Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Start the clock and …
Row 300 meters @ an easy pace
Into …
x 45 seconds per side
Psoas Pulse
x 45 seconds per side
At the 7:00 mark, complete:
Banded Clam Shell Iso Hold x 45 seconds per side
Forward Cross Crawl x 10 reps per side
Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 45 seconds per side
At the 12:00 mark, complete:
Two sets of:
Side Plank Hold x 30 seconds per side
Air Squats x 15 reps
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Front Squat x 5 reps
*Sets 1-3 – @ 70% of 1-RM Front Squat
*Sets 4-5 – @ 75% of 1-RM Front Squat
Skill Technique Primer
Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps @ 30-40% of 1-rm
Rest 45 seconds
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets):
Clean Lift-Off + Clean + Jerk x 1 rep
*Sets 1-2 @ 70% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 3-4 @ 80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 5-6 @ 85% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
On the minute, every minute, for 15 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Interval 1 – Kipping Handstand Push-Ups x 20 seconds Max Reps
Interval 2 – Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls x 20 seconds Max Reps (135/95 lbs)
Interval 3 – Double-Unders x 20 seconds Max Reps
Record Max Reps for each station
On the minute, every minute, for 15 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Interval 1 – Kipping Handstand Push-Ups x 20 seconds Max Reps OR Push-Press x 20 seconds Max Reps (95/65 lbs)
Interval 2 – Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls x 20 seconds Max Reps (95/65 lbs)
Interval 3 – Double-Unders x 20 seconds Max Reps
Record Max Reps for each station
I am sure you guys see a pattern with our Mondays conditioning! I’d like you to work on movement effeciency with your kipping handstand push-ups and sumo-deadlift high pulls. Both require some practice in movement timing so use today as an opportunity to hone in on the best technique for you.
A note about kipping handstand push-ups. If this bothers your spine at all, please omit and do push-press instead! For the 55+ age division, it is up to you to do either kipping handstand push-ups or push-presses.
Three sets of:
Hip Extensions x 20 reps (fast)
Rest 45 seconds
Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds
Rest 45 seconds
Banded Leg Curls
x 10 reps (fast)
Rest 45 seconds
Optional Session
(This is best performed 3-4 hours between sessions. If your schedule allows for a double session, then add the session. If your schedule doesn’t allow for two sessions then don’t worry about this portion. If you need work on your engine and aren’t focused on the Open, then you can do the Assault Bike session instead of Part C)
Every 4 minutes, for 24 minutes (6 sets):
30/20 Calorie Assault Bike
Hit these hard! Note times for each set.
A. 162 172
B. 140 160 170
C. HS 6/6/6/6/6
Sumo 6/7/8/8/8
DU 20/20/21/21/21
D. Surprised I could do 20 extensions,
A. 125 for sets 1-3, 135 for set 4, and 1/2 of set 5, stopped there was starting to get knee “pinching” and wanted to be able to do cleans
B. 103/113/118– split jerk was not very low, back leg barely moving.
C. HSPu: 9/8/8/9/6– came off wall
Sdlhp: used 85# 5/6/6/8/8
DU: 26/32/35/35/33
C: super nasally and stuffed up so no hspu. Subbed L sit presses with 25’s
Lsit 11 12 12 11 12
Sdhp 11 12 12 12 12
Du’s 25 36 38 39 32 (wanted to get to the 40 mark, but everytime i sped up…i tripped. So steady pace is much more efficient for me.
Front Squat x 5 reps
Jerk Balance x 3 reps 65#
Clean Lift-Off + Clean + Jerk x 1 rep
115/115/132/132 failed Jerk/132 redo/140 failed clean/140#
Felt heavy today on the legs.
Kipping Handstand Push-Ups – 6/4/7/5/8. Did these only unbroken. Super happy with improvement.
Sumo-Deadlift High Pull – 95# 5/5/6/5/5. Don’t do these enough!
Double-Unders – 18/20/7/19/20. Tripping like crazy today.
D. Done.
Finished these a little over 90 minutes.
No time on Monday seeing did I’m am on Tuesday. C. 71 khspu, 39 rdl, 166 DU 3 trips
Front Squat x 5 reps
Jerk Balance x 3 reps 65#
Clean Lift-Off + Clean + Jerk x 1 rep
115/115/132/132 failed Jerk/132 redo/140 failed Clean/140 redo
Felt heavy today on the legs.
Kipping Handstand Push-Ups – 5/3/6/5/8. Did these only unbroken. Super happy with improvement.
Sumo-Deadlift High Pull – 95# 5/5/5/4/5. Don’t do these enough!
Double-Unders – 18/20/7/19/20. Tripping like crazy today.
D. Done.
Finished these a little over 90 minutes.
A: 120/120/120/130/130#
B1: 50#
B2: 105/105/120/120/130/130#
KHSPU 5/5/6/6/6
SDLHP (Had to do 90# because that was all there was available at globo gym) 8/8/8/8/8
DU 35/35/35/36/36
D. Skipped
A: 285
B: 255
Mobility done
A. Sets 1-3 @ 200×5, Sets 4-5 @ 215×5
B. Skipped
C. KHSPU 6,6,7,7,7 SDHP 6,6,7,8,9 DUs 25,27,33,26,35
A. 135/135/135/155/155#
B1. 55/65/75#
B2. 115/115/125/125/135/145#
C. SHSPU 7/8/8/7/7 (37)
SDLHP 10/10/10/10/10 (50)
DU 35/36/36/36/36 (179)
A. 3×5 @210#, 2×5 @225#.
B1. Done
B2. 165-210#
HSPUs 15, 15, 15, 15, 16 (Last round was strict because I was tired of landing on my head kipping and shoulders felt good.)
SDHP: 7s across. These scare me, especially on the way down. Reset on bottom on each rep.
DUs: 37, 37, 37, 37, 36. Two reps faster than last time. Still need to figure out how to get quicker. I gotta think 40+ is possible.
D. Done.
A: 98-98-98-105-105kg
B: 91-91-104-104-110-110kg
C: Was happy with my HSPU as it is not usually a strong point of mine. Shoe laces came undone on the first set of double unders and tripped on a couple of sets but very happy with training
HSPU 15-16-15-16-17
SDLHP 12-12-12-13-14
DU 20-32-38-40-34
A. Front squatted yesterday sets of 3 from the floor worked up to 205 so didn’t squat today
The box workout was 13.1 did that 142 reps
C. 36 hspu 30 sumo deads 167 doubles
D. Done
Mobility activation done. 1st day back to the gym in 12 Days! The flu sucks!
A. 125-135-145-155-165#
B1. Done
B2. 135-145-155-165-170-175#
C. Kipping HSPU: 14, 16, 16, 16, 16
SDHP: 11, 11, 11, 11, 11
DUs: 36, 37, 38, 38, 38, 38
D. Done
Optional: did 4 of the 6 sets (thought my lungs had enough for the first day back). 1:26, 1:24, 1:23, 1:24
A) 135, 145
B) 120, 135, 140
C) HSPU 9, 14, 14, 13, 13. Been a while since I kipped and first set showed.
SDHP hurt my left delt during the warm up so I subbed clean pulls and cleans.
DU 30, 25, 34, 35, 34 tripped up on first two sets.
Mobility activation done. 1st day back to the gym in 12 Days! The flu sucks!
A. 125-135-145-155-165#
B1. Done
B2. 135-145-155-165-170-175#
C. Kipping HSPU: 14, 16, 16, 16, 16
SDHP: 11, 11, 11, 11, 11
DUs: 36, 37, 38, 38, 38, 38
D. Done
Optional: did 4 of the 6 sets (thought my lungs had enough for the first day back). 1:26, 1:24, 1:23, 1:24
A)horrible day of strength just wasn’t feeling it!
*was much lower than my %
C)hspu-17,16,16,15,12* should have done 14 or 15 each round, I burned out
Sdhp- 10-10-10-10-10 got very tough the last two sets
Dubs- 41-41-35(broke)-40-41
D) done
Rest up and get some good food in you and good sleep tonight!
DMA: done
Then I was challenged to partner a friend doing an MLK workout:
39 min EMOM of:
1 squat clean
9 front squat
2 back squat
9 power clean
(1929 was the year of his birth, 39 when he died)
It was brutal. I turned it into a 40 amrap, with 20 second rest — picked up in the complex wherever I left off. Did about 85%-90% of prescribed reps.
A. 255/255/265/275/275
B1. Done at 95&115
B2. 215/225/225/245/255/265
Kip HSPU- 18/16/15/14/13. Stayed on wall whole time. Shoulders just started to tire as sets went on
SDLHP- 10/11/11/10/10
Dubs- 40/40/40/41/42
D. Done
A: 215; 230
B1: 115; 135; 155
B2: 190; 215; 230
C: HSPU- 10, 11, 10, 9, 10 ( need to get the timing back on these. Purposely slowed them down a bit after the first rd felt sloppy)
SDLHP- 8, 7, 7, 7, 6
DUs- 30, 30, 25, 30, 37 ( Not use to the low cellings in the garage. Mentally I kept tripping up until the last rd.
D: Done