Session One
Snatch Technique Warm-Up
Three sets of:
Snatch-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Snatch High Pull from Below Knee x 3 reps
Muscle-Snatch x 3 reps
Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3211
Snatch Push Press x 3 reps
Snatch Balance x 3 reps
Hang Power Snatch x 3 reps
Snatch from Below Knee x 3 reps
*Set 1 – Empty Barbell
*Set 2 – 95/65 lbs
*Set 3 – 95/65 lbs
Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Snatch
Make jumps of 5-10 lbs as you build loads. The goal should be to accumulate volume of PERFECT repetitions as you build to your heaviest loads. Please understand that “today’s 1-RM” may not mean your lifetime PR. The purpose is productive training, so keep the focus on good mechanics, and push only when it feels good to do so. If your mechanics start to breakdown, you have achieved “heavy” for the day.
Three sets of:
Snatch x 1 rep @ 90% of todays heavy single
Rest as needed
Complete rounds of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 reps of:
Power Snatch @ 60% of todays heavy single
Overhead Squat
Box Jump (30″/24″)
Please note time and load used.
Session Two
Gymnastics Skills Warm-Up
Band-Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener
(click movement to watch video and understand the movement)
10 Rocking Box Bridges (slow and controlled)
Prone Pectoral Stretch x 2 minutes each arm
Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each arm
Ten sets of:
Wall Walk + Handstand Walk
Rest as needed
followed by…
Three sets of:
Start from Squat with Hands on the Floor, then perform a two-footed jump to Handstand Hold and return to the floor softly and quietly x 10 reps
Rest as needed
60 Second Bottom Balance Complex + 30 Second Single-Leg Bottom Balance Each Leg
followed by…
50 Tuck Rock Shots (10/6 lb med ball)
followed by
Two sets of:
30 Straight Body Crunches
Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Clean & Jerk
The goal should be to accumulate volume of PERFECT repetitions as you build to your heaviest loads. The purpose is productive training, so keep the focus on good mechanics, and push only when it feels good to do so. If your mechanics start to breakdown, you have achieved “heavy” for the day.
followed by. . .
Three sets of:
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 90% of todays heavy single
Rest as needed
Back Squat
Set 1- 5 reps @70%
Set 2- 3 reps @80%
Set 3- 1 rep @85-90%
Set 4- 10 reps @75%
Set 5- 10 reps @75%
Set 6- 10 reps @75%
For max reps:
60 seconds of Assault Bike (for calories)
Rest 2 minutes
60 seconds of Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
NOTE SCORES, and rest until recovered before the next portion.
Every minute on the minute until failure:
Assault Bike x 30% of today’s 60 second max
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 30% of today’s 60 second max
*Once you fail to complete the specified reps within the minute the workout is over.
**E.g., if you hit 40 calories of Assault Bike in 60 seconds, and 40 chest-to-bar pull-ups in 60 seconds in the max reps test, you would perform 12 calories of Assault Bike and 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups every minute until you failed to get those reps in within the minute.
If you approach 100 total pull-ups in the session, shut it down and note that you elected to stop there.
Session two A. stopped at 235. B. dnd. decided it was stupid to keep trying to muscle through sub max lifts at the expense of my back. C. just kept 135 on the bar and worked on pushing knees forward instead of sending hips back. felt good to go through full squat range of motion D. 44 cals and 25 c2b. I think I could have gotten over 50 if I wasn’t by myself. Wasn’t comfortable ripping big sets of c2b so that hurt my score. technique felt fine. 3+11 cals on the emom (13 cals 8 c2b) c2b unbroken,… Read more »
Session one
A. 200 (-55) back is still tight. Feels like it’s getting better but body in general felt super tight this morning so everything hurt.
B. 180
C. 20:26 at 120…I knew I wasn’t physically or mentally able to push it this morning so I just tried to keep moving the whole time. Singles on the snatch, slow but ub on ohs, and had to step down on box jumps
need some food and rom wod, hopefully I loosen up this evening
Session 1
A. 215lbs
B. 186lbs
C. 14:10 with 125lbs
Session 2
Warm up done.
Handstand and
Core work done as written.
A. 300lbs c&j PR
B. Done at 270! These were rough
C. The 3×10 at 286
D. Did a 10min EMOM of
10 cals and 10 c2b pull-ups
AM session was not so hot.
A] 195(215pr)
B] 175
c] 16:30 115 32″ box (right low back was in stupid pain. Tight psoas.)
A]265 (275 pr)
C] based off 365 3×10 275
D]did step ups 24″ no AB 30/26
10/8 per round ended up doing 100 c2b’s 4bmu.
A. Snatch. Hit 195lbs. Weight was feeling heavy off the ground today.
175x1x3 done
B. Metcon done at 120lbs – 13:48
Felt like I should’ve added more weight even though this was 60% of what I hit today. Back still got lit up!
Session 1 A) worked to 250. Attempted 258 three times but couldn’t get it. B) 225 x 3. Missed one attempt. Went 3 for 4. C) 150 lbs. 14:34. Lower back on fire Session 2 A) Hit 325 lbs. Was feeling good so I hit a 340 clean. 5 lbs. PR B) 290 x 3 C) back squats at 280/320/345/300/300/300 Really had to focus on technique on the sets of 10. D) AB: 50 cals C2B: 49 EMOM: 15 cals & 14 C2B Got three complete rounds. Hit 14th C2B right at 3 min mark. Had to haul to get… Read more »
A. 265
B. Dropped to 215
C. DNF (developed pressure headache again)
Damn dude do you have any idea why you get this?!
First thing I’m thinking is maybe it could be my pre workout or a supplement. Second is maybe my diet. Wife is a nurse so I had her take my BP. It was fairly high. So Im going to drop all supps and red meat for a few weeks. Get some good rest this weekend. Still able to run and do burpees and stuff like that. But anything over head or upside down is a no go right now. Gonna try again Monday. It’s starting to really piss me off though. I’m hoping it’s a supplement issue and nothing too… Read more »
Went back to the gym for our competition group workout:
1. Hit a 195# OHS on a ladder, had to get weight OH from the ground
2. 8x20m sled sprints (120# sled) – team of 4 relay style
3. 2x20m sled push (210# sled)- team of 4 relay style
4. Open workout 15.5 with a 7min cap – got to 6 cal on the rower in the round of 15
my legs were smoked after this morning’s session and this work…
and now…, stretch, sleep!!
Session 1 Snatch warmup done A. Worked up to 160lbs B. 3 singles at 145lbs C. Clock got cut off part way through this workout so I didn’t get my time 🙁 But I did it at 95lbs and it was definitely slow regardless…OHS crush my soul. Session 2 Gymnastics warmup done A. Worked up to 195lbs B. Had to skip these for sake of time C. 5@185, 3@210, 1@230, 3×10 at 195lbs and it was awful…really wanted to quit every set. D. 21 calories and 25 c2b pull-ups Then…had to quit after 5 rounds because I had a client… Read more »
Session 2: Core & HS work done, except the squat to HS, I wasn’t 100% sure how to do this, also I’m in no shape to just do a free standing HS lol so I did 15 kick up to handstand for max hold instead. A) 180 C&J…this is my current max, hit 185 for the clean but missed the jerk B) 160#, rested about 1:30 between reps C) 180-210-230-195-195-195…those sets of 10 were roughhhhh! Had to stop after C because the snow started getting bad! I hope everyone dealing with winter storm Jonas is warm & safe this weekend… Read more »
We almost got snowed in when we landed in Baltimore! Stay safe!
Yikes!! It’s really coming down☃. You too, Tino!
II. Core work complete
Tuck rock shots did in three sets. 25/15/10
Stayed off the barbell today. Back is real tight since Tuesday.
60 sec: Max cal assault bike- 30 cal
60 sec: Max C2B – 27
Emom 9 cal and 9 chest to bars
3 rounds + 16.
Hard but fun, got to do it with my two teammates, was grateful for the push.
Today was a rough one! Just couldn’t get moving today how I wanted. A. 240 No misses. B. 215 C. 19:04 at 145lbs Session 2 A. 285 Cleaned 300x2F jerk. Was getting light headed on the stand up. Then I went for a 3rd attempt and both my hands came off the bar in the catch and I double slapped myself in the face and called it. B. 260 C. 285/305/325/ 300×10, 305×10, 310×10. D. Did 30/30. In my fatigued stated 30% of 30 equaled 10 so did 10/10 made 4rds+11 reps. Was totally exhausted by this point. Friday won… Read more »
AM A. 270 lbs B. 240 lbs. C. 14:21 @ 165 lbs. PM. Gymnastics done A. 335 lbs B. 295 lbs C. 365 x 5 395 x 3 435 x 1 3 x 10 @ 345 lbs. D. Assault Bike – 34 calories Chest-to-Bars – 40 reps *30 C2B unbroken which was awesome for me. I think my best before this was 25. EMOM 10 calories 12 chest-to-bars Made 3 minutes and failed the 4th by 2 chest-to-bars. First time dropping off the bar and I had no idea where the clock was, had I held on I could have… Read more »
*Going to listen to my body and call it for today… Going to see what tomorrow brings and try and make the second part up then :o(
Rest up and get ready to hit tomorrow hard!!
Session 1
A. 245
B. 225
C. 17:15 w 145
Session 2
A. Missed jerk at 315 (super frustrated)
B. 285×3
C. 330/370/415/350×10/350×9/350×7
D. Sub row. 32 row cal/38 c2b
10/11 – 3rds rest 1:00 2rds.
AM Session: *Definitely caught a bug two days ago (It happened right before 11.3- I did the WOD, and the rest is history. I just laid down on the ground and died a little afterwards)… Got a massage yesterday and did ROM WOD- Still not feeling 100% today. Just went light because I didn’t want to fall behind again… A. Stopped at 125#- 1 Rep is 145#- Just didn’t feel safe going much heavier. Been feeling dizzy :o( B. 115# x 3- Felt terrible. Normally this is nothing for me. That’s how I know that I am not feeling well…… Read more »
Go by feel until you start feeling better Nicolene. You don’t want to hamper your body’s recovery with trying to train.
Morning session
A) worked up to 110kg(previous 1rm is 115kg)
B) 3 singles wer at 100kg
C) 19:04 at 67kg-back fatigued quickly
Evening session
A) clean and jerk was 130kg(135kg is my 1rm)
B) 3 singles at 120kg
C) back squat reps done at %, last two sets of 10 killed me
D) 26/34 in 60secs
6c2b/8cals Emom was 6rnds + 12….was completely gone here.
Feeling tired but loving it so much
Mine is charliestow
So it was like 35 degrees in Houston this morning with 20+ mph winds….thank you for no running today! Although I am still not equipped for cold weather, I don’t know how you guys do it up North! Session 1&2 Mashup: Snatch Warm up – done A. worked up to 165 today. Took me 3 attempts to get it, wasn’t strong on the 3rd pull at 165. Also working on taller posture from the ground. I can post video later if anyone is interested 🙂 B. 3 @ 90% – 150# done *Added in some Snatch Balance to work on… Read more »
You just cut some of the snatches short on extension Beth. Honestly, your speed looks solid, but you have to finish your lift. Improving the consistency of your positions in the first pull will help a lot.
Thank you! I’ve been working on that. I stay nice and tall and finish the pull at lighter weights. Then when it gets heavy, I feel like I have to drop super fast underneath it and then I don’t finish the pull.
Oh what a session
A. Worked up to 225- snatch continues to be a struggle
B. 3×1 at 205 felt good
C. So… I started this and all was going well until in the middle of the round of 7’s I racked THE ABSOLUTE SHITE out of my right shin- like fell square on the corner racked… I’m going to be done for now. We’ll see how it feels later maybe I will attempt the CTB/AD EMOTM