Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Four sets at ascending effort pace of:
10 Donkey Kicks
5 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squats (start light and increase weight) (each arm)
6 Sandbag to Shoulder + 50 Foot Sandbag Bearhug Carry (100-150/75-100lbs)
*Sub for Sandbag is 15 Russian KB Swings + 50 Foot Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry
Followed by…
Ten reps of:
Depth Drop to Broad Jump for Distance
Rest 20-30 seconds between reps
Five sets of:
3 Back Squats to a Box AT Parallel @ 65%
Rest 90 seconds between sets
*Focus is on standing up from the box as fast as you possibly can.
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets of):
3 Squat Snatches @ 65%
*Touch and go is ok.
Complete as many reps as possible:
*Prior to the 12 minute mark, complete:
Three rounds of:
25 Double Unders
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
5 Snatches (115/85lbs) OR 50%
Then, three rounds of:
25 Double Unders
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
4 Snatches (155/105lbs) OR 60%
*Prior to the 16 minute mark, complete:
Three rounds of:
25 Double Unders
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
3 Snatches (185/135lbs) OR 70%
*Prior to the 20 minute mark, complete:
Three rounds of:
25 Double Unders
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
2 Snatches (225/155lbs) OR 80%
*Prior to the 24 minute mark, complete:
Three rounds of:
25 Double Unders
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
1 Snatch (245/175lbs) OR 85-90%
*Power or squat snatch is ok.
**If at any point you do not complete the required reps by the required minute mark, note your score at that point but then for training purposes continue working through until the 24 minute mark.
Three sets of:
20 Dumbbell Death Marches
Rest 60-90 seconds
Followed by…
Two sets of:
35-40 Reverse Hypers @ 25-30% of 1RM Back Squat
Rest 90-120 seconds between sets
*If you don’t have a reverse hyper, perform banded pull throughs instead.
Athlete Training Notes:
Today’s workout is a spin of the CrossFit Games open workout 17.3. You’ll start out with an initial working window then as the workout continues you’ll condense those working windows down a bit. Build yourself a bit of a cushion early on with the lighter to moderately light barbells. For this workout you should aim to go unbroken on the double unders, it’s only 25 at a time. Then hit the handstand push-ups unbroken for as long as you can, then rip quick singles on the barbell. Remember the snatches for this can be power or squat. As the workout continues, if you fail to make a required amount of rounds before that specific working window then note your score as that specific point but keep working until the total 24 minute workout is over (you’ll just turn it into an AMRAP at that point). This is training so we want you pushing the pace to try and finish but if you can’t then we still want to accumulate volume.
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I loved even more than you will get done right here. The overall look is nice, and the writing is stylish, but there’s something off about the way you write that makes me think that you should be careful what you say next. I will definitely be back again and again if you protect this hike.
I loved even more than you will get done right here. The overall look is nice, and the writing is stylish, but there’s something off about the way you write that makes me think that you should be careful what you say next. I will definitely be back again and again if you protect this hike.
A. 155
B. 70
C. Finished at 24:08. BB weight-55/65/70/75/80
D. Done
Warm up done
A) did some light tempo squats, back isn’t ready yet
B) 65kg
C) 50-60-70-80-85kg, rest normal rx
Finished 1 round in the last part.
Did it more like a quality workout, instead of rushing it. No fails
D) done
E) banded done