In 6 sets, build to a challenging (but safe) height for a set of 3 Box Jumps.
In 20 minutes, build to a 2-RM in this exercise:
No Hook No Feet Snatch
Feet should start in your receiving position. The heels can come off the ground but they feet should not move. Do not use a hookgrip.
Every 3:30, for 21 minutes (6 sets):
Dead Stop Front Squat
*Sets 1-2 = 3 reps @ 80% of 3-RM Dead Stop Front Squat
*Sets 3-4 = 3 reps @ 85% of 3-RM Dead Stop Front Squat
*Sets 5-6 = 3 reps @ 90% of 3-RM Dead Stop Front Squat
*You should be setting up with your hips around parallel (not from the absolute bottom of your squat)
Three sets of:
Pullups x 10 reps
Barbell Bicep Curls x 15 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets of:
Romanian Deadlift x 6 reps
Strict Press x 8 reps
Rest 90 seconds
(Goal weight for RDL should be 90% of 1-RM Clean)