Weekly Template for New Cycle: January 6 to February 16 (Phase One)
Snatch (Skill)
Back Squat
High Volume
Battery (Strength/Gymnastics)
Anterior Core Stability & Strengthening
Nose Breathing Work
Front Squat
Low Volume, High Intensity – Use Pauses and Tempo
Clean (Skill)
Clean Barbell Cycling
Unilateral Symmetry Work Lower
Bulgarian Split Squats; Barbell Loaded Lunges; Walking Lunges
Gymnastics Skills – HS Walk & Rope Climbs
Jerk Progressions
Upper Pressing
Deadlift Progression
(Low Volume)
Building to relatively heavy 3-5 reps with variations.
Concentric-Based Aerobic Endurance Session
30-Minute EMOM, or Longer CrossFit-style Tester Comprised of Mostly Concentric Movements
Aerobic Restoration
Back Squat
Low Volume, High Intensity
Barbell Complex (alternate between snatch and clean)
3-6 Minute Tester
Posterior Chain Accessory Work
Nose Breathing Work
Upper Pressing
Anaerobic Lactic Endurance/Capacity
Upper Body Strength Endurance
Mobility and Maintenance
Todays Training
Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch Balance
x 2 reps
Build over the course of the 5 sets. This is meant to be a warmup exercise (Not for maximal weight).
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (12 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep @ 75%
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 55%
*Set 2 – 5 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 3 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85%
Followed by. . .
Every 3 minutes, for 6 minutes (2 sets):
Back Squat x 15 reps @ 60-65%
Every 4 minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets):
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
Two sets of:
40 Banded Hamstring Curls
20 Banded Good Mornings
Rest 60 seconds
C. 185 225 255 275
D. With a reg pullups and 30# wb, going every 5 min: 4:09 4:02 3:56 4:06 4:24
E. Done with ankle weight leg curls and thin black band for good mornings
Fun workout thanks Tino!
C. 195/235/275/315#
D. 2:27/2:27 with Pull-Ups(Still feel my latissimus)
E. Done
A) built up to 95lbs
C)120,140,165,185 then 2×15@140
D)2:44, 3:06, 15WB, 24WB Scaled to 10 c2b (my results surprised me. Feeling run down. Doing a liver detox and didnt expect the tank to empty so quickly. Trying to turn my nutrition around)
A. Up to 135#
B. Set 1 and 2 @ 135#, the rest @ 155#
Made all 155#, but failed first set of 135# ?
C. 15s @ 225#, holy cardio
D. 3:05, 3:24, 3:30, 3:38
Scaled to pull-ups
E. Done
A. Did it as drop snatch (no dip) 40,45,50,55kg
B. 12x68kg (some very good snatches done today ?)
C. Did all back sqts based at 90% of my back sqt 1rm before knee surgery (150kg)
15x85kg (this was cardio)
2:32 12/8 c2b UB WB
2:48 12/8 c2b 22/8 WB
3:46 9/6/5 c2b 18/12 WB
DNF 3rd round hit me like a train but I was moving nice on the bar today!
E. Done
Solid day of lifting but that final set got you! Stay checked in!
Maybe I should have scaled this to 10-15-25! Awesome day of programming!
Snatch Balance to 40kg
All snatches hit at 50kg
Back squat: 62.5, 75, 85, 95kg
15s at 70kg
2.47, 2.50, 2.48, 3.07 scaled to 15 C2B
Last bit done. Buuuurn!
Jump A and B no time these days
C) 90/105/125/140, 100 about 15 reps
D) so hard after Christmas vacation, 3 rounds done. A lot of struggle with wall ball
Cool down and stretch
I need to work harder with new cycle, 3 local completion are coming and I’m not ready ?
Time to put the work in and have some fun!
A. 95×2/ 135×2
B. @155
C. 200/ 225/ 260/ 300
10@185×2, should’ve been 225, but still taking one step at a time
D. 3:38/ 3:38/ 3:47/ cap + 9 wbs
E. Done
Good start on strength, aerobic capacity will get there, this will be a nice cycle ????
Solid start to the new cycle!
Mobility, Activation, warmup done
A. Done at 40Kg
B. Done at 70Kg
C. 110/125/140/160Kg
125Kg x 15 for both sets
These are going to get spicy in the weeks to come.
D. Rx. Strict C2B(10/5/5); WB UB. Won’t do kipping C2B; too dynamic on my shoulders and afraid of injury.
E. Done
Damn! Mighty impressive time’s with strict CTB! Great work!
This was a great one for me. All movements are in my wheelhouse. I have strict PU and C2B down pretty well now; there might be some slight lower body movement but not the traditional kipping. I have to stay away from that because it’s too dynamic on the shoulders and will definitely lead to injury for me.
Mobility activation: Done
A. Done #150
B. #165
C. #190, 225, 265, 295, 225…
D. 3:10, 3:14, 3:15, 3:15
10 BBJO 00:55
20 C2B 4×5 every 00:15
30 WB 20-10 @ 00:40-00:10
E. Done. Banded hamstring curls ?
Consistent on those intervals!
A. 135/145/165/185
B. 185
C1. 205/245/275/315
C2. 225
D. 2:38/2:54/3:30/3:57
E. Done
Snick under the cap in that 4th set ?
Loving the look of this!
Also, it’s Monday!! And I trained and dinner ready by 6:45. I have a new plan and time limits. Haha
A) worked up to 95. My body was moving slow
B) 110 these felt super fast and snappy. Happy with that
C) 140/165/190/215 then 15x 155 & 160(65%)
D) 2:41/2:38/2:24/2:35. Rx but used 20# WB bc it’s what I have
E) done
Thanks Tino!! Hope your weeks off to a great start too!
Great to see you’re adjusting your schedule to make the mo of your day! Great start to the new cycle. Impressed you were able to hit the conditioning with a 20lb ball after all those squats! Great job!
Thanks Tino!! Yeah that hurt. I definitely broke them into 3 sets and that was manageable.
1. Done
2. UP to 60 kg
3. 82.5 kg
4. 110/120/140 kg and 2×15 at 110 kg
5. 2:30 3:00 3:28 25 wall balls ??♂️??
6. Done
You could have done 30 🙂
Warm Up Complete
B)@170 (1 miss/reset and got it)
15 reps×2 @230
D)2:39/3:43/4:03/rolled around my garage for a min☠
That last round got you! Solid start to the week and new cycle!
It was the 2 sets of 15 B squats just wow lol, plus I had a 3.5 mile run this morning which i wouldn’t believe had any factor or fatigue from it.
Mobility: Done
A. Up to 135 lbs
B. done with 155 lbs
C. 245/275/315/365
15 reps 275 lbs
D. done
E. Done
A-up 90kg
C-based 182.5kg
2×15 120kg
Local Holiday here (Three Kings Day) will start tomorrow. Back is feeling good so will do it nice and controlled.
Good to see your back is feeling better. Hope you have a great holiday!
A) done 185-215
B) 200 across. Only 1 silly miss. Felt smooth and solid otherwise
C) 355 for the last double 260,265 for the sets of 15.
D) 2:03,1:56,1:59,2:30. Last set c2b were broken up. All other sets UB. Wall balls all unbroken
E) done
That last set got you!
M&A: ✔️
A: 65,95,115,125
B: 135x1x12
C: 145, 175, 205, 225
C1: 165x15x2
D: 3:55, 2:00, 3:30, 3:40. Started as RX saw that I wouldn’t be able to keep up in the time. Pull ups and CTB I’m not great at. Next round did 5,10,15 got through it way quick. So upped it to 7, 15, 25. I think that was the right count for me!
E: ✔️
7/15/25 worked perfect. Now to get on that gymnastics work!
Solid session!
Warm-up done
C) Decided to go off of 215 for this cycle still not my old 1RM but working towards
140×15 x2
D) 3:08/3:01/2:54/2:58 CTB challenging sore from Saturday
E) done
Excited for this cycle!
It’s going to be a fun one!
Yes sore still for Saturday for the C2B