Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Take 5 minutes to roll out the hamstrings, glutes and QL
and then …
One sets of:
10 Forward Leg Swings
10 Backward Leg Swings
10 Right Leg Lateral Swings
10 Left Leg Lateral Swings
(hold onto the rig or a wall while doing these)
30 Seconds Rockettes
30 Seconds Sumo Stance KB Deadlift (medium weight)
and finish with …
10 Lateral Resisted Bird Dogs (per side)
Place a band on the rig close to the floor. Loop the band around your waist and assume tabletop position. Maintain a neutral spine as you reach one arm forward and the opposite leg backwards. Stabilize and keep your core engaged.)
Warm-Up Flow
For 12 minutes at 70-75% effort of:
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups @ 10X1
(you must pause for 1-second at the top of each push-ups)
20 Air Squats @ 10X0
300 Meter Run
Fifteen sets of:
1 Banded Conventional Deadlift @ 40% Bar Weight of current 1-RM Deadlift + 30-35% Band tension when measured at lockout
Rest 30-40 seconds
Hold for 2 seconds at the top with glutes contracted as much as possible.
*If you do not have access to bands perform deficit deadlifts from a 4″ platform.
Four sets of:
Dead-Stop Bulgarian Split Squat + RDL
x 8 reps each leg @ 4111
Rest 90 seconds between legs
For time:
100 Toes-to-Bar
Followed by. . .
Four rounds of:
20 Handstand Push-Ups*
20 Front Squats (135/95 lbs)
Followed by. . .
1000 Meter Row
Time Cap: 25 minutes
*If you are not interested in competing in the Open or other online qualifiers, we would advise substituting the kipping handstand push-ups for strict handstand push-ups – the pounding on your cervical spine isn’t worth the risk unless you’re preparing for the movement to be tested in competition.
Athlete Notes:
We are continuing to build your toes-to-bar endurance! Use last Wednesday’s session to assess if you should go with bigger sets and moderate breaks or small sets with short breaks (you are not penalized for your breaks today). Make a note of your rep breakdown and roughly how long your rest periods are. It can be very helpful to know how many you can do before that critical point where things start falling apart.
Immediately following the toes to bar you go into the four rounds for time. If you ever did the 2017 Age Group Online Qualifier Event 4 then you’ll know that the combo of handstand push-ups and front squats will tax your shoulders and triceps more than you may anticipate. Keep your transitions tight here. The handstand push-up rep scheme will be dependent on each athletes skill level, but a good rule of thumb is to avoid grinding out any reps – once you lose speed of movement, come down for a quick break. Please look at this video to review two types of kipping (we recommend you utilize both types in todays session).
Keep a relaxed grip on the bar when front squatting so you can ‘rest’ your shoulders. Try and knock out your first set of front squats unbroken. Most athletes will likely break your front squats into two sets in the remaining rounds. Commit to the leg burn and know they’ll get a little reprieve during the handstand push-ups.
Lastly you will move on to the 1000 meter row. You’re unlikely to make up lots of time here, but you can lose lots of time if you don’t stay disciplined on the row. The row will test your limits, but there is nothing following it, so push yourself hard.
If you can not do 20 handstand push-ups or 20 front squats unbroken when you are fresh, please adjust the weight and/or reps.
Five sets of:
Single-Arm Hand Plank x 10/15/30 seconds (each hand)
Single-Leg Elbow Plank x 10/15/30 seconds (each side)
Side Plank on Elbow x 10/15/30 seconds (each side)
Hollow Body Hold Option x 10/15/30 seconds
Stretch Body Crunches x 10/15/30 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Mobility & warm-up flow done
A. 115 + green band *thinking I did this wrong after seeing the weights in the comments…
B. Getting used to this movement, it’s new for me. 26# KB for 2 sets, then 35# KB
C. Scaled to 12 HSPU, but did the 1st RD unbroken as instructed. 555m row @ Cap; T2B took 7:54 (15-10-7-7-5’s to end)
D. Done
Mobility & warmup ✅
A. @205
B. Done
C. Changed row for 60 cal Airbike, got to do 5 cals
D. Done
A) Done 175# w/ 2 black bands
B) Done 20kg KB
C) Sub Squats to Rack alt Lunges 135#
TTB has always been a weakness to me, broke it to 10/8/7/5/5…
8+ mins
Capped at 500m Row
Finished at 26:58
D) Done
Well. It’s been a week! Ready for a new, better one but I got through it. My pup is hurt so have been taking care of her…. I DID make up tues and wed and also did Fri, and then forgot to post all of it. ????
Today’s work:
A) 155
B) I’ve never done these and I really liked them! Used 36# KB
C) 19:49
D) done
Thanks Tino!! Hope you had a great day and happy birthday to Enzo!! ????
Flow done
A. 245 bar weight + purple and blue band
B. ✅ with 70lb KB
C. 16:29 Rx
10 T2B every 25 seconds. Fell off pace on last two sets. Finished at 4:31 for the 100
Unbroken kipping HSPU on all sets
All front squats 12/8.
D. ✅
Hamstrings are screaming. Great training day
Finished off the week strong! Good job
Thanks Hunter
Warmup done
C. Time capped at 100 t2b + 3 rds but finished it all in 32:26 with all strict hspu’s. ????
T2b 10/10/10/10/10/5/5/5/5/5/3/3/singles upto 100. 8:37 time
3 rds
8/6/6 on front squats
Rd 1 5×4 / rd2 4×5 / rd3 5×4 – hspu’s
Time capped
Rd 4
8/6/6 front squats
3:43 for 1000m
A. 4in deficit
15 sets x 295
D. Tabata for both
Side arm plank
Solid job today Chris!
WU: ✔️
A: Done at 70% max deadlift. 210#
B: ✔️ Done with 35# KBs
C: TTB: 8:14. Then Started with the intention of doing 20’s but promptly got ruined on the HSPU. So did 15s round 1. Then 10s round 2-4. Got to 890m on the row before the time cap
D: Did some core work yesterday so skipped this today
Putting in the work! Those will keep impoving.
M&A and warmup done
A. Black band and 143Kg on bar
B. Done
C. 24:51. SHSPU, scaled rnds 3-4 to 10 reps. Shoulders were really feeling it. Played with T2B reps scheme this week. Not a good idea. Forearms were still super tired after yesterday.
T2B – 3:53 (40/20/10/10/10/10); last week(30/20/20/15/15) much better. Perhaps 25/25/25/25 is the sweet spot
FS – 10/10 for all
Row – 3:19; full out on this to beat the cap
D. Done
Great to hear you are playing around with reps and really learning to optimize in that area.
40 UB crushed me later on today. A lot to do with how smoked my forearms are from yesterday.
A) Done ✅
B) Done ✅
C) 18:38 Rx
T2B: Sets of 10 until 60. Sets of 5 until 90. 7/3 for last 10.
FS: 12/8 on first set. 8/7/5 sets 2&3. 13/7 on last set.
HSPU: Broke up each round into 3 sets except for first round at 2 sets.
Row: tried to keep it around 1:49 avg
Solid finish to the week!!
A. Complete 255 w/ 4” deficit
B. Ski (time)
C. 23:02rx
TTB 20/20/8/7/6/4/6/4/5/5/5/5/5 7:30ish
HSPU 8/7/5 all rnds
F sqt unbroken
Row 1:54ish
God dam
God damn good week! 🙂
I just got the subscription to the program. Does anyone know if there are a list of progressions for things such as toes to bar and hand stand pushups?
Welcome to the community if you’re looking for guidance on gymnastics work then I would highly recommend adding the gymnastics program. You’ll be able to work on the movements based on your capabilities.
crossfitinvictus. com/fitness/sp/invictusgymnastics. html
Mobility: done
A. 205 lb
B. Done kB 35#
C. Until the last round of HSPU
My shoulder are sore for yesterday
Too bad day today
D. Done
Rest up!
WUF – 3+5/10/20/83
B. 35/44/44/53
C. TTB – 13Min, capped at 2rds+20HSPU/7FS
Can you elaborate on the “10/15/30” in the accessory work- planking etc..
It means you can perform it on 3 different levels, let’s just name them beginner/intermediate/advance
You can hold each positions for 10 seconds, 15 seconds or 30 seconds, depends on you fitness. Adjust it as you feel of of course, be safe and have fun.
Thanks Aaron!
Warmup done
A. 125lbs w/blue bands
B. Done
C. Through 3 rounds. Shared the bar with Vernon for Toes to Bar which in hindsight ate up too much time. I know I’m capable of doing better on the front squats too which were 5-5-5-5 then 10-10 and 20. HSPU were 12/8. We decided we are going to set up a wall pull up mount so we have two bars in our garage. We already have it, just need to set it up!
D. Done
Tell him to stop moving so slow 🙂
Nose breathing done
A) Done at 315. First time deadlifting in 2021 so took it easy.
B) Done
C) Had to do T2B at the park so broke the workout up…
100 T2B 7:27
Four rounds:
20 strict HSPU
20 front squats (135)
Into 2000m bike erg
17:08. Quick fives on the HSPU, I liked this strategy. Two sets of 10 on front squats.
D) Done
Solid finish to the week!
A. Done with 4” deficit @125
B. Done w/ 30lb KB
C. Done! Liked this one because I remember doing the AGOQ workout years ago and the shoulder burn is real with the front squats ???? Glad to be able to push through the high volume gymnastics ????????
D. Done!
Have a great weekend!!
Great to see your hard work Paying off Giavanna!
Warm up done with bike
D. Done
C. Done on Thursday…
22:37 RX
T2B: 4:30
Then got buried on the HSPU wanted to practice kipping still have a tough time with them always has been a weakness
All squats 13/7
Row: 3:43
Shoulders were also very fatigued Thursday
Did a fun Murphesque conditioning piece today in my 17 degree garage ????
Wearing 20# vest
2000 meter row 7:25
100 down ups 13:48
200 push ups 27:18
300 air squats 38:56
2000 meter row 46:29
Those push ups..
Down ups and push-ups…damn! That chest!!
I did a fun travel workout today:
For time:
Run 1-Mile
150 Down-Ups
300 Air Squats
Run 1-Mile
Was feeling pumped AF!! I’m filing that one away for next time I’m traveling!
Mobility & Activation – Done
Warm-Up Flow – Done
A. Deficit DL @ 68 kg (75%)
B. Done
C1. 100 TTB
7:19 – sets of 5-7 reps.
C2. Four rounds of:
20 Front Squats (65 lbs)
13:17 – shoulders!!! ???? Modified to 10 HSPU after two rounds.
C3. 1000 Meter Run
Total time: 24:46
D. Done
Big finish to a tough week! Nice job Catherine!
A. Done with deficit 2×60/2×80/6×100/5x120kg
B. Done with dumbbell 22kg
C. 50reps T2b 15/15/10/10 1:50
Only 50 t2b in order to not forced the shoulders
D. Core done
E. Yesterday exercise of dumbbell bench press 1-1-2 dumbbells 24kg
Good work today and nice to see you still getting all the work in even if you have to make it up extra today
I take advantage Saturday to do extra execercises like bench, biceps and triceps ????