Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Start the clock and …
Band Assisted Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Band Assisted Hamstring Floss x 45 seconds per side
At the 5:00 mark, complete:
CrossOver Symmetry Banded Rows x 10 reps
CrossOver Symmetry Reverse Flys x 10 reps
CrossOver Symmetry Pull-Downs x 10 reps
At the 7:00 mark, complete:
Inchworm + Scap Push-Up + Press-Up x 5 reps
Ring-Rows x 15 reps
At the 10:00 mark, complete:
Two sets of:
Row 250 Meters
Burpees x 5 reps
KB Deadlift x 10 reps
If you are not familiar with the Rope Foot Hold technique, please watch this VIDEO.
For 2 minutes, perform one set of
Rope Climb Mount x 6 reps
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Rope Climb (with or without legs) x 2-3 reps
*If possible for the 35-49 division, start with a legless rope climb then use your legs when necessary.
Interval 2 – Rope Pull-Up Taps x 6 reps (3 reps each arm)
*Do not touch the floor until you have completed three reps on one arm.
Interval 3 – Rope Hang Knees-To-Armpits x 10 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, complete (4 sets):
Death March x 20 reps
All Age Divisions
Three rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
20 Burpees over the Erg
55+: Stepping over the erg is okay
Practice getting in and out of the erg quickly. Try using this technique:
While on the erg, place the thumbs on the strap buckles. Press down with the thumbs. KEEP YOUR THUMBS ON THE BUCKLES while you pull up with your toes. Then release your thumbs and slide your feet down and then out of the foot holds. This will loosen the straps so that when you get back on the erg, the straps are loose and you can slide your feet onto the foot holds without struggle. Practice this technique for todays session to help speed up your transition on and off the erg.
Three sets of:
Sorenson Hold x 45 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Ring-Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111 (elevate your feet if this is easy)
Rest 60 seconds
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions. This is optional so complete this session if you have time in your day and you are planning on doing the Open)
Three sets for times of:
Row x 15 calories
Power Snatch x 12 reps
Rest 2 minutes
35-54: 75/55 lbs
55+: 65/45 lbs
Try different techniques for the power snatch and focus on keeping a relaxed grip. This weight is relatively light so that means you can move fast, just remember to breathe and keep a relaxed grip on the barbell. Ensure you make every rep full range of motion and see how quickly you can cycle these. The row is in there just to get your heart rate up.
Three sets of:
Bottoms Up KB Carry x 50′ each arm
Rest 60 seconds
Single Leg Hip Bridge on Bench x 10 reps per leg
Rest 60 seconds
C. 11:52
Row 2;01/2;03/2:04
A. Did not do (no rope!)
B. 20# DB
C. 14:26 Rx
D. Done
Warm up, activation, Row/Burpee/KBDL 20kgs. A. Rope Climb Mount x 6 reps – Done. Interval 1 – Rope Climb (with or without legs) x 2-3 reps – 1 legless 1 with leg. Interval 2 – Rope Pull-Up Taps x 6 reps – Have to confess that I dropped to the floor if my feet were not clamped to the rope. Interval 3 – Rope Hang Knees-To-Armpits x 10 reps – Love that it made me focus on use my core more than my arms. B. Death March x 20 reps – 25# DBs C. Three rounds for time of: 500… Read more »
Did a partner hero wod today with class. Zeus.
30 wb
30cal row
30 box jumps
30 pp
30 pushups
10 bodyweight back squat
Split reps with partner 1work 1 rest
DMA complete
A. Rope Climb EMOM complete. That got spicy. Haven’t climbed a rope for a while.
B. Death march 15/20/25/30# DB’s
A. 4:53 (first round muscle snatched and then went to a small power Snatch to pace my breathing on 2nd and 3rd round).
B. Complete
Did a modified team Murphy to celebrate Australia Day.
A. Done
B. used 20# this time no hamstring issues and dd them correct. 🙂
C. 10:06, rows were 1:54, 2:04, 2:06
D. done
A) Done
B) Done, used 20# kbs
C) 9:54 rows were around 2:15-2:20
D) will try to make up tomorrow
1:30, 1:23, 1:27. I always go straight to the ground on 55-75# snatches. I actually did this first, coached a class, then did A-C
Fun and mentally light training day!
A. Done
B. 45# DBs
C. 9:58. Could have pushed a little harder earlier. Played with a couple different stroke rates to see how they felt and what it left in the tank for Burpees.
D. Done. Elevated feet. Added bottoms up KB carries to the list.
A) practiced rope climb mount Did not do the emom, this was my first time doing the rope pull taps and rope hang knee to armpit so I practiced those two movements and did a few rope climbs focusing on my mount and foot work B) done used 44# kb’s, 35# dB were to light and 50# was a bit much. C) 8:55 : very happy with this , had a goal to be under 9min. My first round was a little to fast but my transitions were fast and my last two rounds were more consistent. D) done used… Read more »
A. Done; drills were not easy
B. Did 3×50′ 50#db front-racked walking lunges
C. 9:15
A. Done
B. Did some single leg RDLs and sandbag squats instead
C. 11. Should have pushed harder in first two rounds. Paced those too much.
D. Done
A. 1:23, 1:25, 1:26
Always touch tighs on way down. Don’t feel comfortable going straight to ground.
B. 30lb KB
Mobility done
A. Done with 3 RC
B. 35# DBs
C. 9:36 (rows 1:56, 2:07, 2:10)
D. Done – elevated
A. 1:20, 1:24, 1:23 (I preferred the 1 contact point at the hip on cycling the barbell – on the way up and down)
B. Done
Mobility done
A: 6 rope climbs done with a second to spare
Did 1-2 rope climb, had a hard time to manage the rope pu with tap, they where tough as well. Needto practise this more
Joined our fitness class that had 3 21-15-9
Within every 15min for 45min completed
Set 1: 21-15-9 of
Kb swings 24kg
Set 2: “Diane”
DL 102,5kg
Set 3: 21-15-9 of
Db thrusters 2x18kg
Db hang power clean 2x18kg
Set 1: 7:40
Set 2: 11:05 the hspu took for ages….
Set 3: 13:50 the thrusters killed me
That class wod sounds like a lot of work!
Open prepp you know! Crossfit Nordic has 3 levels of classes. This was the second level. Still tired so it will be rest day today and 13.3 tomorrow…..
A. 1 legless x 2 with
C. 12:00
DMA – done
A. done (2 rope climbs per minute)
B. done (using 25lb. dumbbells)
C. 11:40 (6:38.7 rowing + 5:01.3 burpees)
2:07 row, out of rower – burpees – begin rowing again (1:46)
2:16.8 – 1:40
2:14.7 – 1:36
D. done (10 elevated ring rows per set)
M49 165#
Rowing was much better today after reviewing the Dark Horse rowing videos.
Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up Done
A. Forearm burner
B.30# DBs
Row pace: 1:40/1:50/1:50
Took it too easy on burped
D. 12” box
Optional Session
Dark Horse is awesome!
M35 / 81kg
C. 9’06” – not super happy about it, but legs were still very fatigued from Wednesday training, so rowing was just awful! ?
1st set/ 56 sec. kept my grip the same as usual on this set and popped the bar off my hips
2nd set/ 54sec. Loosened my grip at the top and didn’t pop it off my hips. Felt much better this way
3rd set 55sec. Did the same as second set
Rest of programming this evening
A. Done – my rope is only 11 ft so I did leg less starting in an l-sit off the floor every set.
B. Done 40# dbs
C. 8:30 I may have paced it a bit too much to start but I was able to finish strong. Rows were 1:56/1:52/1:47 first two rounds of burpees conservative than blasted the last one.
D. Done
Nice time!
Thank you Charles!