January 31, 2017 – Masters Program

Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
Banded Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Wrist Stretch Version 1 x 10 pulses
Wrist Stretch Version 2 x 10 pulses

Glute Activation Warm-Up (Vandyke Strength Protocol – 15 minutes)
Banded Dead Bug Iso Hold x 2 minutes
Banded Clamshell Hold x 1 minute per side
Forward Cross Crawl x 1 minute per side
Straight Leg Iso Raise x 1 minute per side
Cross Under Lunge x 1 minute per side
Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 90 seconds per side
Cross Under Lunge Crawl x 1 minute per side

Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat

For some Monday inspiration, take a look at our youngen’ Maddy Myers hitting a solid 260 lbs Dead Stop Front Squat.

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Clean from 2″ below the knee + Jerk

Set 1 – 60%
Set 2 – 65%
Set 3 – 70%
Set 4 – 75%
Set 5 – 80%

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Clean + Jerk
Set 6 – 85%
Set 7 – 90%
Set 8-10 – 90+%

Make sure to fim your clean and jerks! Please post to the blog or to our FaceBook group.

For time:
Burpees Over the Barbell

40-54: 115/75 lbs
55+: 85/55 lbs

Rest 3 minutes, and then …

Row 500 Meters
400 Meter Farmers Carry
Row 500 Meters

40-54: 24/16 kg
55+: 16/12 kg

The first couplet is intended to be fast. This needs to be 100% effort and pushing to go right from your thrusters into the burpees. Push the pace on the burpees. Make sure that your burpee jump is a two-foot take off, staying low.

Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
For time:
Run 800 Meters
Power Cleans x 12 reps
Run 400 Meters
Power Cleans x 10 reps
Run 200 Meters
Power Cleans x 8 reps

40-49: 155/115 lbs
50-54: 135/95 lbs
55-59: 115/75 lbs
60+: 95/65 lbs

*Yes, this did change from originally posted. I decided to change your optional session based on the training numbers from 1/30 so you aren’t crazy if you remember seeing running and muscle-ups as the original optional session!

Three sets, not for time, of:
Banded Good Mornings x 10 reps @ 30X1
Rest 45 seconds
Bat Wings x 5 reps @ 1515
Rest 45 seconds
GHD Hip Extension with Arms in “Y” Overhead x 10 reps @ 2012
Rest 45 seconds

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Þórdís Marteinsdóttir
Þórdís Marteinsdóttir
February 7, 2017 2:18 pm

A. 80 kg. Faild 82.5 kg. Never done Deadstop front Squat
B. Kg. 42.5 – 45 – 50 – 55 – 57.5 57.5 – 60 faild, 60 faild, 57.5 fail. Clean part is easy but Not so easy Jerk
C.6:34 and 9:14

Edward J. Rapoza (55 to 59)
Edward J. Rapoza (55 to 59)
February 1, 2017 9:52 pm

A. Did donkey kicks, shoulder taps, did not Handstand walk
B. 205,245,285,300,320,340
C. 5 rounds, 4+9 rounds

Matt Beals (6'1", 200, 50)
Matt Beals (6'1", 200, 50)
February 1, 2017 4:51 pm

A. 270
B. 175, 175, 185, 185, 195, 205, 215 ,225, 235, 225
C. 7amrap 3,6,9,…thruster/ctb, 15s+18
Then, 60 bar facing burpees, 15 mu: 8 min

Beth Bennett
Beth Bennett
February 1, 2017 3:18 pm

C1: 5:29 bar facing burpees

I can’t have a normal training week due to parent teacher conferences, but I couldn’t resist sneaking in a metcon with my favorite movements!

Ty Rost, 42, 6'2", 220
Ty Rost, 42, 6'2", 220
February 1, 2017 4:35 am

A. Worked up to 275. First time doing dead stops.
B. 150, 160, 170, 185, 195, 210, 220, 225, 235, 245 split footwork needs some refining.
C. 7:18 for first part at 115lbs 8:15 for second part with 24kg.

Edward J. Rapoza (55 to 59)
Edward J. Rapoza (55 to 59)
January 31, 2017 10:24 pm

A. 95,135,155,185,205,225,245,265
B1 175,185,195,210(F Jerk twice) 205 is my 1RM
Did optional session with Barry Emerson and Andy Huebner
My time 9:52 @ 115

Tom Hobbs (42)
Tom Hobbs (42)
January 31, 2017 8:28 pm

Mobility: done
A: 200 (failed at 205lb and 210lb twice)
B: to 175lb (will post, not my best)
C: 6:21 @95lb w/ bar facing burpees
Skipped row as need to eat. Have a hard time with evening sessions.

Mike Crisanti, (46, 5'10" 155)
Mike Crisanti, (46, 5'10" 155)
January 31, 2017 7:57 pm

Day 2 post cold. Body feels fine. Lungs still awful. Head so stuffed I can’t smell or taste. My amino acid pre-workout literally tastes like water. It’s bizarre.
A – 270#. Felt solid given I haven’t squatted in a while.
B1 – 165, 175, 185, 195
B2 – 205, 210, 215×3. Felt okay, didn’t push it.
Did optional part B.
Hoping I’m 100% by Monday, but at least I can lift right now and do something.

Corey Perry(41,5'10",185lbs)
Corey Perry(41,5'10",185lbs)
January 31, 2017 7:13 pm

Postive for the day. Hit a 295 Dead stop FS. Moved 305, but couldn’t stand it up. Thats is a 20lb PR and 7 lbs under my FS 1 RM.

Albert Police 49 (5'4"/167lbs)
Albert Police 49 (5'4"/167lbs)
January 31, 2017 6:16 pm

A. 285- did not push hard – had some more to give
B. today I did squat cleans for the first time since surgery 8 1/2 weeks ago- no pain
135/155/175/185/195 – 2″ below knee
195/195/205/215/225- this felt light
C. 5:59 @115 ( full depth) then 10:40 on the other WOD- lots of forearm issues on Farmer’s carry- cut it to 200m @ 50lbs

Nichole D
Nichole D
January 31, 2017 7:08 pm

Yay, so happy you did squat cleans with no pain! That is great Al!!! Great work on Part C – sub 6 is awesome!

Albert Police 49 (5'4"/167lbs)
Albert Police 49 (5'4"/167lbs)
January 31, 2017 8:08 pm
Reply to  Nichole D

Thx Nichole, I hope I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel

Lise Demetrio
Lise Demetrio
January 31, 2017 6:06 pm

Dyn/mob Done
A) worked up to a succesful 205 lbs
B1) 85lbs,95,100,107,117,
2) 120failed 2 jerk +1
3) 130failed all attepmts -3 jerks
C1) rxd 7:07
2) rxd 7:49
very tired I dont think I ate enough ..

Nichole D
Nichole D
January 31, 2017 7:08 pm
Reply to  Lise Demetrio

Make sure to be fueling yourself well!

Lise Demetrio
Lise Demetrio
January 31, 2017 7:24 pm
Reply to  Nichole D

Coach nicole

Im sure that is what t is .. I went abt 5-7 hours bet meals and I oly had two meals I felt it bad today… I hpe to stay on that a bit better… thank you!!! XO
night nite!! <3

Cheryl Brost Hawaii 45-49
Cheryl Brost Hawaii 45-49
January 31, 2017 5:32 pm

Mobility activation done
A. 210# dead stop (5# PR)
B1. 125-135-144-155-165#. Only did clean, still resting shoulder.
B2. 175-185-190-195-200#(m). Clean only (legs felt tired!)
C1. 4:36 (lateral burpees over BB-triceps on fire!)
C2. 10:00 w/ 16kg KBs (forearms!!!)
B. Done

Nichole D
Nichole D
January 31, 2017 7:08 pm

Great job hitting that PR Cheryl!! Ummm sub 5 – that is what I like to see 🙂

Cheryl Brost Hawaii 45-49
Cheryl Brost Hawaii 45-49
January 31, 2017 8:27 pm
Reply to  Nichole D

Thanks Nichole! All I could feel on that workout was triceps-triceps-triceps! ?

Cheryl Brost Hawaii 45-49
Cheryl Brost Hawaii 45-49
January 31, 2017 8:29 pm
Reply to  Nichole D

Oh, and next time we do bat wings, can you post a link for it? There’s a lot of different versions it seems!

Nichole D
Nichole D
February 1, 2017 10:11 am

Yep Cheryl!

Hold for 6 seconds at the top and reset/rest at the bottom for 6 seconds.

Art Erickson (49/6'/190/SWest)
Art Erickson (49/6'/190/SWest)
January 31, 2017 5:29 pm

Op-Session –
A. Saw the post with MU And went with them and running. I was interested in how I would do with them under some fatigue. Ran on a treadmill. I was able to hold triples and doubles throughout. Between 8-9 mins
B. Done

Reg Session.
Mob done
Vandyke done.
A. Up to 315
B. Up to 250. Felt sluggish with these I’ll post a couple on FB.
C2 7:53
I’m ready for dinner.

Nichole D
Nichole D
January 31, 2017 7:10 pm

Awesome Art – glad you were able to do the run/mu workout and stick to doubles and triples!

Perry Siplon (49/5'9"/165)
Perry Siplon (49/5'9"/165)
January 31, 2017 5:24 pm

A. Regular FS singles up to 275
B. Up to 205
C. 8:01, then 11:02 @32kg

DTH 43
DTH 43
January 31, 2017 5:14 pm

Mobility: Done
A: 255
B: up to 225
C: 6:36 / 7:23

Nichole D
Nichole D
January 31, 2017 7:10 pm
Reply to  DTH 43

Solid work today DTH

Brian Wolfe
Brian Wolfe
January 31, 2017 4:00 pm

Mob. Done
C. 115. 6:46 had to break up thrusters need to push harder working out alone sucks.
Rowed 1000 m beat

Dean Plummer (47/5'8"/162)
Dean Plummer (47/5'8"/162)
January 31, 2017 3:42 pm

Optional Session

Corey Perry(41,5'10",185lbs)
Corey Perry(41,5'10",185lbs)
January 31, 2017 3:40 pm

Maybe a silly question but does anyone else have trouble with the band ridding up during the crawls in the activation series?

Nichole D
Nichole D
January 31, 2017 7:11 pm

It is best using a slingshot! I just re-filmed those videos, along with others, and I am using a sling shot in them!

Corey Perry(41,5'10",185lbs)
Corey Perry(41,5'10",185lbs)
January 31, 2017 7:16 pm
Reply to  Nichole D

Thanks Nichole. thats what i ended up switching to. Aggravating as it was riding up my legs and wondering how you kept them in place in the video, 🙂

Tom Gray M 45 Crossfit Wild
Tom Gray M 45 Crossfit Wild
January 31, 2017 2:47 pm

A. up to 225
b1. 150,160,170,185,195
b2. 210,220,225, 230, 235 but missed the jerk.
c1. 7:45rx
c2. 11:00 way too long

Joe Catarineau (40-44)
Joe Catarineau (40-44)
January 31, 2017 1:28 pm

Optional session first: 8:59 – happy with how I moved through the PC’s today
Mobility done
A. 235, failed 245 (5# PR attempt)
B1. Up to 190
B2. 200/210/220/230/240(f). Missed the jerk on 240.
C1. 9:12. That one beat me up (I hate that combo)
C2. 1:48/1:47 on the rows. Didn’t look at my time on the 400m FC.
Tough, but fun, day. Time to eat and recover.

Nichole D
Nichole D
January 31, 2017 1:52 pm

Nice work on that PR Joe!!

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