Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Banded Tricep Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Minute 2 – Snatch Press from Receiving Position x 5 reps
Minute 3 – Prone PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat + Drop Snatch + Snatch Balance + Tall Snatch
*To be performed with an empty barbell
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets), complete:
Tall Snatch x 3 reps (build in weight over the course of the 3 sets)
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, complete:
Mid Thigh Snatch @ 80-85% of 1-RM
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, complete:
Snatch from 2″ below the knee @ 85+% of 1-RM
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, complete:
Snatch Pull x 2 reps
Set 1 – 100% of 1-RM
Set 2 – 105% of 1-RM
Set 3 – 110% of 1-RM
Set 4 – 90% of 1-RM
Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat
For some Monday inspiration, take a look at our youngin’ Maddy Myers hitting a solid 275 lbs Dead Stop Front Squat.
Three sets for times of:
Row 500 Meters
50 Double-Unders
20 Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 4 minutes
40-49: As Prescribed
: Handstand Push-Ups to 2″ riser
: Handstand Push Ups to 4″ riser
Struggling today…tweeked my shoulder a little and overall tired and sore.
A) Tall Snatch with bar and once at 43#
Mid-thigh up to 78# but not feeling like last week…a little protective of shoulder. Skipped below the knee.
B) Snatch pulls @ 93-98-103-83
C) I may have to try this again…I set it up with blocks instead of safety rack and wasn’t as deep in squat position as I was last time we did these. Interesting my lack of power in this particular position.
D) Rx 5:50 (Du’s UB; 7-3-5-4-1) – 6:08 (Du’s 47-3; 7-4-4-3-2) – 5:43 (Du’s UB; 10-5-3-2)
That is very common, which is why I want everyone to train coming out of that deep squat position for the next few weeks.
Last time we did these I set up in a safety rack and I was definitely at my bottom position and felt stronger. This time I wasn’t nearly as deep and felt weaker…I may retry this on Saturday back in the safety rack.
I really like safety racks for this drill, if it is available to you!
A. 85,165,170
B. 200,210,220,200
C. skipped (later worked up to a FS best @ 305)
D. 3:20,3:30,3:32 (no riser)
Mobility done.
A1. 65
A2. 95-110
A3. 135-150
A4. 150-160
B. 175-195
C. 255
D. 3:29, 3:51, 3:23
Fun training today with some visitors.
Solid times on Part D!
Thanks! Was a fun one.
Mobility Done A. Warm up moves w bar done Tall Snatches up to 95# Stayed mostly under the prescribed percentage on the mid thigh and below knee snatches, did not feel strong or explosive at all today/ 125/125/130/125 125/130/135/135 B. 165/175/180/150# C. Worked up to 230# D. Skipped conditioning did 4 sets of 50 Dubs for practice A little puzzled as to why I did not have much pop today. I don’t feel over trained but as it stands now I will probably scale back a little the next 2 days. @nichole deHart, can you roughly outline what the intensity… Read more »
Mob done
A. BB—55/65/75—85/90/95—95 x 4
B. 115/120/125/95
C. Got to 185 ( quad is much better, not 100% but happy I am recovering!)
D. 3:29/ 3:44/ 4:16 DU need to be better, did kipping hspu 16/4 x 3sets
Mob Done
A1 Done
A2 95/105/115
A3 150/150/155/160
A4 -170/170/175/175
B- 195/210/220/185
C- 135/225/245/275/295/305/310 – 1st time with this drill-very challenging. Really forced great position. Loved it.
D. 4:15/4:11/4:24- HSPU are coming. 🙂
Post Rev-Hyper/GHDSU and some Iron Scap
Mobility done
A.1 done with barbell
A.2 65, 85, 95
A.3 105, 105, 110, 115
A.4 115, 115, 125, 135 (10lb PR)
B. 135, 145, 155, 125
C. 155, 185, 205, 235, 255 failed, now I know why they call it “dead stops”
D. 5:50, 6:00, 6:00
All rows under 2 min. Need to work on DU and HSPU. That was however a PR for me to finish that many HSPU!
Good job today Ed!
Thanks Kincaid, fun group today, lots of energy. Thanks for the push on the HSPU, I’ll try the new kipping technique you showed me next
Yeah, great group. Fun one.
Great training day!!
A. Barbell then remain at 95 not trying to aggravate shoulder/neck
Lots of Pvc work today and OHS teaching all 8 classes today
B. No heavy pulls
C. Worked up to 285 I’ve done these before and have never got past 275 about 6 months ago
D. Tried different tempos on the row
Completed with ring dips instead of hspu to protect shoulder neck , good stimulus
Mob done
A1. Barbell
A2. 75-85-95#
A3. 125-130-135-140#
A4. 140-145-150-155m-155m-155#
B. 160-170-175-145# pulls
C. 185#
D. 3:19, 3:18, 3:08…dubs were a bit ugly the first 2 sets with 4 misses, only 1 miss on 3rd set. Trying like heck to catch Beals.
EMOM of muscle ups for a total of 30 mu.
Where’s dat D?
It’s there! ?
After “D.” I dont see any times
Really? I see it! Strange!
I came up with this brilliant idea to refresh my screen and then they appeared – nice work!
A1. Done
A2. 115, 135, 135
A3. 165, 165, 175, 175
A4. 185, 185, 190, 195f, 195f, 195
B. 205, 215, 220, 205
C. < Maddy
D. 3:07, 3:14, 3:12 with Cheryl Brost gaining on me each round after the row…
You ready to send her back yet?
Don’t make us send the posse for her!
Mobility done
A1. Done
A2. 65/65/75
A3. 100/100/105/110
A4. 105/105/110/115
B. 125/130/135/115
C. 185/190F!
D. 3:35 (1:56 on row)/3:20 (1:55 on row)/3:24 (1:55 on row) DU’s and HSPU’s unbroken
Good group to work out with today at CF Pohaku – provided a good push.
Mobility Done A. Tall Snatch 55/65/70 Mid thigh 85/85/90 power couldn’t get under it 85 Below the knee- a little better this week-85/86/87/88 B. did a few-no one to watch my form today so didn’t want to keep doing it wrong C. Skipped D. did assault bike-Is going to be in my comp this weekend. need the practice- Lets just say today was a hard training day mentally- I worked out yesterday didn’t take a rest day. With Comp weekend coming I took it a little easier. Still needed to dig to finish. Cut the Workout in half. Still had… Read more »
A. Empty BB, tall jerks w/65
All snatches mid-thigh 115-135, a few fails @145, feeling much better
B. 185/185/195/155
C. regular FS singles up to 245 (86%)
D. 3:17/3:18/3:17 (2″ riser)
Aloha guys! Been out the last couple of weeks with an injured glute muscle. Just working on upper body strength, started slowly again last week. Also been testing my wrist with some moderate cleans and it feels good! We’ll see tomorrow how it goes with heavier weights. A1. Done A2. Tall 115/125/135 A3. Mid 205/205/210/215 A4. Below knee 220/225/230/240 B. 250/260/275/225 C. Not gonna let some little girl beat me…300# Just kidding Maddy, thats impressive! Very different move. D. This one got me in the dubs!! Didnt want to cooperate today and was getting frustrated! Subbed 50#DB L-sit presses…jeez that… Read more »
Thanks for pasting today Andy – let us know how you feel tomorrow!
A. Tall snatch 95-115
mid thigh 170/175/175/180 no misses
2″ below knee 185/190/195/200 no misses
B. Pulls 215/225/235/195- back feeling better after resting it last week
C. 290
Smoking fast!!!
Mobility done
A. Snatch Complex with the bar
Tall snatch 50/60/60
Mid Thigh 80/85/85/85
2″ below the knee 85/90/90/90
Pulls 100/105/110/90
Dead Stop Front Squat- 150 (tried 160 three times.. so damn close) Next time.
3:55/4:09/4:19 My calf kept cramping on DU and now its sore 🙁 dang it! HSPU were unbroken on the first round then 10/5/5 and the last round IDk.. but on a positive note I was under 2 minutes on every row! That made me happy!
Mobility done
A. Snatch complex with 33#
Tall snatch 73/83/88
Mid thigh 100/103/105/108
Below knee 108/110/113/118
B 125/133/138/113
C. Work to 153 (this puts a lot of pressure on my hip)
D. 5:38/5:46/6:06
A1. Done
A2. Skipped
A3. mid-thigh snatch – 90#
A4. Below the knee snatch- 90#
B. Skipped
C. 150#-155# wasn’t budging!!! Need some stronger legs!!!
D. 3:39 (unbroken HSPU), 3:57 (10/10 GSPU), 3:50 (unbroken) –
**30 min yoga at home before work this morning. I need to do that more often.
M&A done
A. Up to 175 with lots of misses. I blame it on the hernia I feel like I got after taking a spill on the glare ice while stepping out of my truck in front of the gym. ?
B. Got up to 205 but running late
C. Skipped due to time
D. All rounds 3:45 ish. Row was 1:50-1:55. DUs were all UB. Strict HSPU felt faster than kipping. 20/12,8/15,5
Oh no Curt!!
I think I’m fine but definitely felt something. Guess I need to move to Maui or San Diego as training here in the frozen tundra is hazardous!!
A1. Done
A2. Up to 125#
A3. 125#
A4. 125#
B. 145, 150, 155, 135
C. 210#, failed at 215# – never did this before! Pretty stoked about my number until I saw Maddy Myers, WOW!
D. 5:57 messed up DU and did HSPU in 5’s, 5:46 did DU unbroken but had to do HSPU in 3’s and last 6 singles, 6:32 DU unbroken, HSPU in 3’s and 2’s and then singles. I did HSPU to the ground. I am 50 and weigh 153#.
lol 210 lbs is great!