Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Start the clock and …
Leg Reach x 16 reps (8 per leg)
Banded Tricep Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Dumbbell Reverse Flies x 20 reps (use very light weight)
At the 5:00 mark, complete:
Upper Body Warm-Up
At the 8:00 mark, complete:
Two sets of:
Assault Bike x 2 minutes @ 60/50 RPM
Med Ball Hamstring Curls x 15 reps
Push-Ups x 15 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Elbow Supported Handstand Hold x 40 seconds
Interval 2 – Back-To-Wall Split Handstand Hold x 40 seconds
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Kipping Handstand Push-Ups x 6 reps
Take 10 minutes to work on kipping handstand push-ups by following the drills in this blog post.
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, complete (4 sets):
Death March x 20 reps
Five rounds for time of:
Assault Bike x 20/15 calories
DB Snatch x 20 reps
35-54: 50/35 lbs
55+: 35/20 lbs
Hello dumbbell snatches! This is a version of a workout that was in our Performance training session and I loved it so much I had to have our Masters do a version of it! This workout gives you great opportunity to work on your db snatch technique. You practiced these Week 1 of this cycle and I had you practice different versions of the db snatch. Now you get to test the version that you liked best and see how it holds up for the 100 reps. As a review, here are the videos I shared in Week 1 that reviewed techniques for the db snatch: switching mid-air technique and fast switch on the floor technique.
Three sets of:
GHD Hip Extensions x 20 reps @ 1011
Rest 60 seconds
No Optional Session today! Rest up for tomorrows session.
Completed wod 1/21. 19:27
C. 14:25 got Assaulted again by that bike ? after 3 rounds glance at the clock and it said 7 something but the last two rounds on the AB was slow 55-58 rpm
All sets of DB snatch was UB and fairly smooth with the new standard of transfer at eye level. Another good training day on the AB ✅
Rough day today. Second Friday in a row where legs had nothing. Not sure why.
A. Done except elbow supported holds since we only have angled boxes.
B. Death march with 40# DBs.
C. 15:44. Worst the AB has felt in a long time. No idea why. Just burned from round 1. Snatches were fine.
D. Done
A. Done
B. With 12# DB (could have done heavier-oops)
C. 12:09 done on airdyne
D. Done
Warm up complete.
Twinged the calf a little yesterdsy. Nothing crazy, just enough to make me listen.
Did a great little circuit with my low imp class with some isometrics.
:20 work :10 iso hold 4rds per mvmt
Bicep curl / hold @ 90
Tricep kickback/ hold at back
Air squats / squat hold at parallel
Banded glute bridge / hold
Swimmers / plank
Ab bike / hollow hold
Db lateral raise / t hold
Banded shld retraction / hold at squeeze
C: 11:27 done on airdyne
Good work listening to your body!
A. Elbow Supported Handstand Hold – Did three sets to practice. Back-To-Wall Split Handstand Hold – Did three sets to practice. Kipping Handstand Push-Ups x 6 reps 6/6/6/4/4/0/6/4/3/2 Pretty happy with this. Took a lot of me but I think this is the most I have ever done a HSPU in 10 minutes! B. Death March x 20 reps – 20#s first two sets. 25# last two sets. Nice stretch on the front leg. C. Five rounds for time of: Assault Bike x 20/15 calories DB Snatch x 20 reps 2:45/3:43/2:45/2:55/3:51/3:45 Ended up splitting the 3rd round into 2 sets of 10/10. Felt winded. Maned… Read more »
A. Done
B. Done
C. 12:38. Did the midair switch for the first time. All snatches unbroken and elbow tendinitis did not flare up at all!
DMA – done A – skipped (still taking it easy on the arms/shoulders) B – done w/ 25# DBs C – did Monday’s optional AB session – every 4 min for 24 mins – 20 cals 1. 1:05 2. 1:01 3. 0:59 4. 0:56 5. 1:01 6. 1:03 Man, those last two hurt and it took me at least 15 minutes to recover after I was done, but all in all I LOVE AB workouts. Hope to see it in the Open! Started every set at above 80 RPMs and went down to around 70 by the last few cals.… Read more »
Great job!!
B)done used 35# dB worked on form and stretching out my hammies, they weee really tight from doing “Brost” yesterday instead of Wed.
C)10:43, stayed steady with the the ab at 70 up until the last round it was around 65-68rpms. Did well with the new standards on the hand switch.
D) done
Great work today Joshua!!
Warmup done
A. Done
B. 35# DBs
C. 11:11 (didn’t push real hard on the bike today still trying to get over this sickness; used the new std method of trying to switch at eye level…boy that’s not going to be easy to judge in a split second??♀️)
D. Done
I always figured i switched below eye level, until i had my husband watch me with it tonight. I really had to be careful, because in warmup i was no repped about 50%!!! Its just so natural to lockout and switch, made me think!
Wow Cheryl great time for not pushing hard and still fighting that cold!
Thanks Ed! KC trained with me today so that was fun. The first round I kept the ass bike at 65 rpm, the 2nd/3rd rds at 58-60, 4th rd at 55-58, and 5th rd 58-60. Tried to make up time on the DB Snatch by cycling through them fast at eye level change.
Still having to stay away from movements that bothered my shoulder in the past (although it seems to be feeling better – cant wait to get the green light to test it).
A. No HS stuff – subbed with 10 min emom push press x6 (115×7, 125×1, 135×2)
B. Done with 50# DB’s – that was fun
C. Subbed out the snatches with 70# KBS (eye level) – 11:29
D. Done
Still a bit sick but wanted to do something.
Did squats from Wednesday and most of the BMU work.
Then the HSPU from today.
Hopefully a little better tomorrow. I really wanted to do the bike/snatch workout.
Glad you are starting to feel better!
C: 10:40 last round was tough!
I didn’t listen to the death walk video, and it was a death walk…for some reason I thought we were supposed to use 50#’s and I did them as walking lunges touching the ground with the weights and twinged one of my hamstrings (tightness in a small spot in the middle of hamstring)….I don’t feel like I can get a break on all these injuries lately. Just bagged it and didn’t do the 5 rounds for time on AB & snatches not wanting to further injure myself. Hope to be back Monday.
Rest up Chris and come back strong on Monday!
Oh no Chris – take this weekend off and just enjoy yourself. Monday will come soon enough so take your time this weekend to just spend with friends and family, not thinking about training!
A. Complete
B. Complete
C. 14:00 . Ass bike still my goat but it is getting better.
D. Complete
Yay, great to hear Bob!
A. Done
B. Done
C. Felt like doing a wod with the regular class (was bored of training alone and moves were similar)
500m Row Test
= 1:24
(Rest 5 Mins)
DB Snatches (80#)
Burpees OTB
= Finished Round 12
(Rest 2 Mins)
7 Min AMRAP…
AB Cals
Burpees OTB
= Started Round 14
D. Done
Fun Alvaro!
M61 155# DMA – done A1. Elbow supported HS hold – used a spotter. This drill really had me making adjustments through my hands. A2. EMOM – 6R’s/min – done C. 12:56 – Use the method where I made the change in the air. After watching the video yesterday with workout 18.0, I focused on making the exchange below eye level. Felt pretty comfortable with this approach. I’m sure with a couple more workouts using this technique I can feel confident in using it in an OPEN workout. ———————————– D. done B. done using 25 lb. dumbbells * had to… Read more »
Good training day Barry!
Thanks Nicole. That was a good workout to practice the Db snatches. Also, always a good day when HSPU’s come up!
M49 165#
Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up Done
A. Done
B. 25# dBs
AB pace: 701st 1:04; rest 60-64rpm
All 50# DB snatches UB using new standards
D. Done
M 35
A. Hspu complete
B. Done with 35lb dbs
C. 13:58 no bike so cal row
D. Complete
A. Caught up with Back squats from earlier in the week: 130×6,140×4,160×2,170×2,160×4 KG.
B. qualifier for Battle of Britain:
3 min Row for max metres = 973m
1 mins rest
x1 C&J EMOM +10kg each round = 50 – 120kg
C. Didn’t want to miss out on Db, so hit 18.0 21,15,9 db snatch and burpee (new standard). 3:01.
D. may try today’s WOD later.
Damn! Rob can’t you go a bot faster! ?
You and that damn bike – crushed it again!
It hurt afterwards Joe. Still coughing, but I think I enjoy the pain – strange!
You went heavy with KB. That sounds tasty!
Yeah – the swings were fun! I can’t quite push the bike like you do, although it’s coming along.