Primary Strength Session
Openers and Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls
x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Build to today’s heavy…
Hang Snatch + Snatch
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Snatch x 1 rep @ 80-85%
Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Touch-n-Go Power Snatch x 5 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Increase load each set, working to the heaviest 5-rep set possible.
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Sets 4-6 – 10 reps @ 75-78%
Rest 3 minutes between sets
Primary Conditioning Session
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
Wall Ball Shots* (30/20 lbs)
*Every time you drop the wall ball, perform 7/5 muscle-ups
Goal is to be over 100 reps…Games athlete goals should be over 120 reps.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Ten sets of:
90 seconds of Assault Bike @ 10 minute RPM Pace
Rest 30 seconds
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option
Two sets of:
Row 500 Meters
4 Legless Rope Climbs
Rest 4 minutes
Make efficiency and proper, but aggressive, pacing your focus.
Two sets of:
Row 500 Meters
10/8 Unbroken Muscle-Ups
Rest 3 minutes
Two sets of:
Row 500 Meters
15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 6″/4″ Deficit
Rest 2 minutes
Showed up late yesterday.
Squats – 275, 315, 355, 3×10 at 315
WOD = 86. Went to 120 after the time
A. 3:42, 3:24
B. 2:45, 2:53 stoked to get these unbroken
C. 4:23, 4:10
Primary Strength
A. Upto 100kg
B. 100kg 10/10
C, 65/70/75/80kg
D. 132.5/150/170/3×10 @140kg
A. 45/35/25 – 105 total
Stoked with this big PR with 30# ball
MU 7/6-1
Assault Bike Conditioning
281 @69+ rpm
All those 30lb wall balls are paying off!!
A. Did all the Snatch work with 65lbs. Lots and lots of reps.
B. Back squats 350/400/450/390/390/400(felt good)
C. First time doing wall balls used a 14lbs ball. And did 10 assault bike Cals instead of muscle ups. Total of 189 reps. Went 160 UB. All reps felt good.
D. Did two sets of 1000m ski erg at a low setting.
Thats a lot of wall balls! haha great to see you back incorporating some overhead movements.
Strength A: 155 – form broke down so i stopped there B: 155 (85%) – I filmed these and will post in FB group C: 105/120/135(4)/135(4)- my judges (aka the peanut gallery) said I was too low on my last rep on each set ? D: 195/225/250/210×3 Conditioning A: just not good all around with this. Wallballs kick my butt, especially large sets. I need to do some every day or something. 69 reps… Tried to do the gymnastics conditioning, but couldn’t get it together. So just did the assault bike 10 min test. Assault Bike conditioning – 10 min… Read more »
The peanut gallery haha was that the kids?!
Start using wall balls as part of your warm-up. We have Maddy do them for target practice. 🙂 e.g.
Three sets for times of:
Row 500 meters
50 Double unders
15 Unbroken Wall Ball Shots (20lb.)
Rest 2 minutes
I think I should start doing this too!
That’s a great plan 🙂 I’ll start that next week!
I was at the gym yesterday morning and my sister and a friend were giving me the ?? Or ?? On my power snatches ?
Primary strength: A. hang snatch+snatch 90# B. 85# full snatches weren’t feeling that great at 80-85% so I dropped a tiny bit C. TnG power snatches 55/65/75/85# D. backsquat 115/130/150/125 called it after that first set of ten. My butt is still strained from the deadlifts on wednesday and I could feel it by this point. Good news though, 150 felt incredibly easy so I think a back squat PR is on its way 🙂 Primary Conditioning: 61 wallball shots. Used 14# wall ball, scaled to 1 muscle up per drop. I normally drop after like 10 wb or so… Read more »
A. Did Deadlifts from Wednesday’s workout (8-6-4-2-2), I skipped them on Wednesday to Snatch with the group -15 min EMOM 1 Snatch- and ended up hitting a PR snatch of 185 🙂 D. 185, 215, 235, 3×10 at 75% 200. Conditioning: 80 wb. I was a little disappointed with this, motivates me to work on wall balls more. I tried to split it up into sets of 20, but failed on the 4th set. Just couldn’t get the ball up to the target at the end. Muscle ups felt good though. I really liked this workout, hope to do it… Read more »
Wow!! That’s awesome Karen, that’s some crazy weight!
A. Built to 150# PR!!!!
Snatch EMOM 135×3 140×3 felt smooth so went up 145×2 150×2
Totally forgot the PWR Snatches until now. ?
Back squat 5@195 3@225 1@250 10×3@195 (haven’t done the 10×3 yet…did at 70%)
Wall ball…well, this was depressing…
32/14/13/17 never done 32 ub b4 though…
76 reps/ 15mu
Great work Ashleigh!
Hang Snatch + snatch
175/ miss full snatch at 180
Skipped B
Power Snatch x 5
Back squat
Sets of 10 @ 275
Couldn’t breathe and wasn’t feeling very tough. Yuck.
Did the class wod with light KB swings, air squats and pull ups afterward for a little extra conditioning.
A) Up to 240
B) All sets at 225. Went 8/10
C) 155/165/180/200
D) 280/320/360/305 for 3×10
Aerobic Gymnastics session:
A) 2:40/3:07
B) 2:32/2:27
C) 2:24/2:51 UB first round then 11/4 second round
Assault bike at 70 rpm each round.
Didn’t have time for WBs and MU workout. Might do this tomorrow.
I’m gonna break a MU record on that wallball workout bro!
What if I just hold the ball, and don’t drop it? Do I have to do MU?!
Any deliberate pause
Aww dang!
Don’t cheat the system 🙂
Coach, when we get prescribed “hang” with no other guidance. Where do you all want it to be?
Mid thigh
Check rog’
Session two Very long warmup. Felt good enough to try squat movements so wanted to drill technique and position. 3 rounds with empty barbell 3 hang to pocket 3 low hang pull 3 muscle snatch 3 ohs 32×1 3 snatch grip btn pp 3 snatch balance 3 hang power snatch 3 low hang snatch Hang+snatch: 205 Everything up to 185 felt meh…last two sets felt more fluid from the floor, hang and receiving Emom skipped Cycling skipped Wanted to end on a good note and try not to do too much too soon. Will live to snatch another day Squats:… Read more »
Snatches looked good today dude.
The technique warmup makes everything better
Primary Strength Session
A. 135#
Set 1-5: 80% 128#
Set 6-9: 82% 131#
Set 10: 85% 135#
C. 95/105/115/115
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 70%✅
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%✅
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90%✅
*Sets 4-6 – 10 reps @75%✅✅✅
Primary Conditioning Session
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
Wall Ball Shots* (30/20 lbs)
80Reps (33/25/22)
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option
A. 3:30/3:35
B. 3:40/3:45 (8m.u. UB) ✅
Snatch complex 215
Snatch emom done @ 80% no misses
Back squats done @ perscribed weight 75%
Knees are killing me
I have a wicked cold so body wouldn’t let me push today. Lifting wasn’t bad but once I got into metcon forget breathing…
At home now drinking tea trying to recover
Hope you feel better soon dude!
Assault Bike
Kept it around 67-70
271 Cals
Row/Legless Rope Climbs
2:41 (9 reps)
Row/Strict HSPU. Did a 3″ deficit
Hang Snatch + Snatch
Snatch EMOM
Touch n Go Snatches
Back Squat
345 x 5
395 x 3
435 x 1
3×10 @ 325
97 reps
Muscle Ups took me a long time each set.
But a lot of rest. This was my best effort so I’m happy with it but definitely was hoping for over a 100
Funny how you’re one of the few that find the. Muscleups the hard part!
The wall balls were hard too. Everything was tough at the end.
I was happy with everything today until I got to those muscle ups lol. They went so much better in the morning.
So strong bro!
A. 215
B. 185, tried to concentrate on form with these.
C. 165
D. Front squat 5 x 2 with 3 second pause in hole. Worked up to 385, then 3 x 10 with 315.
Primary Conditioning
84, used 20 pound ball and did 7 C2B
Assault Bike Conditioning
Kept it above 62 RPM, 206 calories
Session One:
A. Up to 130 🙁
B. 115
C. 85/95/100/105
Session Two:
42 reps (second time doing 20# wb and 10′) MU were so off they took me forever
Why only second time ?!
Because I avoid it like the plague lol
Session 2: death.
Primary conditioning:
124 reps.
40-30-20-34. MU UB except for 1 round did 5/2.
Then had a terrible idea and did the backsquats after
Nice job on the wall balls! I hated every second of it!
Last off season I learned to love the wall ball! This year t2b and bar facing burpees
Very impressive dude
A. 215. Wasn’t feeling it today
B. Worked up to 210 on last 3 sets
C. Got up to 195. Happy with that for first time trying this
D. 280/320/360/300/305/310
Conditioning: 82 (40/15/16/11) MU(7,4/3,3/2/2) any tips for how I can do better to hit that 100? Thought I would no problem after the 40 on the first set. MU killed me I think
E. Did 10 Min AB trial
More exposure to them 🙂 keep working hard and you’ll continue to make progress!
Yes I def agree. Already notice the difference from the 40 we had to do in a workout a few weeks ago. Today’s 40 UB felt really smooth so there has definitely been progress. Thanks
Progress is progress
Tino may disagree with me, but I set a goal prior to the workout starts. So I had check points I had to meet throughout the workout. I also made sure my first set of wallballs wasn’t too large of a set. I know it says max effort, but if I did a set of max effort 30lb WBs then tried to do MU it wouldn’t work out so well! So if you know you can do 21 MU, I would have tried doing 25-25-25-25 to reach that 100!
One long session Primary strenght session: A. Build to today’s heavy Hang Snatch + Snatch: 45-50-55-60-65-70-75kg (no fails, dropped the barbell between the hang snatch and snatch to reset) So happy to hit 75kg! Felt so good so decided to give 80kg hangsnatch a try! Got it! Thats a PR! B. EMOM Snatch x 1 rep @ 80-85%: 65-65-65-65-65-67,5-67,5-67,5-67,5-67,5kg C.4 sets Touch-n-Go Power Snatch x 5 reps: 45-50-55-57,5kg D. Back Squat: 5 reps @ 77,5kg / 3 reps @ 87,5kg / 1 rep @ 100kg. Skipped the sets with 10 reps. Knee started to feel a little tender in the… Read more »
Awesome job on the hang Snatch PR!
113 with two breaks. 55-35-23. 4/3 on both sets of muscle ups