Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
Banded Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Wrist Stretch Version 1 x 10 pulses
Wrist Stretch Version 2 x 10 pulses
Glute Activation Warm-Up (Vandyke Strength Protocol – 15 minutes)
Banded Dead Bug Iso Hold x 2 minutes
Banded Clamshell Hold x 1 minute per side
Forward Cross Crawl x 1 minute per side
Straight Leg Iso Raise x 1 minute per side
Cross Under Lunge x 1 minute per side
Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 90 seconds per side
Cross Under Lunge Crawl x 1 minute per side
Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat
For some Monday inspiration, take a look at our youngen’ Maddy Myers hitting a solid 260 lbs Dead Stop Front Squat.
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Clean from 2″ below the knee + Jerk
Set 1 – 60%
Set 2 – 65%
Set 3 – 70%
Set 4 – 75%
Set 5 – 80%
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Clean + Jerk
Set 6 – 85%
Set 7 – 90%
Set 8-10 – 90+%
Make sure to fim your clean and jerks! Please post to the blog or to our FaceBook group.
For time:
Burpees Over the Barbell
40-54: 115/75 lbs
55+: 85/55 lbs
Rest 3 minutes, and then …
Row 500 Meters
400 Meter Farmers Carry
Row 500 Meters
40-54: 24/16 kg
55+: 16/12 kg
The first couplet is intended to be fast. This needs to be 100% effort and pushing to go right from your thrusters into the burpees. Push the pace on the burpees. Make sure that your burpee jump is a two-foot take off, staying low.
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
For time:
Run 800 Meters
Power Cleans x 12 reps
Run 400 Meters
Power Cleans x 10 reps
Run 200 Meters
Power Cleans x 8 reps
40-49: 155/115 lbs
50-54: 135/95 lbs
55-59: 115/75 lbs
60+: 95/65 lbs
*Yes, this did change from originally posted. I decided to change your optional session based on the training numbers from 1/30 so you aren’t crazy if you remember seeing running and muscle-ups as the original optional session!
Three sets, not for time, of:
Banded Good Mornings x 10 reps @ 30X1
Rest 45 seconds
Bat Wings x 5 reps @ 1515
Rest 45 seconds
GHD Hip Extension with Arms in “Y” Overhead x 10 reps @ 2012
Rest 45 seconds
A. 80 kg. Faild 82.5 kg. Never done Deadstop front Squat
B. Kg. 42.5 – 45 – 50 – 55 – 57.5 57.5 – 60 faild, 60 faild, 57.5 fail. Clean part is easy but Not so easy Jerk
C.6:34 and 9:14
A. Did donkey kicks, shoulder taps, did not Handstand walk
B. 205,245,285,300,320,340
C. 5 rounds, 4+9 rounds
A. 270
B. 175, 175, 185, 185, 195, 205, 215 ,225, 235, 225
C. 7amrap 3,6,9,…thruster/ctb, 15s+18
Then, 60 bar facing burpees, 15 mu: 8 min
C1: 5:29 bar facing burpees
I can’t have a normal training week due to parent teacher conferences, but I couldn’t resist sneaking in a metcon with my favorite movements!
A. Worked up to 275. First time doing dead stops.
B. 150, 160, 170, 185, 195, 210, 220, 225, 235, 245 split footwork needs some refining.
C. 7:18 for first part at 115lbs 8:15 for second part with 24kg.
A. 95,135,155,185,205,225,245,265
B1 175,185,195,210(F Jerk twice) 205 is my 1RM
Did optional session with Barry Emerson and Andy Huebner
My time 9:52 @ 115
Mobility: done
A: 200 (failed at 205lb and 210lb twice)
B: to 175lb (will post, not my best)
C: 6:21 @95lb w/ bar facing burpees
Skipped row as need to eat. Have a hard time with evening sessions.
Day 2 post cold. Body feels fine. Lungs still awful. Head so stuffed I can’t smell or taste. My amino acid pre-workout literally tastes like water. It’s bizarre.
A – 270#. Felt solid given I haven’t squatted in a while.
B1 – 165, 175, 185, 195
B2 – 205, 210, 215×3. Felt okay, didn’t push it.
Did optional part B.
Hoping I’m 100% by Monday, but at least I can lift right now and do something.
Postive for the day. Hit a 295 Dead stop FS. Moved 305, but couldn’t stand it up. Thats is a 20lb PR and 7 lbs under my FS 1 RM.
A. 285- did not push hard – had some more to give
B. today I did squat cleans for the first time since surgery 8 1/2 weeks ago- no pain
135/155/175/185/195 – 2″ below knee
195/195/205/215/225- this felt light
C. 5:59 @115 ( full depth) then 10:40 on the other WOD- lots of forearm issues on Farmer’s carry- cut it to 200m @ 50lbs
Yay, so happy you did squat cleans with no pain! That is great Al!!! Great work on Part C – sub 6 is awesome!
Thx Nichole, I hope I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel
Dyn/mob Done
A) worked up to a succesful 205 lbs
B1) 85lbs,95,100,107,117,
2) 120failed 2 jerk +1
3) 130failed all attepmts -3 jerks
C1) rxd 7:07
2) rxd 7:49
very tired I dont think I ate enough ..
Make sure to be fueling yourself well!
Coach nicole
Im sure that is what t is .. I went abt 5-7 hours bet meals and I oly had two meals I felt it bad today… I hpe to stay on that a bit better… thank you!!! XO
night nite!! <3
Mobility activation done
A. 210# dead stop (5# PR)
B1. 125-135-144-155-165#. Only did clean, still resting shoulder.
B2. 175-185-190-195-200#(m). Clean only (legs felt tired!)
C1. 4:36 (lateral burpees over BB-triceps on fire!)
C2. 10:00 w/ 16kg KBs (forearms!!!)
B. Done
Great job hitting that PR Cheryl!! Ummm sub 5 – that is what I like to see 🙂
Thanks Nichole! All I could feel on that workout was triceps-triceps-triceps! ?
Oh, and next time we do bat wings, can you post a link for it? There’s a lot of different versions it seems!
Yep Cheryl!
Hold for 6 seconds at the top and reset/rest at the bottom for 6 seconds.
Op-Session –
A. Saw the post with MU And went with them and running. I was interested in how I would do with them under some fatigue. Ran on a treadmill. I was able to hold triples and doubles throughout. Between 8-9 mins
B. Done
Reg Session.
Mob done
Vandyke done.
A. Up to 315
B. Up to 250. Felt sluggish with these I’ll post a couple on FB.
C2 7:53
I’m ready for dinner.
Awesome Art – glad you were able to do the run/mu workout and stick to doubles and triples!
A. Regular FS singles up to 275
B. Up to 205
C. 8:01, then 11:02 @32kg
Mobility: Done
A: 255
B: up to 225
C: 6:36 / 7:23
Solid work today DTH
Mob. Done
C. 115. 6:46 had to break up thrusters need to push harder working out alone sucks.
Rowed 1000 m beat
Optional Session
Maybe a silly question but does anyone else have trouble with the band ridding up during the crawls in the activation series?
It is best using a slingshot! I just re-filmed those videos, along with others, and I am using a sling shot in them!
Thanks Nichole. thats what i ended up switching to. Aggravating as it was riding up my legs and wondering how you kept them in place in the video, 🙂
A. up to 225
b1. 150,160,170,185,195
b2. 210,220,225, 230, 235 but missed the jerk.
c1. 7:45rx
c2. 11:00 way too long
Optional session first: 8:59 – happy with how I moved through the PC’s today
Mobility done
A. 235, failed 245 (5# PR attempt)
B1. Up to 190
B2. 200/210/220/230/240(f). Missed the jerk on 240.
C1. 9:12. That one beat me up (I hate that combo)
C2. 1:48/1:47 on the rows. Didn’t look at my time on the 400m FC.
Tough, but fun, day. Time to eat and recover.
Nice work on that PR Joe!!