mid-thigh, 2″ below the knee)
Rest as needed
Goal is perfect mechanics. Do not exceed a load in which you can maintain perfect mechanics.
For time:
20 Snatches @ 70% of 1-RM
At the 10 minute mark. . .
For time:
30 Ground to Overhead (135/95 lbs.)
For max reps:
60 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 2 minutes
60 seconds of Burpees to a Target 6″ Above Reach
NOTE SCORES, and rest until recovered before the next portion.
Every minute on the minute until failure:
Muscle-Up x 30% of today’s 60 second max
Burpee to 6″ touch x 30% of today’s 60 second max
*Once you fail to complete the specified reps within the minute the workout is over.
**E.g, if you hit 13 muscle-ups in 60 seconds, and 20 burpees in 60 seconds in the max reps test, you would perform 4 muscle-ups and 6 burpees every minute until you failed to get those reps in within the minute.
Athlete Note
We’ve got two different conditioning pieces today – one is testing strength endurance and the other is testing gymnastics endurance. Lets talk about the first piece.
You’ll be completing 20 snatches for time at 70% of your 1-RM. This needs to take you less than 10 minutes to complete (ideally you have at least 2-3 minutes to recover). For most of you, you’ll want to approach this workout as singles. That means the moment you drop the barbell, bring your shins right back to the bar and get your hands back into position so you can set up for your next rep. You may also want to try using a clock to dictate your reps. For example, you lift every 15 seconds (which would put you finishing at the 5:00 mark). This would give you some significant time to rest for the next piece, which is Grace.
If you’ve done Grace before then make sure you know what your best time was so you have an idea of what to shot for. The snatches will have primed you for some light weight, fast barbell cycling. If you know that grip fatigue is an issue for you then break sooner than later. If you know your grip strength is strong then push for a max set that is about 2 reps shy of failure. Check out this article that goes over some efficient ways to barbell cycle.
Please rest until recovered to tackle the last piece. If you have less than 3 ring muscle-ups/ring-dips then please scale the movement. You DO NOT need to go unbroken during the initial 60 seconds of testing. We are looking for max reps so accumulate as many reps as possible. This needs to be maximal effort for both movements. Then you get to rest until recovered. Now you will be looking to maintain for as long as possible so be smart with your approach. We’d rather see someone break early to avoid muscle failure then someone knock out big sets but hit a wall 3 sets in.
Three sets of:
Bridged Decline Dumbbell Bench Press x 8 reps @ 3011
immediately followed by…
Squeeze Chest Press x Max Reps (with same weight)
Rest 3-4 minutes
A. 115 x2, 135×2
B. 20 at 135 – 2:18. 30 at 135 – 3:20.
C. 11 RMU, 18 burpees. Emom: 3rmu + 6 burpees. 6 full rounds. Missed a muscle up in round 7 that cost me the minute.
Getups done (definitely hadn’t done those in a while)
A: 105, should try for 115 next time
B: 5:15 and 4:30
C: 6C2B and 12 burpees, did 2C2B and 3 burpees (should have been 4 math mistake) for 20 min
D: 35 DB
A. Up to 145 lbs
B. Snatch 115 lbs= 2:49
G2O Rx=4:43, Did CJ
C. RMU=11
Did 4 mins( 3 RMU+6 BU)
D. Done
Solid days work Siamak!
Thanks Tino.
A. 125
B1. 4:50 (125) went every 15sec
B2. 5:06 all singles about every 10sec
C1. 7 mu / 15 burpees
C2. 2mu/5 burpees emom
20 minutes and called it. Around 35-40sec each time
D. 3x8db bench 65#
Good call on the EMOM! Now to get those muscle-up max reps up!
Mobility + warmup ✅
A. 135/ 155 x3
B. 2:48/ 4:12 (I thought I’d be faster in the second hahaha)
C. 8 & 14, for the emom did 2 muscle ups + 4 Burpee to targets, finished the 10th round ???
D. Done
Great days work!
A. Up to 155#
B. 20 Snatch @ 155# (70%), 5:29
30 G2O, 3:40
C. Max RMU – 11, max B2T – 17
Misread the workout thought it’s ODD – 4 RMU, EVEN – 6 Burpees.
Only realized 12 mins in. Was gonna continue with 4+6 on the next minute, but hands were about to tear so I stopped there.
D. single leg work
I was not feeling my best today- my stomach issues are still a thing sometimes I guess. I did the crossover, Turkish getups, and snatches and then called it. ?
Snatches felt good and I stayed at 105. I didn’t want to push anything.
Hopefully back to it tomorrow!
Hope your day was awesome, Tino!
Hope you feel better after some good sleep!
Thanks Hunter!
Feel better Jessica! ??
Thanks Tino! Feeling quite a bit better today
Warmup done with 16Kg. Love the TGU.
A. Up to 75Kg(83%)
B1. 4:43 w/ 65Kg; PS singles. Goal was 5 per minute and sub 4:00. Slowed around 13-16.
B2. 2:38 Rx: 2:34 is PR. I got a bit sloppy on form trying to go fast. Did PC/J throughout Reps – 10/5/5/4/4/2
C. Had to sub C2B for MU, no bar or rings today. Not sure this was the best sub though.
C2B – 45/Burpees – 19
EMOM – 15 C2B/6 Burpees
10 rnds; stopped due b/c running out of time
D. Done with 30Kg DBs
Not a bad session at all!
A) 3 position snatch 165/175/180/185
B) 20 @ 175 lbs. 2:08
30 @ 135 lbs. 1:28
Went 20/10 muscle snatch. Should have pushed to go unbroken. Was feeling good.
C) 14 mu & 23 burpees
Did sets at 4 mu & 7 burpees
Got through 8 full mins. Only got 6 burpees on the 9th minute.
D) Complete
Wow fantastic time. Unbroken would be a super cool accomplishment.
Appreciate it Hunter! Next time!
A. Used 3-pos snatch to get to my 70% 175
B. 20@175 = 2:24
30@135 = 2:04
C. Mu= 12
Burpee= 21
EMOM= 6 rounds (4&6) + 4mu + 4burpee
D. Complete 50’s
Good work today Dylan!
A) 135/135/145/145
Stayed light tried to keep good form
B1) 4:50 at 155. Did a rep every 15 sec, that was great advice.
B2) RX 3:10
Went back to the gym to do the rest only to find out we have been shut down again. Guess I’ll be working out from home for a bit. Sucks.
Where do you live?
Ontario, Canada. They are as strict here as they are in Cali. It’s the worst.
Darn I hope that opens back up soon
Mobility and warm up flow done.
I did Turkish Getups with a 24kg bell and blind folded. I encourage folks to try it. Definitely helps with body awareness.
A. Done
B. 2:30 for part one. Second portion got ruined due to nonsense in the gym.
C. 16 MUs. 26 burpees.
Sets were 5/8. And I totally didn’t pace well on this. I hit 7 min but I feel if I had paced as was mentioned, I could have done better. Really enjoyed it otherwise
D. Planche push-ups and some wide arm push-up work.
Damn! That sounds interesting, just be safe!!
Mobility & Activation Warm-Up Flow – Nose Breathing – Done A. 30/ 30/ 30/ 30 kg B1. 2:29 (29 kg, 70%) Completed as power snatches with sets of three reps. B2. 6:45 First time doing Grace as Rx. In August 2019 I used a 40 kg barbell and finished 5:26. I know that today’s result isn’t an impressive time, but happy to complete it as Rx. 95 lbs is 80% of my 1RM C&J. C. For max reps: 60 seconds of C2B – 18 reps 60 seconds of Burpees TT 6″ – 17 reps C2. EMOM until failure: C2B x… Read more »
Damn good days work!!
A) done at 120
B) finished the snatches in 3:52, then Grace in 2:06 (not a PR)
C) got through 16 min of 10 C2B and 8 burpees, kind of estimated due to time ?♀️Could’ve kept going but ran out of time, went to the last minute! Lol
*underestimated 🙂
TGT done with 20-20-24-24-28-28-28-28-32-32kg per side A) up to 70kg B1) 61kg 4:26 Little bit less than 70%, but it was more than enough today. Did singles with a nice steady pace B2) Rx 3:45 C) did with bar mu, because no ring as usual 1’ max: 14 reps 1’ max bp 6’ touch: 24 reps EMOM with 4 reps bar mu and 8 6’ bp 10’ done ✅ D) ✅ First day back after 3-4 weeks, didn’t touch any weight on the holiday, just bodyweight and running workouts during this period, gained around 2-3 kg as well, so there… Read more »
Hope you had an awesome holiday! Looks like you’re ready to rock! Lets go!!
It was just as good as it could be during the lockdown, thanks! Really much needed couple of weeks.
Now the show must go on, because one can’t stay forever in mama’s hotel ??♂️
Warm up stuff done
Turkish get ups with 16kg 5:42 – love the get ups
A. 135/155/185/205
B1. 3:07 (185#) 6 touch and go then singles
B2. 2:20 started with 15 power snatch then switched to clean and jerks
Currently my barbell cycling feels weak
15 Muscle Ups
22 Burpee to Target
5 MU + 7 Burpee to Target
5 + 5 MU + 1 Burpee
= 5 Minutes Done, 5 MU and 1 Burpee in minute 6
D. Done 60# damn
Solid day Bobby!
Thanks tino! Will be modifying tomorrow’s workout slightly as I do on saturdays! Really hoping to get back to normal Saturdays soon !
Primer 35lb TGU
A. 75 95 105 115
B. 5:09 @125/5:13 @135
C. 7 jumping RMU/19 burpee = 2/6 x15 3/6 x15. Capped at 30 minutes.
Solid day. Curious what tomorrow will bring!
More fun for sure 🙂
TGU/nasal breathing done with 15lbs A. 85-90-90-90lbs. B. Snatches at 85lbs: 3:17 G2OH at 95lbs: 5:45 (total time 15:45). No excuses but barbell workouts with crash pads is definitely an adjustment… it’s more taxing to use the crash pads than to just follow it down but I found myself relying on the crash pads too much? C. Scaled to bar muscle-ups but I decided to call it a couple minutes into the EMOM because I was compromising my form way too much. In hindsight maybe should have opted for C2B pull-ups as a more appropriate scale. For the :60 max,… Read more »
Definitely nice to have those pads though. They do take add some time to the process though
A. Sets at 165. Stayed lighter and worked on perfecting mechanics
B. 20@155 2:00 (8/7/5)
30@135 2:22 C&J (12/8/5/5) not my best.
C. 12 MU, 24 burpees
Did 3MU and 8 burpees for 14 minutes
D. ✅
Technique is key. Good stuff!
A. 135/165/185/195#
B. 4:43 @ 175#
C.short on time did 10 minute emom 3 m/u 5 burpees to 6” target
D. ?♂️
Good work getting something in