Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for times:
30/22 Calories of Assault Bike
500/400 Meter Row
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Three sets of:
Bench Press x 10 reps @ 92-93% of last week’s 10-RM
Rest 2 minutes
Three rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run or 500 Meter Row
10 Thrusters (155/105 lbs)
Rest until the running clock reaches 12:00, and then…
Five rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts (155/105 lbs)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105 lbs)
6 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105 lbs)
Rest until the running clock reaches 24:00, and then…
For time:
30 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
40 Toes to Bar
30 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Three sets of:
Bar Skull Crushers x 10-12 reps @ 20X1
Rest 30 seconds
Banded Overhead Triceps Extensions x 30 reps @ 20X0
Rest 30 seconds
Dumbbell Floor Press x 12 reps @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds
A. Done (4:24, 4:31, 4:36)
B. Done (42,5 kg)
C. 4:19, 9:09, 13:05 (with running and 30kg) then 2 min Break then I did 2 instead of 5 Rds
2:22, 5:18 with 35kg and Overhead I took 25kg
D. –
A: 03:20-03:09-02:59
B: shoulder pain, did strict press
C: 08:07 (RX)- DT 06:04(RX) – 09:47 not rx workout in my living room, no pullup bar. Did weighted v-ups
D: done
A. 4:10/4:10/4:03 Rx
B. 185/195/200#
C. 1). Skipped Run & Thrusters
2). DT 9:18 Rx (Rest utill 13:00 then)
3). 12:01 Rx ?
D. Done
A. Done
B. Skipped
C. Scaled to 135#
D. Will do tomorrow together with yesterday’s accessories. ?
A. Done
B. 70Kg across all sets. Scaled back the % on this; ~77%. I needed to scaled back weight because shoulders didn’t feel great after this last week. I’ll just ease my shoulders into this. Love that we’re doing BP!
C. Rx. 9:47(400m tun)/10:43/9:09; this was unbelievably tough, my best effort today. My whole body was smoked after this. Great physical and mental conditioning!
D. Done
Rest up and look after that shoulder! I know you love benching but please make sure all the pressing is not doing more harm than good!
Absolutely will. I like the BP because it strengthen my shoulders; just need to stay on the lighter side. I can’t keep up with the heavy benching young guys at this point.
10rm bench: 105 (missed last Saturday)
1st part of C): 11:13
DT): 65lbs 6:26
short on time due to work. Night shifts make my body slow and tired. In and out!
I promise I’ve been doing the training? 21 credits and full time work been super busy! Quick question Tino I am running a marathon end of may and am going to start training for it this week how would you adjust the training? I’m thinking of running 3-4x a week in the am and then training in the pm? Would you adjust volume or just really prioritize nutrition/recovery protocols and monitor how I’m feeling and adjusting from there? Thanks so much!!
Base everything by feel and adjust day to day. I would prioritize the strength and accessory work for sure and cut back on the conditioning pieces. Personally I like to have athletes do their aerobic work in the AM then lift in the PM when there CNS is firing a little more. Make sure nutrition and recovery is dialed in and I’m sure you’ll see some great progress in both areas. Please keep me posted!
A) 4:01/4:00/3:58 steady pace
B) 88x 3
C) 7:26 did with run and 85# to keep intensity
C1) 9:14 used 95#
C2) 8:12 surprisingly TTB took a minute arms were tired.
Definitely challenging after working late last night and up early for a work meeting but happy with the outcome!
D) used just BB
Red band
25# dumbbells
Have a good weekend everyone!
Basically a double session right?!?!
For sure and then right back to work again! ?
Today i like the program.
A) easy 11’
B) 70kg
C) 10’40” / 12’ 4 rounds and 17 reps / 11’37”
Sometime we have to do things we don’t like but today you got to do things that you like 🙂
A. Finished all intervals in under the cap
B. 3 sets @ 83lbs
C. 11:18rx / 10:18 (dropped down to 85lbs 2:00 in because I was barely moving) / 8:50rx. Total time 32:50. Looking forward to practicing barbell cycling this cycle. ?
D. Done with 30lbs floor press
Get on that cycling work onTuesdays!
Another awesome day of programming! ?
A) 3:39/3:48/3:38 Rx
B) done @ 90#
C) this was fun! 9:54 Rx/ DT- 6:47 Rx (5 sec PR)/ 6:28 Rx my shoulders were tired on TTB and o was slower there
D) done
Thanks Tino!! Hope your weekend is awesome!
Damn! Crazy how you can PR “DT” at the end of a hard training week and also after a few thrusters and running! Great work!!
Thanks Tino! I was surprised and happy with this!
Maybe Bc I actually slept 9 hrs.. Hahaha I always seem to do really well on the benchmarks when they’re programmed after other work. I intentionally paced myself when i started DT today and was able to push harder in the last round, so maybe I just need to work on pacing overall? Haha
Who knew going a little slower and pacing works ??♂️
? ? I’ll listen!
A. Done
B. Done with 105
C. Thrusters with 85 3 rds in 9 min
Dt completed with 85 took 10 min
Box jump burpees and t2b took 15 min definitely died inside a little on this one
D. Completed
Skull crushers 45 bar
Black band for triceps
30s for the floor press
Feeling good today ???
Ran some last night, got some good rest, and some extra dynamic warmup definitely assisted today to loosen up
Great to see you feeling good and moving well! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
A Done ??
B 3 rounds 72kg 92%
C 07’00”
D done ??
Nice traning Tino ?? ??
Solid work Guilherme!
Nice work week Tino ?? DT 13’38” to 13’00” ??
A) 4:19, 4:01, 4:03
B) 170 across
C1) 9:25
C2) Capped at 4 rounds at 11:15
C3) 9:09
D) Done
A) all rounds around 4:05-4:20
B) 185 across for bench
C) 8:05, 7:35, 7:26. This workout hurt. Felt slow and tired. Embraced the suck and gave it the best I could today
D) done with bb, light band, and 60s
Rest up!
A. 04.00/03.55/04.15, cruised a bit on the last round ?
B. 3×10 @ 100kg
C. Did only DT(at work, no time), 14.10…man my body felt bad and out of focus..not happy with this at all.
D. Done, 45kg bar, 30kg db’s
Sometimes it’s just ok to move. Particularly when you’re short in time and at work. Good job getting some work in!
Thanks for the encouragement ?
I think we almost died. Did the C part RX, couldn’t finish the DT, I completed 4 rounds :(, it felt like my entire body was crushing
Please make sure you’re adjusting the program based on your needs, capabilities and schedule!
Hello!! I’m out of town so I dropped in at a local gym and got everything done in less than 90min today!! ?? A) 4:17 / 4:20 / 4:22 RX ( Assault Bike ) B) 70lb C) 9:58 with 500m row (it’s snowing and 20F outside) and 75lb Barbell @ 12:00 DT – 10:12 with 75lb Barbell (slowest and harder DT ever with this weight, lower back and hamstrings are sore and tired) @ 24:00 12:11 RX (burpees facing the box). Total time: 36:11 ? . 2/3 Fun ?! Too much barbell to be considered 3/3 fun by my standards… Read more »
You should get everything done in less than 90 minutes everyday!! ?
Enjoy your weekend!
I know ??. Need to stop talking ??
Hey Sabrina
Well done! No excuses .. 🙂 I like that!
Can you tell me how much weight you used in D ???
Gives me a bit of an orientation.
Hi! I used an empty barbell for the first one, red band for the second and 25lb DBs for the third one. ?
thank you!!!
A. Done
I know times don’t matter but wanted to record it anyway
B. Lighter than %
C. Done RX 7:54/8:10/7:29
With 500 meter row – 7:54
DT – 8:10
This was the hardest and slowest DT I think I have ever done
Bfbbjo t2b – 7:29
31:29 total time that was rough today
D. Done
Tough day for sure…good thing I changed a few things yesterday 🙂
Solid week of training Bobby!!
Can’t even imagine if you didnt! ☠️
A. 3:55/ 3:41/ 3:34
B. Done with 37 kg (93%)
C1. 9:42 – skill mill and 30 kg barbell
C2. 7:57 – 35 kg barbell
C3. 8:34 – Rx
D. Done
Have a great weekend! ☺️