Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Banded Lat Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Banded Perfect Stretch x 60 seconds per side
and then …
Row 750 meters at an easy pace
and then …
Clean & Jerk Progressions
Every 3 minutes, for 21 minutes (7 sets):
& Jerk
*Sets 1-2 @ 80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 3-5 @ 85% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 6-7 @ 90% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Conditioning Session
Three sets, for times, of:
25/20 Calorie Assault Bike
300 Meter Ski Erg or Row
100 Double-Unders
300 Meter Ski Erg or Row
25/20 Calorie Assault Bike
Rest 3 minutes
Three sets, for times, of:
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
250 Meter Ski Erg or Row
75 Double-Unders
250 Meter Ski Erg or Row
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
Rest 3 minutes
Posterior Chain Accessory Work
Three sets of:
Bottoms Up KB Carry x 25′ each arm
Rest 15 seconds
Bottoms Up KB Press x 6 reps per arm
Rest 15 seconds
Russian KB Swings x 20 reps (heavy)
Rest 60 seconds
followed by …
Three sets of:
Banded Lateral Leg Raises
x 30 seconds per side
Rest 60 seconds
Anterior Loaded Step Ups x 6 each leg
Rest 60 seconds
*Choose box height based off of your height. Your leg should be about a 90 degree angle or greater when standing on the ground.(not breaking parallel)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those optional sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully. And remember, this is OPTIONAL.
Optional Additional Gymnastic Strength Session
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (5 sets)
Station 1: 1-3 Bar Muscle-Ups
Station 2: 25′ Handstand Walk
followed by …
Three sets of:
5 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups Pronated Grip + 15 Ring Rows @ 2011
Rest as needed
if you do not have Bar Muscle-Ups or Handstand Walks then complete the following:
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (5 sets)
Station 1: 1-3 Jumping Bar Muscle Ups
Station 2: 15 Wall Facing Handstand Marching
followed by …
Three sets of:
5 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups Pronated Grip + 15 Ring Rows @ 2011
Rest as needed
C&J = 195/195/210/215/225/230/235
Still hotel gym so had to modify a bit MAW done as prescribed Conditioning: 1. 7:39 2. 8:12 3. 8:12 20 cal AB = 20 burpees DU in three sets (tripped). My whole body felt jelly today. We spent the day yesterday on an Indonesian island with Indonesian massage, perhaps that’s why. ??♀️ C&J: only did 50 and 55 kg. Should have done 60 kg as well but didn’t dare in the hotel gym as I couldn’t fail or drop. Accessory: all movements with DB as they don’t have KBs. Always traveling with my resistance band so I could do… Read more »
Cj: 270
Metcon: 5:40 -> 6:34. Cj after the metcon today and it drained me pretty bad. Should have brought some carbs.
Been out of town on vacation, might catch up on this one tomorrow.
Today: WOD from Mon 30 Dec
WAMU) done
snatch primer) done, press 45#-85# — balance + OHS 95#-135#
hang snatch emom) 115#-191# (WAY over prescribed % :-/ )
triple threat) 2 rds — 2 rds + 9 reps — 2 rds + 10m
upper body accessory) done
Hope you had a great vacation and glad the snatches felt good!!
Age 38
C j 80/80/85/85/90/95/100
Great work Gianni! How did your clean & jerks feel?
I have a problem on a shoulder and a wrist… All on the right arm… I extend my right arm on late…
Oh no – I am sorry to hear that! Please rest your upper body for the next few days so you avoid further aggravating the shoulder and wrist!