Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Band-Assisted Upper Body Anterior Chain Opener
x 2 minutes
Followed by …
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Followed by …
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
One set of:
Ring Muscle-Up Reverse Pull x 20 reps
Followed by …
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Speed Swings x 3-5 reps
Followed by …
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (6 sets) of complex:
Peek-A-Boo Swings x 3-5 reps
Followed by …
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (4 sets) complete:
Muscle-Up x 1-4 reps (focus on making every rep QUALITY)
Followed by …
Every 60 seconds, for 5 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Kipping Ring Dips x 6-8 reps + Full Support Hold on Rings x 20 seconds
Kipping Ring Dips x 3/1 reps + Full Suport Hold on Rings x 10 seconds
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Minute 1 – Double-Unders x 20 reps + Toes-to-Bar x 8 UB reps
Minute 2 – Shoulder-to-Overhead x 10 reps
40-49: 155/105 lbs
50-54: 135/95 lbs
55-59: 115/75 lbs; 6 UB reps
95/65 lbs; 6 UB reps
Five sets of:
Assault Bike x 20/15 calories
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 12 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 8 reps
Five sets of:
Assault Bike x 15/10 calories
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 12 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Work on smooth and effecient pull-ups. Your heart rate will be elevated from the assault bike so use the time during your pull-ups to breathe, refocus and move as effeciently as possible to stay in a good rhythm.
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Row as many meters as possible in 20 minutes
Mobility done A. done but struggling with peek a boo swings. Finding after gaining more than a few pounds over the holidays, any type of hang from the shoulders is more difficult than it used to be. Good news is I have been pain free for a week now, my acupuncture/dry needling & physio have ended and my shoulders feel great. I have also opted into Travis’s gymnastic programme, I feel this is a great supplement for my training now. I adapt for my MU’s no where near those right now. B. done (struggled a bit with T2B its been… Read more »
Mobility done.
A. Skipped, shoulder need a rest from swings.
B1. DU and T2B UB, 135 turned out to be a bit much last night, 10 reps first round then 5 the remaining.
B2. Done. Did not keep track of time, only the 60sec rest. 6 C2B per round, shoulders don’t like pulling right now and don’t want to stress them.
Mob done
A. Mu section done 3/2 per 30 sec, didn’t feel easy as it should, did not do ring dip section, still have sore elbow and tricep from last week
B. Done, used 95# not unbroken on s to o
C. 1:46/1:54/1:53/2:04/2:14–legs imploded on bike and slowed down even more by the end
A) Fell through the rings and chicken winged my first rep (Yikes), did 16 reps after that not on the clock.
Dips and hold done. Had to break up the holds into :10/:10
B1) No misses on DU/T2B felt good/all UB jerks on S2O
B2) 1:38/1:36/ 1:48/2:15/2:17 All butterfly pullups UB. Started at 60RPM on AB and by last two rounds was struggling to maintain 50-55.
Optional: 4633m
First day back after a week of being sick. Still nowhere close to 100%. Lungs still fried from my cough, which is still terrible. Anything metcon related right now has me coughing and running for my new inhaler the doctor gave me. Not sure what it is like in the rest of the world, but here in the midwest don’t get the cold we have going around. It’s the worst I’ve ever seen. Oh, and inhalers are like magic but they wear off too quick. Mobility done. A – Ring MUs 3x. Still struggling with my hands getting stuck on… Read more »
First a shout out to the Invictus team that hosted an amazing athlete’s camp this past weekend. I was surrounded by great athletes and gained a lot of knowledge. Thank you.
A. Don’t have rings so focused on bar muscle ups. Gotta buy some rings
B. T2B not unbroken. Still have a hard time stringing them. S2OH 65#.
C. Did 15 cal on rower. Don’t have a bike and banded chest to bar.
I have a lot of work to do to catch up to you amazing athletes. Glad to be part of the group.
Mobility: done
A1: swings done
A2: 1 strict L-shit m-u (low rings)
A3: 6 kipping ring dips – held 20sec front hold for all but last 2 sets. Those ~10sec
B1: done @ 135 for first 3, last 2 at 115. All t2b 8 ub and ub double unders (wish my s2oh to be as good as double unders and t2b!)
B2: ripped my hand on first set of c2b and bailed. Too hungry too!
Oh no, ripped hands are no good! Have you tried using grips?
Normally, I don’t have a problem. I think it is a combination of a cut I had and dry hands from winter. I’ll tape and should be fine.
Mob and act
A. did the swings and then 4 MUs every thirty secs x4 which made me pretty winded
I skipped the ring dips because I have a whiny shoulder
B. did emom with 40 singles + 8 TTB and 135lbs S2OH
C. did 25 cals + 12 C2B 1:35-2:05 on Air – Dyne which got hard – C2B were solid- bike riding was not solid
waited 10-12 min and then did the optional rowing got 4705 m – took me 10-12 min to get my shit together and then I got a decent rhythm.
Past three days have been pretty rough for bicep pain. Did A w/ 2 MUs each rd and 6 dips. After that my bicep was done and struggled putting 155 OH so called it a night. Did rowing in the AM: 5266 meters
Oh no Corey – I don’t like hearing that at all! I hope your bicep feels better after a little rest!
Mobility and shoulder stretching done
Biceps and triceps done 10# DBs
T/Y/I’s done with 2.5# plates
A. Skipped-resting shoulder
B. EMOM: subbed movements with:
Min 1: 12 front rack lunges 105#
Min 2: 10 hand power clean 105#
C. 5 sets: 20 cal airdyne and 8 supine ring rows
1:08, 1:19, 1:30, 1:40, 1:38
20 mins after part C…
Optional: 20 mins of rowing, 4550m
Mobility – done A. Did MU drills and 1MU for each of the 4 sets EMOM – 3 kipping Ring Dips and hold for 10s (getting better at kipping these! Have tried starting with knees up and then straightening them when I descend. This seems to have helped with getting the timing right for the kip. B. EMOM – all sets of DU’s were UB and went with 8 UB T2B rather than 6. S2O – averaged about 18s on these Subbed Concept 2 rower for the Assault Bike. Worked on Butterfly Pull-ups. First set of 12 went pretty well,… Read more »
M&A Done
A. Did MU speed swings and Peek a boos but struggled today on EMOM
B. EMOM unbroken except 1 round of T2B, lost rythm
C. 15:47 total time including the 4 minutes of rest. Did c2b as singles, would start out the AB at 74 rpm and would fade at end to low 60’s – 58rpm.
A. 6 for 6 on mu, dips completed
C. 2:30, 2:20, 2:20, 2:22, 2:22
Mondays are fun!
Mob Done
A. MU work done
MU EMOM 4 per. I uploaded couple videos of my sets to Facebook Nicole let me know what you think.
8 Kipping Dips and support done.
B. Done all UB. Felt good in these. Feel best and fastest with Push jerk. Held EMOM.
C. :56/:54/1:05/1:06/1:12 Posted a set of C2B for critic. Butterflied thru 3 1/2 rnds then kipped.
Op Seasion. 5,000 m
30 # ,ring work done jumping mu on rings
B.20 DU ub, 8 toe2bar UB,135# go more next time.
C. Done 20 cal @51KM Ave. Chest to bar singles
A1) Purple band-the tension is still hard but I did the best I could do
2) Spped swings: 3 rps ea.
3) Pee-a-boo: 3 rps eac
4) MU: total of 3 singles… many fails so inconsistant with these.. ugh
5) Kip.R/d+holds: 6rps. LAst two holds broken held for abt 10 secs at a time
B1) 4rds. fell back somewhere Rxd 95 lbs
2) Totl Time: 15;54 1)2;21 2) 2;09 3) 219 4) 2:25
Good work Lise!
Coach Nicole:
thank you! I need work but I sincerely appreciate your kind words always and encourgement especially when I guess you can sense it gets into your head!! your a great Coach for this and many other reasons!! thsnksagain!! XOXO
Mobility done
A. Done with 2 MU’s and 6 ring dips. Man – those holds burned!
B. Dubs/T2b all UB (T2b have come a long way!); 155# S2OH – managed 10/10/8/8/8
C. Done – ave round 2:05
Yes sir. The holds were nasty.
DM&A done
A. Done with 3 muscle ups and 8 ring dips
EMOM felt gratis
B. Air Bike
Solid work today Bjorn!
Thanks Nichole:-)
Try my best to get some Training in this week. Not much time the next couple of days
Back after 8 days out because of flu?
A: done
3 Mus every 30 s
6 kipping ringdips+ 20s/20s/20s/10+10/10+10
B:done with 60 kg stoh
C: not Done, take it easy first days after flu!
Glad you are back – that flu just knocked people out!
Done DMA
A. Couldn’t keep to the 30 sec time limit for MU’s, but did EMOM and got 4/3/4/3, and happy with it….for now. Progressions/swings are brilliant, thx!
The dips and support start of good but soon turned into a struggle, I did (5+20sec, 5+15, 5+10, 3+2+10sec, 3+2(-‘s)+5sec).
B.1 Was doing it while breathing heavy, but could manage it at 155lbs, last two sets I had to break the 10 S2OH’s up into 7+3
B.2 Not done – had to go, ran out of time.
Did Optional later the day and got to 4838m.
So happy to see you progressing so well Edward!