Primary Strength Session
Strict Overhead Press
Set 1: 5 reps @ 60% of 1-RM
Set 2: 3 reps @ 75%
Set 3: 1 rep @ 80-85%
Set 4: 5 reps @ 70-75%
Set 5: 5 reps @ 70-75%
Set 6: 5 reps @ 70-75%
Set 7: 5 reps @ 70-75%
Rest exactly 2 minutes between sets.
*Set 1 – 50% x 8 reps
*Set 2 – 60% x 6 reps
*Set 3 – 70% x 4 reps
*Set 4 – 75% x 2 reps
*Set 5 – 85% x 2 reps
Rest as needed
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Odd Minutes: 15 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
Even Minutes: (Muscle-Up + 4/2 Ring Dips) x 6/4 reps
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
50 Calories of Assault Bike (or Rowing on Concept 2)
40 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 10 minutes, and then repeat.
Post times for both sets.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Four rounds of:
15 seconds of Dumbbell Lateral Raises
15 seconds of Hercules Hold with Thumbs Facing Up
Rest 60 seconds, and then…
Four rounds of:
15 seconds of Dumbbell Lateral Raises with Thumbs Facing Up
15 seconds of Hercules Hold with Palms Facing Up
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
Two rounds of:
30 seconds of Dumbbell Presses
30 seconds of Dumbbell Overhead Hold
Rest 60 seconds and repeat
Three sets of:
Barbell Seated or Safety Bar Good Mornings x 8 reps
Rest as needed
Box Step-Ups with Kettlebells x 8 reps per leg
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Weighted GHD Hip Extensions x 20 reps @ 1010
(place barbell on back or hold plate on chest with crossed arms)
Rest as needed
Prone Chinese Plank x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
Four sets of:
50-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
(build to as heavy as possible)
Rest as needed
Rowing Endurance Option
Five sets for times of:
Row 1000 Meters
Rest 2 minutes
*Set 1 – 26 s/m
*Set 2 – 28 s/m
*Set 3 – 30 s/m
*Set 4 – 28 s/m
*Set 5 – 26 s/m
Running Endurance Option
Two sets of:
Run 200 Meters
Jog 200 Meters
Run 300 Meters
Jog 200 Meters
Run 400 Meters
Jog 200 Meters
Three sets of:
Run 200 Meters
Jog 200 Meters
Run 300 Meters
Jog 200 Meters
Run 400 Meters
Jog 200 Meters
Four sets of:
Run 200 Meters
Jog 200 Meters
Run 300 Meters
Jog 200 Meters
Run 400 Meters
Jog 200 Meters
Post your times to comments.
Early Morning: Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (5 sets): Lost pace after minute 8… but finished it anyway Odd Minutes: 15 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs) Even Minutes: (Muscle-Up + 2 Ring Dips) x 4 reps- 2 sets UB, then 3/1, 2/1/1 A. Did right afterwards- maybe should have rested more. 13:45, 13:21 For time: 50 Calories of Assault Bike 40 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 30 Thrusters (95/65 lbs) 20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups- neck was sore today so I did banded deficits with a black band. B.Two sets of: in my 10 minute break 200-Foot Farmer’s Carry (45lbs) + Overhead Carry… Read more »
A) 115/145/165/140 for 4 sets
B) 255/315/355/385/435 Felt good today
C) EMOM: Lasted for two rounds as prescribed then just did 6 muscle ups for other minute.
A) 6:40 first round. 7:18 second round.
Row took a little over two minutes. Chest to bar in sets of 10. Thrusters 20/10. SHSPU 8/6/6 then 13/7.
PM Session
round 1 8:16
round 2 8:22
C2B 25/15, TH 3×10, SHSPU 6/6/4/4 same for both rounds
26 s/m 3:55
28 s/m 3:51
30 s/m 3:39
28 s/m 3:50
26 s/m 3:50
then strength acc part C done
A) Went above percentage on this and did 4×5 at 60kg
B) Finished with Double at 150kg
C) Did the EMOM but did 13 Deads instead of 15 and read it wrong so did 4 muscle ups + 6 dips.
Session 2
Primary Conditioning
Was happy with this. 8:19 and 8:18
Quick lunchtime smash&go: 21-15-9 Power Clean & Bar Facing Burpee (5:02) Strict Press: This was encouraging. Hit ALL the percentages today based off my old PR, pre injury/time off. Glad to be getting strength back. My strict is only 170, but happy to be back to normal. Went from 105-135 on these sets. Deadlifts: These felt super easy today. Not sure why. Hit all percentages with no issue. 235-400, based off my 475 PR. Scaled the EMOM. Muscle ups are still not back to normal but on their way. Did 12 deads one minute, then 6 muscle ups the next.… Read more »
Pretty awesome day of work dude! Looking strong!!
A. 65/85/95/85×4 (really easy) B. 140/165/195/205/235(OMG THIS WAS SO EASY IM ESTATIC; no belt, dub OH grip) C. Even: 15 DL, 125# Odd: Set 1: MU+2dips x 2 Set 2: x3 Set 3: x2 Set 4: x3 Set 5: RX (This was really fun I probably went too light on DL) Considering I couldn’t really lock out my knee I decided to take it easy and did the strength accessory work A. Done w/ bottoms up KB(bottom part) B. 65# on normal good mornings 18# KB side step ups (soooo much harder) C. Was running out of time so I… Read more »
Great work on those muscle-ups Leilani!!
115/140/160/felt snappy went for a PR got 190 5 lbs PR/140×4
C) done UB, kind of spicy
Prim condish
A) holy getting smashed!
Time: 8:45
50 cals bike 3:38
15/10/10/5 C2b
Time: 9:53
50 cals 4:00
Damn! Another PR! Great work!!
Thanks Coach, could not do it without you and the Invictus Staff!
Press: 5@75 3@95 1@105
5@85×2 5@90 5@95
8@155 6@185 4@215 2@235 2@265
EMOM done. Only did mu+1dip. Went 4/4/2/2/2/2/2/2
Ran out of time..
Warm-up 75 unbroken thrusters 45 lbs. Strength A. Presses based off 95kg easy. Hit 85 for 3 on the heavy set. B. DL up to 225kg x 2 C. Felt like a little bitch here. Happy to see others struggled as well. Rx’d (with an extra dip I guess) on first 2 sets then 4 then 3 reps only. Fuck. Conditioning A. 5:58, 6:06 Rows at about 1350 cal/ hour. Pull-ups in sets of 10 with 5-7 seconds rest. Thrusters in two sets with 10 seconds rest. HSPU 4 quick sets of 5 then 5 sets of 4. Tried to… Read more »
Looks like you’re hitting it pretty damn hard these days. Great to see you back!
Thanks man! My engine is starting to feel pretty good.
You are gonna crush the open though!
Speed racer!
A.) strict press hit all % did the first set at 70% then the last 3 sets at 75% (145lb)
B.) hit all % on deadlifts felt easy no belt
C.) Emom was a ? Would love to see someone do this Rx!
Deadlifts done UB
Muscle up complex
Rd 1:6reps
Rd 2:5reps
Rd 3:4reps
Rd 4:3reps
Rd 5:3reps
Other conditioning couldn’t finish had to get back to training clients. Will do the conditioning tomorrow cuz I need it!!!!
Accessory stuff done at work in the AM:
Good mornings, step-ups, glute bridges & Chinese planks.
Primary Strength:


C: This was a joke/typo right? Haha. First round done on the minute. Then fell off pace very quickly. Did all reps. Took about 20 minutes.
Primary Conditioning:
A: 10:00 & 10:18. I was done with thrusters at 8:00. Scaled to 10 SHSPU because I’m a weak-ass bitch. Took me 2 minutes to get 10, wasn’t going to sit around for another 2+ minutes to attempt 10 more.
Not at all, we just want to make sure we’re challenging you. There were a few saying the previous weeks were to easy
You have succeed haha. Let’s find a happy medium ??
Haha, reading your C, made me laugh. That was awesome, you’re a good sport hahaha
Mad respect for anyone who did that Rx. I never went to failure on dips before lol
A) SP: 75/90/105/90×4 felt strong B) DL: 140/170/195/210/240 felt pretty easy. Last week’s deads I based off prebaby 1RM of 300 & felt fairly heavy at 80%, so I reduced for today’s to 280, but now I’m thinking I shouldn’t have reduced it… Well now I know! C) EMOM: hard work. I dropped after each MU dip for some reason. Should have linked em…hindsight. Conditioning: This lil diddy made me feel like my conditioning is still not up to par. 11:45-row(3:11)-tried to keep over 1000. Dipped into mid/high 900s at 35 cal. C2B is strong but after rowing felt like… Read more »
Keep up the good work! Progress is progress!
Primary Strength:
A. 105-135-145-125-125-130-130
B. 235-280-325-350-405
C. Deadlifts UB. (MU+dips): rd. 1= 4/ 2=3/ 3=2/ 4=1/ 5=1
1- 11:19
2- 11:24
Accessory Strength:
A. 8s and 35s
B. 135 and 53s
C. 25
D. Up to 295
Primary strength:
A. 90/115/125…..4 sets a top 115
B. 165/195/225/245/275
C. Done! This. Was. Hard. Rounds 1 and 2 unbroken on MU/dip combo. Did 3/1 on the other rounds
A. 10:34 rx/ 12:05 with 15 strict pull ups subbed in because I ripped my hands! Thrusters UB, and I pushed hard to stay at 60 rpms for the AB. Super helpful to read someone else’s post to get a target like that.
Extra strength work
A. 5#s and 15#s
C. 15# for hip ext
AM Session
Primary Strength
A. 53/66/75kg 4×5 @65kg
B. 110/132.5/155/165/187.5
C. Done, mod to 6 MU no extra dips, shoulder didn’t like the extra dips
Strength Accessory
A. Pm sesh
B. Done 40kg seated good mornings
2x24kg KB to 20″ box
C. Pm sesh
D. Done, improvised yoke 80kg total weight
Primary strength session A. Strict Overhead Press Set 1: 5 reps @ 60%
Set 2: 3 reps @ 75%
Set 3: 1 rep @ 85%
Set 4: 5 reps @ 70%
Set 5: 5 reps @ 75%
Set 6: 5 reps @ 75%
Set 7: 5 reps @ 75%
B. Deadlift *Set 1 – 50% x 8 reps
*Set 2 – 60% x 6 reps
*Set 3 – 70% x 4 reps
*Set 4 – 75% x 2 reps
*Set 5 – 85% x 2 reps
C. 12min done
(In the last set of muscle up got out… Read more »
A. Press
115, 145, 162, 145, 145, 145, 145
230, 277, 325, 345, 400.
C. Done. Missed 6 full on 2 rds.
A. 7:23, 8:16. Both AB. Finally getting more comfy with AB. Still working on finding my sweet spot for C2B.
Did the good mornings, step ups, and hip extensions.
Tiring week. Ready for rest tomorrow!!
Those were some fast times!
A. 135/170/195/170
B. 225/285/325/365/405
C.DL UB, did 10x ring dips on even
Primary Conditioning
A. 12:23/12:13, went slower on bike second round was fresher on the rest of the set.
Session two
Primary strength
A. Done off 175
B. Based my numbers off 425 because my deadlift has felt weak and I’m avoiding mix grip. Actually felt like a productive deadlift session which hasn’t happened in forever
C. Scaled the deadlift to a laughable weight that I won’t write down haha just wanted to try the muscle up complex. Felt awful haha dips are my limiting factor in my muscle ups
-went for a steady state 25min run to work on those lungs