January 15, 2024 – Masters Program

Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 15 reps
PVC Pipe Press from Behind the Neck x 10 reps
PVC Pipe Overhead Squats x 5 reps

followed by …

Two sets of:
Band-Assisted Cross-Pull Scap Retraction x 5 reps per side
90/90 Hip Drill x 30 seconds

followed by …

Two sets of:
500 Meters Easy Row
DB Arnold Press x 10 reps (light)
Kang Squats x 5 reps

Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets of):
Snatch x 1.1

Sets 1-3: 2 reps @ 60-65%
Sets 4-6: 1-2 reps @ 65-70%
Sets 7-10: 1 rep @ 70+%

*Build based on quality and feel to today’s heavy.

Between your sets grab an empty barbell and practice the body bar contact drill: https://www.instagram.com/p/CxZwQUju4It/”

Five sets of:
Deadlift x 5 reps
Rest 2 minutes between sets. Add in 5-7 toes-to-bar during your rest period.

Set 1: 70%
Set 2: 74%
Set 3: 74-77%
Sets 4 and 5: 77+%

*Do not bounce the weights, touch and go is allowed but no bouncing.

Against a 2 minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
15 Dumbbell Power Cleans
50 Foot Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge (25 foot increments)
Max GHD Sit-Ups in the remaining time
Rest 2 minutes between sets and repeat for a total of FOUR sets.

35-54: 50/35 lbs
55+: 35/20 lbs
If you hit 80 GHD Sit-Ups then your workout is over.

GHD Standards:
35-59 Men: 40in (102cm)
35-59 Women: 37in (94cm)
60+ Men: 37in (94cm)
60+ Women: 31in (78cm)

Scaling options for GHD Sit-Ups (choose one of the following):
Parallel GHD Sit-Ups
Weighted Anchored Sit-Ups
Anchored Sit-Ups

Cool Down

Spend 5-10 minutes rowing at an easy pace while you bring your breathing back to normal

General Training Notes
Snatch Focus: We’ve been doing a lot of positional work with your snatches recently so today you are pulling from the floor and are doing regular ol’ snatches. The period represents a 10 second rest so that indicates the snatches aren’t to be touch and go; instead you’ll reset your start position for the second snatch. I have you starting at a lower % today so you can build each set. If things are feeling fast, smooth and strong then keep building!
Hinge Focus: Same rep scheme today as the past two weeks but now you are deadlifting. Be mindful of your form, don’t allow for any bouncing and use these sets to focus on speed past the knees into your locked out position.
Conditioning: Today’s workout is a high volume unbroken set Open style workout. Your goal should be to finish the dumbbell power cleans and front rack lunges in around 75 to 90 seconds, take a quick breath then get going on the GHD Sit-Ups. Ideally you’ll have about 30-45 seconds or so to knock out reps of those. Most of you will actually benefit from breaking these power cleans into 10/5 or 5/5/5 or something like that. A quick break on the dumbbells is more than likely faster than doing big sets but needing to rest a lot during the transitions.

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