Primary Training Session
Individual warm up:
Every 4 minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets of):
10 Dumbbell Squats
50 Foot Dumbbell Walking Lunge
15/12 Calorie Row or Ski
*Increase dumbbell weight each round until you’re at 60/45lbs.
Team warm up:
Every 4 minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets of):
10 Worm Squats
50 Foot Worm Walking Lunge
40 Calorie Ski or Rowi (one erg/team)
Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets of):
5 Power Jerks @ 65%
Five sets of:
5 Close Grip Bench Press @ 68-78%
Rest 90-120 seconds between sets
*Goal is slightly heavier than 2 weeks ago.
Partner Option:
Six sets of:
20/16 Calorie C2 Bike or Row
8/7 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Alternate full sets 1:1 between partners.
*Option to synchronize movements (perform the lesser number of muscle ups) and stick to a 1:1 work/rest.
Individual Option:
Six sets of:
20/16 Calorie C2 Bike or Row
8/7 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 1:1 between sets
For this accessory piece, you will need three different dumbbell weights. Dumbbell weight 1 should be something you can achieve at least 15 reps. Weight 2 should be slightly lighter, and weight 3 again slightly lighter.
Two sets of:
Max Dumbbell Push Press @ Weight 1
Rest 15 Seconds
Max Dumbbell Push Press @ Weight 2
Rest 15 Seconds
Max Dumbbell Push Press @ Weight 3
Rest 15 Seconds
Max Inverted Rows
Rest 90 seconds
Accumulate 150 Weighted Russian Twists
Athlete Training Notes:
Today’s partner Saturday workout is going to be a bit of a sprint. Your goal should be about 50-60 seconds on the row, unbroken on the ring muscle ups, then hammer out those bar facing burpees knowing that you’ve got plenty of rest afterwards. All in you should aim for about 2.5-3 minutes per round. If the muscle up volume is too high, drop it to a number that you could complete in 1-2 sets or modify the movement to a different gymnastics pulling movement (i.e. pull-ups, chest to bars, bar muscle ups) that you can keep the intensity higher with. If you don’t have a partner you’ll note the time it takes to complete each round and rest for that exact amount of time.
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A. 85
C. Didn’t have a partner so I turned this into a 6,4 min AMRAP. 16 cal row/7 pull ups/10 BFB-
D. Done.
Used 35/30/25
Round 1- 15/15/16 Max Inverted rows-15
Round 2- 10/12/14 Max Inverted rows- 13