Four sets of:
Touch-n-Go Power Cleans x 5 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Goal loading per set (by %):
*Set 1 – 70-75%
*Set 2 – 75-80%
*Set 3 – 80-85%
*Set 4 – 85+%
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25′ Overhead Walking Lunge (95/65 lbs)
8 Burpees
25′ Overhead Walking Lunge (95/65 lbs)
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25′ Overhead Walking Lunge (65/45 lbs)
8 Burpees
25′ Overhead Walking Lunge (65/45 lbs)
8 Chin-Over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
This was 16.1 so make sure to go back and see what your score was for this event. Try to find ways to improve your score from last year. Break up the pull-ups sooner? More calm on the burpees? Narrow or widen your hand position on the overhead walking lunges?
Three sets of:
Dragon Flag Negatives x 5-6 reps @ 5111
Tuck Ups x 15 reps
Prone Single-Arm Hand Plank
x 30 seconds per side
Followed by …
One set of:
Hollow Body Bounces
x 75 reps
A. 185, 195, 195, 205
B. No room for lunge. Class Wod:
600m ski erg
10 db snatch 70#
400m ski
20 wb
200 ski
30 pwr clen 135
200 ski
20 wb
400 ski
10 db sn
600 ski
A. 175, 185, 200, 210 felt good. A little to fat forward
B. 221. Up from 213 last year. Had some left in the tank. Did c2b unbroken but struggle with c2b speed. Felt slow.
Awesome to hear Ty!
A. Used 145# , this was challenging for me, the touch and goes. Don’t normally do those, I normally drop bar and pick it back up.
B. 190 reps, that is a 12 rep improvement. Pretty stoked on improvement.
All I had time for today.
A. 90,92,97,97kg
B. 6 rounds + 18 reps. (Out of breath, sucking air, nothing specific killing the time, Ctb’s was feeling good, have to work on more efficient burpees, 20% better than last year). Happy, but def want to get to 8 rounds! Need to work on engine!
C. Done
Late start this evening so didn’t do 16.1.
A: 175; 185; 195; 205
B: Subbed Athens Throwdown WOD- I love chippers!
15 min AMRAP
50 Up Downs (Burpee with push-up or jump, but had to open up, No hip sagging in the plank)
40 T2B
30 WB
20 Hang KB Snatch 24kg (10l/10r)
10 MUs
Just took my time to test it out. Got through 38 T2B on second Rd. Those Up Downs fatigued my legs and midline more than I expected!
C: Tried but my midline was shot after the qualifier.
A: 115, 125, 135 , 145
B: did 16:1 as 15 min amrap 2 weeks ago as extra: 162 reps then.
Did Nancy w/ row instead. 17:38. (Not my best, trying to go broken but only managed 1st 3 rounds — think I am fighting something)
C: skipped: will do tomorrow
A. 195:205/215/225- last 2 @ 225 I had to squat to get.
B. 9 rnds.
C. Done.
?for Melissa and I at Arlington Survival of the Fittest
A. 175/185/195/205
B. wanted to rest my knee which is feeling great did the optional again from yesterday 25 min 30 sec off/on accumulated 235 CALS
C. did some GHD
feeling good about the week
AWESOME Al! Looking strong! I love that you have your hands right back on the bar for the next rep – setting yourself up for success!
Partner wod day.
Back squats from yesterday: 125/135/155/165– hamstring still a bit of an issue–definitely a high strain, so am not really pushing it fully.
Then group of 2, alternating activities 20 amrap of 15 box jumps (I stepped down), 12 STo O 75#, 9 TTB. More enjoyable as a partner, and have improved a bit since doing this on my own–remember having to do split jerks for some of shoulder to overhead. Also in partner situation able to do all unbroken–not always happening in s to o and TTB.
Did the Touch and Go’s. I hope it was ok to make some of those power cleans.
Did 16.1 and got exact same as did last year 204. However I will say it was much easier. I had no one pushing me this time and coming off a tough week. I felt the lunges and c2bar were much easier this year. I think with a little push I would have done more. Tough when you are by yourself in the gym on Saturday evening.
Absolutely Brian!
And great work hitting that Open workout by yourself and getting the same score! That is awesome to see!
Did the group workout today at Pohaku. Wasn’t going to be able to do 16.1 because there was a class going on, so jumped in with the class. Complex – DL – Hang Power Clean – Push Jerk 85 – 105 – 115 – 125 – 135 – 140 – 145 Tied my PR for a Power Clean today. Still room for more. Just ran out of time. Partner WOD – “Kelly” 400 m run – 30 Box Jumps – 30 WBS (alternating each portion with partner) 6 rounds + 31. Did all of the sets of 30 WBS (20/9′)… Read more »
Fantastic Barry!!!! Did you get a video of this?? 🙂
No. It was a little unexpected.
coach Nicole I was late in logging yesterday so ater this entry Ill be making that entry too 🙂 A) 4s TNG: 105lbs,115,120,125 B) 6 rds Rxd (65lbs) IN the opening I did 6 rds too plus I did the w/l and 8 burpess. I think I I wouldve done a bit better if my gym wasnt so bust I had to wait for people to move out the way to do the lunges .. and I had to walk to the other part of the gym to do the Pullups. I think I couldve done better if things were… Read more »
A. 170/180/195/205. This shows I have underestimated myself in the wods at 185 always doing singles. That ends today!
B. Was in my home gym so tough to set this up. No room to do 25′ lunges, so did roughly 15′ and then a few in place. Got a good workout in, but can’t compare it to my score last year.
C. Done
That is great to see Joe! You are getting so much stronger!! Yep, you aren’t getting away with those singles anymore 🙂
Made up for yesterday’s missed wod:
For time:
Assault Bike x 20 calories
10 Power Cleans (185#)
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (75#)
30 Toes to Bar
40 Calorie Row
30 Toes to Bar
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (75#)
10 Power Cleans (185#)
= 13:03
Nice time on that DTH
B)Too busy this morning to dour 16.1. No room for the oh lunges. Did class wod.
In Teams of 2
Run 400M
3 Rounds
x10 DL @250
×100 DU
Run 400M
3 Rounds
x50 WB
x20 C2B
Run 400M
3 Rounds
100M Farmer Carry 53#
x60 Ab Sit Up
Run together and split reps evenly
Did so much better then last year !!!! Yahoo! Improvement? 16 reps more yes!
That’s awesome! Great job!
That is awesome to see Bethanne!
165_169_180_191!!!! Just realized I CAN cycle 185 in workouts!!!!!
B: 8 Full Rds!!! (goal was 10, didn’t do CF Open last year) Not sure what percentile 8 rds is, but 10 was 99%.
All UB. Even the C2B! Sooo much better…thanks to all for your help!!!
C. done
Nice man! Hard work pays off!
Thanks Joe, it was a nice surprise.
Love that Ian!! You are making great progress Ian. So happy to see this and I hope you feel a good confidence boost as we head into the 2017 Open. 🙂
Thanks! I think I did 20″ not 25′. But that’s only 16 extra steps for me I think. Bottom line, I think I could still do 16.1 in 8 rds. 🙂 Question-on bar facing burpees, after the burpee, can I stay bent over as I jump the bar or do I have to be standing up? I stood up & think I lost time doing so. Thanks!!!
You can stay bent over! The rep is counted if both feet jump over the bar, you do not need to stand all the way up!
Thanks Nichole!
Is it 18 reps per round ?
For 16.1, each 5′ of OHWL was a rep. So it is 26 reps per round.
Copy that . Thank u