Primary Training Session
Warm-Up Primer
Three rounds, individually OR synchronized with a partner, of:
10/7 Calorie Machine (at the same time)
15 Empty Bar Thrusters
10 Burpee Pull-ups
5-8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
100 Foot Farmer Carry AND Sandbag Carry (one partner farmer carries and the other sandbag carries, then they switch)
Build to 90% of your Current 1-RM Bench Press
(This does not need to be a max effort attempt. Just something that feels heavy)
Eight sets of:
Bench Press x 2 reps @80%
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
x 15-20 reps @30% of 1-Rm Deadlift
Rest as needed
Four sets for times of:
400 Meter Run
60 Heavy Rope Double Unders or 80 Double Unders
Ring Muscle-Ups*
5 Ground to Overhead (255/185lbs)
Rest 3 minutes
Weight for ground to overhead should not exceed 80% of 1-RM
Set 1: 15 Ring Muscle-Ups
Set 2: 12 Ring Muscle-Ups
Set 3: 9 Ring Muscle-Ups
Set 4: 6 Ring Muscle-Ups
Four sets of:
30 seconds Heavy Front Rack Hold
Rest as needed
*These are not maximal but should be close. Will need to feel out weight for this but this should be heavier than you 1RM Front Squat
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout we’ve got some work/rest action. Since you’re getting a good amount of rest between sets, we’d like to see you push the run, try to go unbroken on the double unders, and then hang on for the ring muscle ups… the barbell will almost certainly be singles. For the ring muscle ups we’d like them done in no more than 3 sets, so pick a modification that allows you to get some good practice in without changing the stimulus too much. The ground to overhead should be a tough weight, but one that you can take a breath and put your hands back on between reps. Push the pace here and see how consistent you stay on the rings as your shoulders and pull starts to fatigue!
A 235, 200
B. 135
C. 20 bike / 80 du / 16 SA devils press 55# / 5 gto 165#
6:30-7:10 each round, did 5
Primer done
A: 145, 125
B: 105
C: 25 cals on bike, 80 DU, ring pull-ups, 165 – took over 8 min per round mostly due to bad DU and sheesh a lot of rest between G2O
D: done with KB holds (no rigs available)
On thursday.
Wu done
A. Up to 105kg, then 95kg
B. Done @50kg
C. Worked on rmu’s, short on time.
D. Done between rmu sets.
Warm up 2 rounds
A. Did strict press instead
82 5kg then 75kg for doubles
B. 60kg
C. Scaled to burpee pull ups, 100kg, 80 Du’s
6:17, 5:58, 5:46, 5:34
32:26 total
Runs 2:10
Du’s ub apart from 1 trip on 1st set
Gtoh around 1:10
D. 150kg
I haven’t trained in a few days- we got really sick in my house…. My breathing is starting to feel normal again but I’ll probably give it a couple more days. Don’t want to mess with this- hope to be back soon! 2022 hasn’t been so kind yet ????
Hope you’re doing well Tino! Hope today was awesome!
Primer ✅
A. Up to 265 then, 235 across all 8 sets
B. Done at 145
C. 5:20/4:37/4:05/3:49 w/ 60 drag rope DUs, 225lbs and Subbed 30 calories on the assault bike
Warm up: done
A. Up to 220 lbs
Then 195 lbs x2
8 sets
B. 155 lbs
C. 41:01
With 205 lbs
Warmup primer done
A. Up to 100Kg; 8×2 @ 90Kg
B. 60/70/80Kg for 3×20
C. Rx with 96Kg and 80 DUs
Runs – 1:40/1:37/1:36/1:32
DUs – 1-2 trips per rnd
MU – 5.5.5/4.4.4/3.3.3/5.1
G2O – PC/PJ singles throughout
D. Done with 160Kg
Wamn up, done
A. Bench- worked up to 130, then 8×2 at 115
B. 3×20 at 80lb. That was 30% but I should have gone 90-95.
C total time 27:40, using a105lb bar and subbing in Burpee pull ups for muscle ups.
D. Done w/ 155, no where near my max but it was still suuuupper challenging
Recommendation- I want to purchase a heavy rope but have no idea which one is good, any suggestions on what to look for, brand/weight? I’ve never used one before but I can rock double unders like no body’s business????
See what rogue has and what has been standard for women in competitor for weight