January 30, 2019 – Masters Program

Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Band Distracted Hamstring Floss

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x 15 reps per side
Forward Legs Swing x 10 reps per leg
Lateral Leg Swings x 10 reps per leg

and then …

Two sets of:
Banded Hip Bridges x 10 reps (place a slingshot above your knees and perform your hip bridges)
Banded Fire Hydrants x 10 reps per side

and then …

KB Complex
Around the World x 10 reps each direction
Right Arm KB Swing x 10 reps
Right Arm Push Press x 10 reps
Left Arm KB Swings x 10 reps
Left Arm Push Press x 10 reps
KB Swings x 20 reps

Five sets of:
Speed Deadlift x 3 reps @ 75%
Rest 60 seconds

and then …

Set 1 – 80% x 2 reps
Set 2 – 85% x 2 reps
Set 3 – 90% x 1 rep
Rest 2-3 minutes

Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes (10 sets):
Minute 1 – 6 Pull-Ups + 6 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs to 9′ target)
Minute 2 – 30 Double-Unders + 6 Toes-to-Bar
Minute 3 – 12/10 Assault Bike Calories


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Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes (10 sets):
Minute 1 – 6 Pull-Ups + 5 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs to 9′ target)
Minute 2 – 20 Double-Unders + 6 Toes-to-Bar
Minute 3 – 10/8 Assault Bike Calories

Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes (10 sets):
Minute 1 – 6 Pull-Ups + 5 Wall Ball Shots (20lbs to 10′ target/14 lbs to 9′ target)
Minute 2 – 20 Double-Unders + 6 Toes-to-Bar
Minute 3 – 10/8 Assault Bike Calories

Please adjust the load and/or volume to this emom. If you’ll have too much rest time then please add to the reps, or, if you feel like you may be bleeding over on a certain set then reduce the volume and/or load. The last 3 sets of this emom should be a challenge.

Three sets of:
Posted Single Leg Deadlifts x 8-10 reps @ 3011
Rest 45 seconds
Band Pull-Aparts x 15 reps (focus on pulling the shoulders back and down)
Rest 45 seconds

Optional Gymnastics Program
Every 10 seconds, for 30 seconds (3 sets) of:
Cast Swing x 1 rep

Followed by. . .

Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (6 sets) of complex:
Cast Swing x 1 rep + Shove Pop Swing x 1 rep

Followed by. . .

Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes (8 sets) of:
Ring Muscle-Up x 1-3 reps (focus on perfect reps)

Followed by. . .

One set of each:
Prone Cuban Press (full range of motion) x 10 reps

Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Box Jump-Up to Full Support on Rings x 10 reps
60+: Full Support Hold on Low Rings x 40 seconds effort
*Accumulate as much time as possible during the 40 seconds effort
Interval 2 – Ring Swings x 10 reps
*Keep swings small, yet push and pull the rings to keep them as far from your feet as possible. Arms should remain behind the ears throughout the reps.

Followed by. . .

Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Supine Snap Pulls x 15 reps
Interval 2 – Rowing Transition Lifter on Low Rings x 6-8 reps

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Markus Schuster
Markus Schuster
May 10, 2019 3:20 pm

A. DL:
3×150/150/150/-/- (read the 5 sets too late),
2×170 and
1×180 kg (felt heavy from floor to knee and light from knee to hip).

Having a cold. Did not do.

C. Accessory:
C1. 8/12/- kg
C2. Yellow/purple/- band.

Rob Walker M40-44 174cm 86kg
Rob Walker M40-44 174cm 86kg
May 10, 2019 3:20 pm

A. 165, 170, 185, 200kg all x3 reps

Off too London for 2 days work. Just had time for DL in the class this morning before catching the train. Will try to modify metcon for hotel gym later.

Stephanie Nickitas
Stephanie Nickitas
May 10, 2019 3:20 pm

Forgot to post yesterday.
In summary, squats and clean complex felt good. Barbell cycling killed me. Weights were 85,105,120,135. Time increased over first 3 sets. ??‍♀️
Optional Bike- I wanted to quit after 10 sets but made it through. 1-10 were roughly 34-38sec and 10-20 were more like 36-43sec. That was ROUGH!

Mike Hefti / 38, 5'6, 145 lbs
Mike Hefti / 38, 5'6, 145 lbs
May 9, 2019 3:46 pm

Did Tuesday’s WOD

DMAW Complete

A. 6 sets Front Squat x3 @165# / @185#

B. 7 sets Clean Lift Off+Clean+Jerk x1

1-2 @75%: 145#
3-5 @80%: 155#
6-7 @85%: 165#

C. For Time with 60 sec rest between

12x Squat Clean @50%: 95# 27 secs
9xSC @60%: 115# 21 secs
6xSC @70%: 135# 15 secs
3xSC @80%: 155# 11 secs

Galdric Baisset M 37 1,76 94kg
Galdric Baisset M 37 1,76 94kg
May 9, 2019 3:46 pm

DMA. Done
A2. 370lbs, 385lbs, 400lbs
B. Short on time… and kinda break down mentally… did 4 rounds…
Optional Gymnastics Program
RMU going great, was able to do 2 UB!!!

Stephanie Nickitas
Stephanie Nickitas
May 9, 2019 3:46 pm

A. Speed DLs at 210. Then 225,235,250.
B. Done as Rx. Everything unbroken.
What’s another 10 sets of bike after yesterday’s 20…. ?
C. Barbell hip thrusters instead of single leg.
Hopefully work on MUs later

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