Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Hip Flexor Stretch
x 60 seconds per side
Band-Assisted Anterior Pec Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Press in Snatch x 6-8 reps
Jerk Footwork Drills and Jerk Positioning
Start by marking your feet properly, as demonstrated by Coach Cody Burgener in this video: Jerk Footwork Drills – How to Mark Your Feet
Perform 10 “Jump and Land” without a barbell using the foot work markings, then 5 with an empty barbell, and then…
Four sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Work on getting your front foot through and into perfect position.
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk @ 75-85%
If you have blocks, please perform two cleans from blocks, and then jerk. Focus on creating speed under the barbell.
For times:
*Ground to Overhead x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
**Ground to Overhead x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
***Ground to Overhead x 10 reps
Loads to be used per age division:
40-49: *185/125 lbs, **155/105 lbs, ***135/95 lbs
50-54: *155/105 lbs, **135/95 lbs, ***115/75 lbs
55+: *135/95 lbs, **115/75 lbs, ***95/65 lbs
Five sets for times of:
Row 250/200 Meters
20 Unbroken Double-Unders
15 Wall Ball Shots
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (55+ = Pull-Ups)
Rest 2 minutes
40-44: 30 lbs to 10′ Target/20 lbs to 9′ Target
45-54: 20 lbs to 10″ target/14 lbs to 9″ target
55+: 20 lbs to 9″ target/10 lbs to 9″ target
A. done went up to 155
B. 195
C. did mine all at 155 ( 6-4 , 5-3-2 , 6-2-2 )
D. every round UB
B. 135#
C. 6:02
D. 24:19
51F NW
MOB: done
A: done
C: 2:05/1:35/:55
D: 3:43/3:40/3:46/4:07/3:53. Gave up on C2B after 1st round… Rounds 2-5 pull-ups were shoulder to bar…
A. Done. Trickier than I imagined.
B. worked up to 95#. Felt good.
C. 95#/85#/75#. Forgot to watch time, but worked efficiently. Jerks felt heavy today at 95#.
D. Forgot to watch time again! Went at tempo. Rowing was good, efficient. DUs not bad but not unbroken (get to 15 or so and miss). WBs still need work – 10/5, 5/5/5, 5/3/2/5 for the rest, but good clean reps. C2B getting better, more efficient! 2 mins rest was helpful. 🙂
A. 75, 95, 125, 125 (focused on form, speed under the bar)
B. 165 (from blocks)
C. 2:58, 2:38, 1:13 Rx’d
D. 2:38, 2:40, 2:47, 3:11, 2:47 Rx’d (everything UB)
A. Done @ 65#
B. 85# x 4, 90, 95# x3
C, 100# 1:39, 95# 1:36, 75# 0.50
D. 2:21, 2:25, 2:55, 2:52, 3:01 – slow on the C2B
40-44 F
MOB: Done
A. 85lbs (Found myself dipping at 95lbs.)
B. 105lbs.
C. 1:51, 2:38, 3:25 @ 105lbs. (..oops, did all mine at same weight. NO wonder it was so damn hard!)
D. 2:23; 2:21; 2:24; 2:23; 2:23 (scale: 14lb wb)
realized i made a mistake on C. when i saw your post lol !
Glad it wasn’t just me!
A. Done
B. 135# back and shoulders were still barking from sat.
C. 135#-1:41, 115#-1:06, 95#-0:32
D. 2:44, 2:46, 2:48, 3:05, 2:44
A. done, 65, 85,95,95
B. 115
Didn’t do c or d, having problem with traps, did more mobility trying to get the traps to loosen up
A. Done
B. Done 185
C. 1:42, 1:17, :49
D. 2:24, 2:21, 2:22, 2:24, 2:20
Been off the grid. Finally back.
A. Completed, #135, #155,#155,#155
B. #225 for all 8 sets.
C. 1:00/:53/:32 RX.
D. 2:13/ 3:41/ 2:46/ 3:10/ 2:50
a. done; 55, 66, 75, 86
b. done at 125
c. 2:26 (split singles), .50 (5/push singles), :36 (6/push singles)
d. 2:32 (10/5), 2:48 (10/5), 2:56 (7/5/3), 2:49 (10/5), 2:53 (7/3/5)
*did not put WB down/held against wall
**did not see DU until just now??? score does not include any DU reps…sigh.
Mobility done.
A. Done. My natural split stance seems a little narrower and shorter than the marked spots, should I really strive for the markings or is it more of a suggested placement?
B. 3 @ 135, 3 @145, 2 @ 155 Speed was not very good in the high hang tonight.
C. (50-54) 2:17, 1:51, 1:08
D. (45-54) 2:33, 3:03, 3:10, 3:16, 3:15
B: 198-198-198-198-208-208-208-208
C: 185 – 3:04
155 – 1:17
135 – :56
D: 2:17-2:39-2:37-2:28-2:23 Row got slower after 1st set-everything UB
Did an a.m. Session of assault bike-KB Swings-burpees-shuttle sprints
(40, CanWest)
Bad night tonight. Jerks hurt and were super busted – old faults like dropping my
elbows, everything out in front, felt super tight despite a long warm up and lots of mobility work. It was all just very egregious. The metcon
was super fun.
A. Done up to 95lbs – did not feel good
B. 110-120lbs – ugly, bad.
C. 125 – 9/10 and long (this weight was fine last week for 45 sec sprints… tonight, no), so dropped to 95lbs for the two remaining sets and got 41 and 47 seconds.
D. 2:13, 2:16, 2:41, 2:45, 2:47
A. Jerk Balance 115/135/155/175 good to work on. Loved the foot drills
B. 185 solid off of blocks
C.185 @ 240/ 155@ 1:08/ 135 @ 0:48. First 5 of each set was good second 5 was worthy of digging a bit!
D. 2:40/2:55/2:54/2:58/2:56. The 30lb WB smashed me!!! Took in the nose once and the Jaw twice. Row was consistent and the DBLU’s and CTB were both unbroken.
A. 65/75/85/95 eased into these with back
C. 125# 1:30/105# :55/95# :51 all PC/PJ
D. Out of time, had to coach so did class Metcon
Mobility done.
A. 45/55/60/60
B. 100×5/105/110×2
C. 115# 7:30; 105# 3:35; 95# 1:45
Didn’t care about the time here, 115# is my mental blocking point for cleans, so I just needed to do all 10 to prove to myself that I could. 🙂
D. 3:03/3:35/3:30/3:40/3:05
My problem is always the middle rounds! And DU and I were not friends again. 🙁
WB UB, row good, CTB still in singles. Ugh.
Nice job Loretta:)))!
Thanks Carol. Right back at ya! 🙂
A. Done
B. worked up to #145
C. Rx. total time= 4:30, singles for the #125 and unbroken for the #105 and #95, need to work on TnG for the heavier wts
D. 2:40/ 2:39/ 2:59/2:56/3:05, shoulder hurts on C2B coming down so did singles, is too slow for this kind of wod so will kip some next time, du unbroken!
Did optional conditioning in the morning
A. Done
B. Done @ 155
C. 155/135/115. 1:19/1:04/:36
D. 2:55 3:00. 3:05. 3:13. 3:21. Went up an age group and you my new 30lb wallball for the first time WOW