Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
100 Foot Sandbag Bearhug Carry
50 Single Unders
10 Medball Squat Cleans
10 Medball Slams
Followed by…
Ten reps of:
Burpee Broad Jump
Rest as needed between reps to ensure maximum distance
Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s heavy…
Squat Clean + Front Squat + Hang Squat Clean + Jerk
Five sets of:
Push Press x 10 reps @ 60-65%
Rest 90-120 seconds between sets
“CrossFit Games Open Event 15.3”
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
7 Ring Muscle Ups
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14lbs to 10/9′)
100 Double Unders
If you’re competing at Wodapalooza and would like to substitute an announced workout here, please do so.
Four sets of:
50 Banded Triceps Pressdowns
15 Weighted Side Bends (each side)
Athlete Training Notes:
We’ve got another re-test workout coming up this week. If you’ve been around the space for awhile then odds are you’ve hit this one in the past. Wednesday’s during this cycle are going to be all about performing workouts we’ve deemed quality workouts for determining where athletes are at in comparison to others. We call them our Invictus Standards. Coming up today is a repeat of open workout 15.3. Some of the best scores in the world during this workout were close to finishing 4 rounds. Given that this was 9 years ago we figure standards are a little higher now so we’ve set the standard at 4+ rounds if you’d like to see yourself as a CrossFit Games level individual athlete. Semi-finals athletes will be looking to be close to or even finishing round 4. Quarterfinals athletes should aim to finish 3+ rounds. Now, take that with a grain of salt because we know there is SO much more than a single workout that goes into determining this. Strength, gymnastics, etc. etc.. There may even be people that have qualified recently that can’t get the 4+ rounds. That said, your goal over time is to be in our games level tier for as many of these as possible if that is your goal. Take these as an opportunity to evaluate yourself in some of these standard workouts to see how you’d stack up and see where you may be excelling and lacking. How to approach this workout… try to knock out the muscle ups in as few sets as possible each time you hit them. A break on the rings is much longer than on the wall balls or double unders. From there it might be smart to do something like 30/20 on the wall balls or even 20/15/15 as long as your breaks are short and you’re right back to work. For the double unders, keep going if you’re in a rhythm, but if 150 unbroken means you take a huge rest before the rings you might as well break that tension a bit and split them with 30-50 reps left. Take a look at the leaderboard after you’ve finished to see where you stack up amongst some of the heavy hitters from 2015.
A) up to 100kg
B) 60kg
C) 2 rounds
10 ring dips
50 th empty barbell
100 du
D) done
A. 185
B. 115
C. 15/20/25 row/wb 25/pu/bj/db snatch 30/40/50
D. 100 rope pressdowns
A. 105
B. 75
C. 2 rounds, did strick pull ups as sub
D. Done.